The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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clarissa mckone

Mon 4th Feb 2008 00:36

Hi Peter, this is nice

Comment is about It’s Barron in my garden (blog)

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Philip Golding

Sun 3rd Feb 2008 17:45

Life is one big circular motion its where we steer that motion that governs us.

Thank you Graham for your kind words

Comment is about Tumbling to Eventide (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (5984)

Sun 3rd Feb 2008 16:39

What a beautiful, beautiful poem. It is so fragrant and delicate. Very beautiful.


Comment is about It’s Barron in my garden (blog)

Pete Crompton

Sun 3rd Feb 2008 13:09

Steve thanks. They snapped the wheels off my hot rod. bastards.

Comment is about b u l l i e s (blog)

<Deleted User> (5984)

Sun 3rd Feb 2008 11:56


A beautiful poem, soothing and sensitive.


Comment is about Today my mind (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Graham Eccles

Sun 3rd Feb 2008 11:53

like yesterday and the day before
and on forever.
great poem.

Comment is about Tumbling to Eventide (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Philip Golding

Sun 3rd Feb 2008 11:31

I think what promted me on this one was the thought that the older you get the faster the years pass u bye.
Thank you for your kinds comments

Comment is about Tumbling to Eventide (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 3rd Feb 2008 00:20

Hi, Philip

Beautifully penned every day lifes simple chores as well as the Rat race going to work. Your poem has a great grip on reality, it is very precise, and fabulous piece to read!!
I must say, you have done WONDERFUL JOB!!!

Have a great weekend!!

Comment is about Tumbling to Eventide (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sat 2nd Feb 2008 20:29

Hi, Belinda,
Loved your poem! It is imaginative and connected to Nature which is my favorite. You have great use of the metaphors as well.
Great Write!!!


Comment is about Today my mind (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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clarissa mckone

Sat 2nd Feb 2008 04:09

Wow Lenford..I bet that was fun ! I like trains and I have seen pics of Poland, its very pretty. Nice poem.

Comment is about I love Poland (blog)

Original item by Lenford White

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clarissa mckone

Sat 2nd Feb 2008 04:07

HI Lenford, I really enjoyed read loves like that ! Its very special. thanks clarissa

Comment is about Lenford White (poet profile)

Original item by Lenford White

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Paul F Blackburn

Fri 1st Feb 2008 15:53

I didn't run out of film, I ran out of the building!
I ran Moxy home after the first half. Hopefully Julian and Gordon Zola took some more pics which will be put up here shortly....

Comment is about Eric Tomlinson at the Octagon Theatre, Bolton January 2008 (photo)

darren thomas

Fri 1st Feb 2008 14:25

Did Paul run out of digital film or did he just 'run out' before i got up!?

Comment is about Eric Tomlinson at the Octagon Theatre, Bolton January 2008 (photo)

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clarissa mckone

Thu 31st Jan 2008 18:17

HI Chris, this is very nice. It reminds me a little of some of my work. I enjoyed reading it!

Comment is about I'm a writer and want to share with many (blog)

Original item by Chris Heidtbrink

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Philip Golding

Thu 31st Jan 2008 16:52

Chris,you have natural talent to capture raw emotions.I look forward to reading more of your work.

Keep on with your quality writing

Comment is about I'm a writer and want to share with many (blog)

Original item by Chris Heidtbrink

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 31st Jan 2008 14:49

Hi Chris

Very profound and sad write. Unrequited love toughs on my heart strings-well written with fantastic flow poem, pleasure to read.

"Too weak to feel the storm hovering above
an obstruction shattering below
I fall
Failing to see where its path has taken me
I am soon crawling on fragmented glass yet driven blood running thin with tears
being shed upon my palms"

I could picture the pain of the writer in this particular stanza...GREAT POEM!


Comment is about I'm a writer and want to share with many (blog)

Original item by Chris Heidtbrink

<Deleted User> (5984)

Wed 30th Jan 2008 22:27


I love this poem so much. I adore the simplicity of the poem structure, which contrasts so beautifully with the philosophical content. And the last line almsot screams out. Beautiful.


