The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 25th Jan 2008 05:01


Any written word can not be judged as good or bad so I was told. This is why I would like to pass the information on you so you will not be as hard on yourself thinking that your writes are good or not. Poetry today has many different faces. Some are free style some are Sonnets, some Haiku. People use many styles. All styles are nice.

I found your writing very nice. Easy to read and your feelings are in connections with your words.
Enjoyed this stanza in particular, as it gave me the perfection of your expressed feelings toward someone special.

"Lying down, I idly stroke your face and twist your hair around my fingers
You smell delicious, your skin is so silky, I put my arms around you and
Give you the tightest of squeezes. We both hold our breath.
Two hearts beat in unison, valentine’s day is our day. "

Very well written! Great poem!...Zuzanna

Comment is about Lenford White (poet profile)

Original item by Lenford White

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clarissa mckone

Fri 25th Jan 2008 01:22

Oh and I forgot one new type of slavery, very popular all areound america. Its the illegal mexicans, that are in a strange way the new slaves, they havent a clue! They get paid dirt wages. But then they have perks like free medical/dental, education, no taxes, free houseing and food.They can get loans for homes and cars and open bank accounts, with little to know proof of wages or who they are. I guess it could be said to be a modern type of slavery, with a twist.

Comment is about 200 years on (blog)

Original item by Lenford White

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clarissa mckone

Fri 25th Jan 2008 00:25

HI Lenford, nice poem.Are your from the South? I grew up hearing storys from family about slavery. Slavery is alive and doing well still today. The slave trade has been found in London, and Isreal, and Im sure other places as well. They now sell females of all ages, and I would guess boys to a point.The jobs are probably more degrading in this day and age as they are all sex slaves, working 12 hours or more a day, and their owner takes 80-90 % of the money made. Its interesting that the UN knows about this and the respective governments know, but never do anything to stop the slave trade. thanks

Comment is about 200 years on (blog)

Original item by Lenford White

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Paul F Blackburn

Wed 23rd Jan 2008 14:54

It can mess with your mind but always follow the yellow brick road and don't forget to click your heels three times and you'll get there.
Where have you been? We've missed you at both Bolton and Wigan?

Comment is about Love messes your mind (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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Paul F Blackburn

Wed 23rd Jan 2008 14:51

Hi Neil
I like the imagery and tautness of both these poems - keep 'em coming

Comment is about Pages (blog)

Original item by Neil Francis Brooks

<Deleted User>

Tue 22nd Jan 2008 19:07

Lovely jewels of poems, the rhymes exactly right, and without undue fuss, drive the whole poems wonderfully.

Just the right amount of play with the themes to bring up the sparks, and just the right use of the colloquial to blow the blaze.
(stop using silly metaphors! Sorry aboput that!)

And what a lovely photo!

Comment is about Louise Fazackerley (poet profile)

Original item by Louise Fazackerley

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clarissa mckone

Mon 21st Jan 2008 16:36

Great one Phil, love sure does mess us all up.

Comment is about Love messes your mind (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 21st Jan 2008 02:43

Philip ~ This poem is wonderful! I like the way you presented the love and fear of being loved.
The Metamorphosis are great in your write.



Comment is about Love messes your mind (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 21st Jan 2008 01:02

With out of DREAMS people will have difficulties to exist. Dreams are vital to human beings.
Your poem is thought provoking and well written.

Thank you Melissa for sharing the dreams for better tomorrow.


Comment is about Realize (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sat 19th Jan 2008 17:28

Great poem Daniel!!

Love,passion and pain. I feel each of your words if they were like a 'block letters' that one can touch!

Comment is about I held you like a diamond in my hands (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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Belinda Johnston

Sat 19th Jan 2008 16:45

Thank you Paul and Clariisa for your feedback and taking the time to read my poem.

Much appreciated


Comment is about 'Donald' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Belinda Johnston

Sat 19th Jan 2008 16:41

Thank you Mel, I wanted the poem to trigger some thoughts but at the same time for the reader to be taken on a journey, and it sounds like I've managed to achieve that.

Belinda x

Comment is about 'Donald' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Belinda Johnston

Sat 19th Jan 2008 16:40

Thank you steve for your comments about my poem. The rhyme in the poem wasn't deliberate, it's just the way it came out, and I agree that it read like a short story that flows.

Many thanks again


Comment is about 'Donald' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Daniel Hooks

Sat 19th Jan 2008 11:23

Hi Clarissa its not altogther true I am supersenstive but i don't get really angry I just become hurt I worte this poem because i wanted to take the mickey out of myself and I wanted to wirte a funny poem about that!

Comment is about warning!!! (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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clarissa mckone

Fri 18th Jan 2008 21:40

HI daniel, if this is true, your like my youngest child ! Hes a wonderful child but can get so mad hes like a little bomb. I enjoyed reading this and was reminded of some relatives now passed.Yoga may be a good class to take, need peace of mind.

Comment is about warning!!! (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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clarissa mckone

Fri 18th Jan 2008 21:33

Hi Daniel, This is a nice poem, I could really understand it.

Comment is about I held you like a diamond in my hands (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

<Deleted User> (5984)

Thu 17th Jan 2008 18:05

A beautiful poem Belinda. I love the contrast between the poem's soft rhyme and rhythm and the clinical questions. It asks you strong questions, but strokes your hand at the same time. lovely, lovely.


