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keith jeffries

Sun 1st Sep 2019 09:48

And why not Don
Honestly said

Comment is about Maybe (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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John Coopey

Sun 1st Sep 2019 09:26

A question for you, Don; would you have supported Hitler when he dissolved the Reichstag?


Original item by John Coopey

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Ruth O'Reilly

Sun 1st Sep 2019 09:07

Thank you for reading Raypool, Adriana and Don

Comment is about Heads on a Pillow (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

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Ruth O'Reilly

Sun 1st Sep 2019 09:05

Definitely, Maybe...No I mean yes
You know you're a poet,
You must now confess
Bless what your given
Then your muse
Gives you more
Keeping writing
What's never
Been seen
Before ?

Comment is about Maybe (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

<Deleted User> (18980)

Sun 1st Sep 2019 09:01

A question Don...would Australia allow itself to be governed by an alliance of NZ, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa etc? I thought not.


Original item by John Coopey

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John Coopey

Sun 1st Sep 2019 08:51

Wounds that won’t heal in our lifetime, Don.


Original item by John Coopey

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Raj Ferds

Sun 1st Sep 2019 08:50

Thank you Keith. Glad you connected with the poem. Yes, there is the divine in each of us.

Comment is about My Communal Dance (blog)

Original item by Chakraj

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Don Matthews

Sun 1st Sep 2019 07:27

Does it work yes?
Does it work no?
Don't give a toss
Liked writing it so......

Comment is about Maybe (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Don Matthews

Sun 1st Sep 2019 03:07

I enter this from 10,000 miles only out of 'concern' for what i see happening. Would I be right in thinking the outcome, whatever that may be, will produce problems and initial 'pain' for UK?


Original item by John Coopey

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John Coopey

Sun 1st Sep 2019 00:06

But I thought you Brexiteers said Leave was all about restoring the sovereignty of the British Parliament. Where did that go?


Original item by John Coopey

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 23:53

Right on Rystel........?

Comment is about RIGHTS and wrongs (blog)

Original item by Chrystel Roberts

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 23:42

So good Amy........

Comment is about Beautifully Broken (blog)

Original item by AS Para

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 23:04

Very good Keith. I enjoyed it. Devon says it more eloquently than I can.......

Comment is about Moods (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 23:00

This is indeed clever Ruth.....

Comment is about Heads on a Pillow (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

Devon Brock

Sat 31st Aug 2019 22:31


The concept that we exercise little to no control over chance is well presented. The line "Feeling my way with uncertainty" reminds me of how I move through my house before dawn, when the lights are out, and only hands and feet know the way. "Only the wind aggravates my soul" - oh yes, there is the force that we must reckon with. At the tail end of the poem - reflection, rest, and summation. I do so like this piece. Universal, I would say.


Comment is about Moods (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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Amanda Ann; ❤

Sat 31st Aug 2019 22:12

You are so creative with your words. well done.

Comment is about SMILE CVN'T ! WHY CVN'T ? (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

Devon Brock

Sat 31st Aug 2019 21:47


I think these folks hold degrees in Sociopathy. Now I know that is not a word, but it should be, because they are well schooled in deceit and manipulation.


Comment is about WHEELER DEALERS (blog)

Original item by ray pool


Sat 31st Aug 2019 21:42

Every picture tells a story. Lovely and picturesque postcard you put there. Thanks for liking my 'Try On' Emer. ?

Comment is about Standing tall. (photo)

Original item by Emer Ní Chorra

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keith jeffries

Sat 31st Aug 2019 21:34

A poem which merits several readings in order to grasp all of its intricacies. ‘ Discovering that divine space which is in each of us” has a revelatory appeal as it is real.
Thank you for this

Comment is about My Communal Dance (blog)

Original item by Chakraj

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keith jeffries

Sat 31st Aug 2019 21:22

A powerful personal presentation of human emotion when the spirit which dwells within us is thwarted. The words are fired like bullets. A great piece of writing for which I applaud and thank you.