Comment is about 'Because we are human' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 30th Jan 2008 03:08

Hi Lenford--It is good to hear from you..Also about the history of slavery. It brings kind of a bitter taste to me.My feeling are soft in my heart of other people sufferings. Still I am sensitive about such subject. I do believe that Planet Earth has enough of Goods to supply each group of people, it does not matter of the race or the Nationalities.I am against slavery always will. So the book you referring to is the "BELOVED"- I will check this book. Thank you for sharing so much knowledge about this subject....Zuzanna

Comment is about 200 years on (blog)

Original item by Lenford White

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 30th Jan 2008 02:54

Lenford- you brought a lot of memories in this writing. It happened that I was traveling across Canada by train too. But when visiting Europe it happened that I was in Warsaw then Paris on my way home to Canada, With the transfers in Heathrows Airport. Did you fly to Warsaw and then transfer there to take a train to TORUN ?
The picture of the train still reminds of the past.
Like you said from Agatha Christie stories.You are very adventurous man. And your writing amazes.Thank you...Zuzanna


Comment is about I love Poland (blog)

Original item by Lenford White

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Andy N

Tue 29th Jan 2008 22:54

Good stuff of course.. Sorry I couldn't stop to talk with you at Not Part off at the Dancehouse Theatre.. I was getting dragged all over the place there almost literally!!!!

Comment is about Stef Portersmith (poet profile)

Original item by Stef Portersmith

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Andy N

Tue 29th Jan 2008 22:51

The Fall has a real sense of power behind it, Tony.. It actually made make shake a little when i read it! Excellent!!!

Comment is about Tony Ryan (poet profile)

Original item by Tony Ryan

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Lenford White

Tue 29th Jan 2008 22:22

PS, I saw Roots when I was at school in 1975 - it had a big impact over here - it was a start too. Aley Hayley's book was overly dramatised, and even in 1975 I could not help thinking that it made slavery seem far more toerable for African than it actually was. The book is yet to be written on this subject...I know how I would tell it...Tony Morrisson's book is hearer the mark - having as her starting point a mother seperated from her child, and then benig haunted by the child's ghost....can't remember what it was called. Let me check on the could I have forgotten, it was called Beloved.

Comment is about 200 years on (blog)

Original item by Lenford White

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Lenford White

Tue 29th Jan 2008 22:16

Thanks for the comments. Yes, I am from the south - south Liverpool - and area called Toxteth. You may know of it, made infamous due to the "riots" in 1981 - we called them "uprisings" - it may sound grand, but they were defiance in the face of exclusion, racism and discrimination. Liverpool, after all was the Capital of the Slave Trade. My and a group of dedicated black observers wrote a book on this in 1997 called "Slavery: An Introduction to The African Holocaust".

I will submit the poem, would like to get up and tell it like it was and get people thinking about how our past impacts on us today

Comment is about 200 years on (blog)

Original item by Lenford White

<Deleted User>

Tue 29th Jan 2008 21:16

Interestingly spot-on there, Zuzanna.

I had not realised it myself: I have been reading a lot of modern Icelandic and Swedish poets - and I guess the scary Arctic cold has left its mark.
How astute you are!

Comment is about from Bone Tales (blog)

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Belinda Johnston

Tue 29th Jan 2008 19:15

Thanyou Zuzanna for your comments on my poem. I'm pleased that the message is clear in the poem, I like to keep things simple, and to speak from the heart, to me that is poetry at it's best. Belinda x

Comment is about 'Because we are human' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 29th Jan 2008 17:57

Sophie- You are a thinker. Great comment and so true. We do mess with the nature. And yes the paper comes from TREES!!
I love this write immensely.
Thought provoking poem!!

Comment is about underneath (blog)

Original item by Graham Eccles

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 29th Jan 2008 16:24

Belinda, your poem has strong message" I am a human'-As a human beings we are weak individuals. Quite often life imposes bariers and obstacles on its way, facing hardships each day.. Your words are precious and very profound.Yet the poem shows simplicity. This what makes you stand out! Great write!
Thank you....Zuzanna

Comment is about 'Because we are human' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 29th Jan 2008 16:06

Wow!--Your imagination goes wild in this one.
Ha ha ...It gives me a great laughter...Nature Best!


Comment is about underneath (blog)

Original item by Graham Eccles

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Philip Golding

Tue 29th Jan 2008 13:33

Clarissa, Zuzanna, and Daniel thank you very much for your kind comments about this poem. May be I should start my own cartoon stip mmmmmmmmmmm!

Your worde give much encouragement

Comment is about Love is ............ (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Daniel Hooks

Mon 28th Jan 2008 22:45

Thanks to you all for commenting!

Comment is about Days (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 28th Jan 2008 04:41

Melissa, you penned such a gem. Beautifully embraced the beauty of the rose. but I read in between the lines that the rose has much deeper meaning in your poem .Great Tribute to someone special.

"This rose
stands tall
and now
no longer in my hands
in the earth
that we walk each day,
trying to find meaning
for our own lives
and looking toward the heroes
to keep guiding us.
You were my hero,
and this is your flower.
Your memory stays with
and it'll stay with this world."

Very well wrapped at the end with this last stanza. BEAUTIFUL POEM!!


Comment is about Memory in Rose (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 27th Jan 2008 21:35

Hello Neil--Imaginative and thought provoking poem.Life often creates a hurdles and it is difficult to be happy at all times. You have captured that in your poem quite well.

"Your mind crawls between the web dust and into the cosy corner of books,"

Loved the attached picture... Zuzanna

Comment is about Pages (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 27th Jan 2008 21:30

Hello Malcolm,

Grete take on the female cosmetic surgery. I am rather against those artificial improvements. You have used a humorous lines too. That adds a
more taste to the entire write. But the sadness creeps in your last stanza. Thank you for the angle look at different solution to self improvement. Have a great holidays!

Comment is about Three Times a Virgin (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 27th Jan 2008 21:24

Neil, hi You have used a lot of creativity in your poem I love your lines about the Ocean. It gives me the vision of strength, power. Fear of the anger of the high waves! All of that creates a wonderful picture in my mind!

Great write!

Comment is about Ocean poem (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 27th Jan 2008 21:03

Daniel ~ your poem sounds great! It show the appreciation for life. Each day it is a gift.
Your lines show a lot of beauty, sorrows, hope, love , passion. Days to enjoy and savor like a great food. Very inspirational and like Moxy said
"Very reflective." Thank you for sharing this great food for thought in your enjoyable poem...Zuzanna

Comment is about Days (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 27th Jan 2008 16:33

Terrific lament for the passing moment -- Carpe Deum! I think it's so very strong that you don't need the last line because that's implicit in the rest of the poem. Very reflective and yet uplifting, Daniel.

Comment is about Days (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 27th Jan 2008 16:29

Oh bleak beauty! Oh lament of the final incision! The grave's a very private place, but none, I think, do there embrace, dermabrase, or chemical peel. I shall now call you Malpoet Marvell.

Comment is about Three Times a Virgin (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Robert Black

Sun 27th Jan 2008 10:02

Morag, I'm new to this site (joined this morning!) so was looking through some old poems of the month. This is such a powerful poem, anthemic almost and chock full of some great couplets. Men underestimate women at their peril!

Comment is about Woman (article)

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Robert Black

Sun 27th Jan 2008 09:57

I loved reading this John - there is a sincerity with which you capture that lost time.

Comment is about Many Years Ago (article)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sat 26th Jan 2008 21:28

You are amazing writer!
I love your feelings. You know how to grab an attention of a reader. Great poem!


Comment is about Love is ............ (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Sat 26th Jan 2008 17:05

HI Phil, this is a wonderful poem.

Comment is about Love is ............ (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Sat 26th Jan 2008 17:03

Hi ricardo, this is nice.

Comment is about from Bone Tales (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Sat 26th Jan 2008 17:01

hi daniel, this is a very nice poem!

Comment is about Days (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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Daniel Hooks

Sat 26th Jan 2008 10:49

great poem phil with all those innits going around here is a poem called rebel for you!

I am a slave to conformity
A social sheep
I go with the flow
And I am not too deep
I follow the latest fashion and fads
I hate all pop music especially my dads
I am hip and happening and talking like bling
Pretending I am black innit and ting

When I get older I’ll pull up my jeans
Comb down my hair and forget my teens
But today I’ll never conform or so it seems
I’ll live life in rebellion or so it seems

Comment is about ‘ing (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Daniel Hooks

Sat 26th Jan 2008 10:44

valentines day is fast aproaching and I would have loved to write this poem and dedicate it to my valentine
well done!

Comment is about Love is ............ (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Daniel Hooks

Sat 26th Jan 2008 10:42

nothing to say is also a great poem
I love the imagey please put some more up!

Comment is about garside (poet profile)

Original item by garside

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Daniel Hooks

Sat 26th Jan 2008 10:29

very good poem some great stanzas in there a humourous but a dark poem aswell

Comment is about Three Times a Virgin (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Philip Golding

Sat 26th Jan 2008 09:56

Thank you to all three of you for your kind words. Love is a complicated feeling to experience.

Paul I hope to cross the stage at bolton soon

Comment is about Love messes your mind (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Philip Golding

Sat 26th Jan 2008 09:45

Zuzanna thank you very much for you very kind words

One of the formats I enjoy is trying to put myself into another persons shoes or cive force to an object bringing it to life.

Thank you once my fellow poet

Comment is about A feast for your eyes (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sat 26th Jan 2008 04:29


You have captured new life, a miracle I call.

"Wind sweeps in, “don’t like this” you cry in your first cry

“Put me back now, its bloody cold out here”, you think say,

“Who ever pulled me out can just put me right back”."

These lines a very powerful image!!
Perhaps the new born feels that way, I am sure.
They are not able to say a word at the time of birth.
Beautiful write my dear Poet!

Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about A feast for your eyes (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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