Comment is about Let Me Breathe (blog)

Original item by Zackareigh

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AS Para

Sat 31st Aug 2019 21:13

Thank you very much for your comments! Sometimes life isn’t all rainbow and roses. I don’t think we openly talk about this as much as we should. It is so easy to feel alone when you are in that place so my writings are intended to hopefully let folks know that they are not alone or not the only person in the world who struggles. Again, I greatly appreciate the comment and feedback!


Comment is about Self Loathing’s Song (blog)

Original item by AS Para

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 31st Aug 2019 20:12

JC-there seem to be very selective definitions of "democracy" being bandied about nowadays. The most notable example was
the national referendum vote to depart from the EU. That was
followed by endless in-house spats between the occupants of
Parliament about the terms of that referendum - quite clear to me
in its once and for all/no second chance warnings that only a
nit-wit could argue was confusing to voters.
If, as you say, these are "dangerous times", let the situation be
addressed in a cool reasoned manner by those who have
continually used scare and alarmist techniques to frustrate the
electorate's majority vote to leave the EU - with a sizeable
number of the occupants of Parliament as culpable as any. But hardly a surprise there though when one remembers just who
went along with the successive treaties (without a mandate
from the people) that bound the UK ever closer to "the project".
Is it any wonder so many of them are now playing the devil's


Original item by John Coopey

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Sat 31st Aug 2019 19:47

Thanks for reading and your feedback Leon & Ruth. My favorite poems to write have subtle shades of meaning, sort of like a kaleidoscope. Everyone sees something different from their perspective. 99% of the time as is the case here, I write the poem first and then go in search of the song/video. I love the way music enhances poetry. It’s like a symphony instead of a solo. Both are beautiful, but I find word immersion immensely intriguing.

Comment is about Delusions of Grandeur (blog)

Original item by Vautaw


Sat 31st Aug 2019 18:42

Thank you, kindly, for the comment, Kate.

I do get the idea that some are more likely to lock themselves away through bouts of heightened personal prowess. It makes sense, really. Using the world as a sounding board can be a real drain on creativity, and frankly, some people are real energy vampires.

I could go on, but I don't suspect that there is a need.

To another quiet Saturday )


Comment is about rare birds (blog)

Original item by nunya

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Mae Foreman

Sat 31st Aug 2019 18:40

Haha?, Don you're unstoppable! ?

Comment is about Blessed With A Curse -A Wretched Rhyme (blog)

Original item by Mae Foreman

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John Coopey

Sat 31st Aug 2019 18:19

You have to be particularly embedded in your opposition to the EU to support Johnson’s replication of what Hitler did, MC.
There is no question that these are dangerous times.


Original item by John Coopey

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Sat 31st Aug 2019 17:57

A curiosity of a poem Ruth. Implications and secrets the place for pillows and lying. Thoughtful and nicely turned.


Comment is about Heads on a Pillow (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

<Deleted User> (18980)

Sat 31st Aug 2019 17:44

It's a type of bitter surely?

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 31st Aug 2019 15:25

Penguin - thanks for the comment.
I thought of various combinations in terms of the intent of the
piece and some could have been utilised but I stayed with the
connection between "artistry and craft" and a wider appreciation/
interpretation (e.g. understanding) of them in context. As for
the omission of "man's"...I fell back on my songwriting habit of
singing the words in rhythm. That way you might see why I retained
the complete line as shown.
Don - thanks for your observation.

Comment is about GIVING A HAND (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 15:24

I'll have to ask Thalia. She's ringin' the bell. Relationship-settling-in hiccups. We're working on it......

Comment is about A Cog in the Works (blog)

Original item by Lisa C Bassignani

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 15:21

I'm now a limerick lover
They're unpredictable
Not like my boring verses
They're so predictable

But I'm trying......

Comment is about Blessed With A Curse -A Wretched Rhyme (blog)

Original item by Mae Foreman

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 31st Aug 2019 15:17

Always reliable to keep us all entertained and stimulated. But I
fall back on the basic difference in time and temperament while
adding that the inability of a certain section of the population
to see that choosing to be run by a conglomerate based abroad in
preference to retaining our right to control our affairs is ultimately, the most important concern.


Original item by John Coopey

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Mae Foreman

Sat 31st Aug 2019 15:04

Hardly predictable dear Don! Not at all in fact! Thank you!?

Comment is about Blessed With A Curse -A Wretched Rhyme (blog)

Original item by Mae Foreman

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Lisa C Bassignani

Sat 31st Aug 2019 15:03

Thanks Ruth. It is pretty cool. got a blueprint or would you like something done up custom?

Comment is about A Cog in the Works (blog)

Original item by Lisa C Bassignani

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 31st Aug 2019 14:56

Good to know that common sense can prevail in courts occasionally!
But I'm sure the officers saw it as a bit of a "test case" after getting
the complaint and decided to give it a run. This reminds me (no "bad" language connection though) of a similarly notable figure
here in London who was a regular sight in Oxford Street W1 with
his sandwich boards proclaiming the dangers of a protein diet.
I seem to recall that he was a former naval officer named Bill Boakes.
Eccenricity has its place - especially when it makes us THINK or
see life in a different way.

Comment is about SMILE CVN'T ! WHY CVN'T ? (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 14:54

MC I haven't heard of the cocktail 'markone05' before? I'm sure no-one's taken the plunge on this one before. Sounds pretty exotic. James Bondish even. I'd steer clear if I were you. Sounds a knockout........

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 31st Aug 2019 14:48

Enjoyable! But also think of the kick you get when finding you enjoy
a previously untasted/untested beverage. Most things we know have
had someone take the plunge at some time or other.

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 14:39

Thalia went off on my bike t'other day
(She left me to think up ideas) - the sod
And when it came back, Lise, something was broke
She'd gone and stripped bike's bloody gears

Can you mend? Thalia is heartbroken......
(She can wheel it across through the ether)....

Comment is about A Cog in the Works (blog)

Original item by Lisa C Bassignani

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Ruth O'Reilly

Sat 31st Aug 2019 14:29

What an unusual job you have Lisa, it sounds like hard work but I'm impressed by how you enjoy it and the way it seems to be inspiring you to write good poetry.

Comment is about A Cog in the Works (blog)

Original item by Lisa C Bassignani

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Ruth O'Reilly

Sat 31st Aug 2019 14:23

Fizz blinder! We're blinded by the excitement of nothing but a mocktail

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 14:16

Can I suggest a more 'gung ho' name? Perhaps 'Tommy Fuzzbanger'? a la Harvey Wallbanger. Hey? You could be on to something there.

Don't tell me. You've gone and changed your email 'tommyfuzzbanger'@. I should go into the email naming business....

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 31st Aug 2019 13:57

A good name for a dubious cocktail Don. Oh and well spotted!

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 31st Aug 2019 13:54

I thought that that was what you were inferring Ruth ? You take the credit.

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Amanda Ann; ❤

Sat 31st Aug 2019 13:49

Thank you for your guidence with my writing. I appreciate it Don Matthews.

Comment is about My Person (blog)

Original item by Amanda Ann;

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Don Matthews

Sat 31st Aug 2019 13:34

I thought it was going to be 'tommyfazzbinder'.......

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 31st Aug 2019 12:59

Ruth what was the photo please??

Comment is about Ruth O'Reilly (poet profile)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

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Ruth O'Reilly

Sat 31st Aug 2019 12:56

The 'cockup' tail ? Great foto!

Tommy I didn't see any foto at the time of posting that comment but you had said there was one, so I thought it was like the emperor's new clothes? You know just all part of the point that we can't see what we are getting yet we are meant to be excited about it, just like Borris and Brexit!

Comment is about Cocktail (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Lisa C Bassignani

Sat 31st Aug 2019 12:28

Tomorrow is another day
New memories to be made
Good or bad one cannot say
Yet tomorrow is another day

Comment is about Tomorrow (blog)

Original item by Ruth O'Reilly

<Deleted User> (17847)

Sat 31st Aug 2019 12:24

As long as you don't linger too long in delusions Vautaw. There is plenty of other tasty fish in the out there sea.

Poem? ?

Comment is about Delusions of Grandeur (blog)

Original item by Vautaw

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Lisa C Bassignani

Sat 31st Aug 2019 12:22

I honestly don't know any other way to be....

Comment is about SMILE CVN'T ! WHY CVN'T ? (blog)

Original item by Don Matthews

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