Comment is about 'Donald' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Steve OConnor

Thu 17th Jan 2008 10:17

Hello Belinda

I really like how 'Donald' flows. (That sounds weird, doesn't it? A flowing Donald.)

I like what you've done with the rhyme in this poem. It challenges preconceived ideas about rhyming poetry, and that's a good thing - far too many poetry snobs in the world.

Paul's right. It is an oddly moving poem. There's a sadness to it - but it's a sadness that observes rather than seeking to engage the reader's sympathy/pity.

Great opening line too.

Good 'un.


Comment is about 'Donald' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Steve OConnor

Thu 17th Jan 2008 09:59

I'd like to see you perform this one. Powerful stuff.

Of course, I'd expect nothing less than the Pete Crompton copyrighted trademarked and rubber-stamped full-on relentless rage with it.

Reads well off the page (well, screen). Good 'un.


Comment is about b u l l i e s (blog)

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Steve OConnor

Thu 17th Jan 2008 09:53

Really like the line 'shrunken violet promises'.

It's a great, tight poem, Peter.

Well done.


Comment is about A something New Year (blog)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 17th Jan 2008 07:20

Melissa~ This poem is wonderful!
You have described a lot of emotions that you experience in life. Thought provoking as well. Great use of metamorphosis.



I busy my mind
with distractions and dreams.
I ride the ocean.
I just forget that the wave
that I cling to
will come down,
crashing upon me,
and I will have no choice
but to feel.

Comment is about Under Water (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Thu 17th Jan 2008 01:44

Hi Melissa, This is a nice poem. Hope your well! Clarissa

Comment is about Under Water (blog)

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clarissa mckone

Thu 17th Jan 2008 01:43

Very nice poem!

Comment is about 'Donald' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Paul F Blackburn

Thu 17th Jan 2008 00:47

An oddly moving poem.

Comment is about 'Donald' (blog)

Original item by Belinda

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Paul F Blackburn

Wed 16th Jan 2008 13:35

About time you joined up Seamus - great photo of you too, you look just like that in real life ;)

Comment is about Seamus Kelly (poet profile)

Original item by Seamus Kelly

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clarissa mckone

Tue 15th Jan 2008 22:47

Hi Phil,This is very nice, I enjoyed reading your poem.

Comment is about Realms of Reality (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 15th Jan 2008 02:59

Sounds like a dark poetry.
The picture is worth Thousand Dollars...

Well thought provoking write that is given.

Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about City (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 15th Jan 2008 02:55

Philip~ You have given a lot of thinking to this poem. The creativity is showing like an open book. History and present time as well as some politic in those lines. I thing you have written philosophical piece here.


Comment is about Realms of Reality (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

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clarissa mckone

Mon 14th Jan 2008 15:17

Hi daniel, Im the strange one here I guess. I dont buy that we wiggled out of the ocean as part fish and mutated along the way into humans.I used to believe in evolution, till I read a few books on it and found out how many bones they had to support the ape to man theory. I think they found some old bones from a profoundly retarded/handicaped person and made it all up. There is a difference in fact and theory.There is so much we dont know. Darwins theory is fine and a good conversation. AS you can tell I dont follow that theory. Nice poem!

Comment is about Darwin's Daughter (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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clarissa mckone

Mon 14th Jan 2008 15:09

Hi Daniel, this poem is nice. I think it flows fine. I think some poems are for reading in the mind and others out loud.

Comment is about A computer virus called love (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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Mia Darlone

Mon 14th Jan 2008 12:27

I love the idea about shooting an audience member! I also think it would be very stylish to don a shell suit at the end of my performance and then drop a lighted match into the hood.

Comment is about Steve O'Connor (poet profile)

Original item by Steve O'Connor

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Daniel Hooks

Mon 14th Jan 2008 11:24

yea that was a great line but I wander whether or not the poem flows?

Comment is about A computer virus called love (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 14th Jan 2008 04:28

Hello Daniel!!
I like the idea about the love, but stay away from computer Viruses...Smile. Great imagination in your poem!

"love is the virus that makes us all human"

I love this line- The feelings of being loved it has a healing power. Emotionally depleted from love people tend to suffer emotional problems, they are looking to escape that drinking or doing other inappropriate things to their health like drugs ..etc...Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about A computer virus called love (blog)

Original item by Daniel Hooks

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Philip Golding

Sun 13th Jan 2008 13:21

there is a greatflow to this poem which i enjoyed immencly. There areso many linesd here that stick ouy, bu tmy favorate is
All you fibs are wildly porcine.

great stuff

Comment is about A Sonnet to Lionpig (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Paul F Blackburn

Sun 13th Jan 2008 11:09

There is something particularly disturbing about losing younger people, commiserations to you and your family.

Comment is about Time (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 13th Jan 2008 10:52

Malcolm, I am so very sorry to hear of the death of your son-in-law. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Comment is about Time (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 13th Jan 2008 00:12

I am not sure what is happening with the page today. It is a second time I was kicked out of the page not being able to either begin or finish my comment! Thank you for the interesting poem about the wedding in Australia. It sounds like a such great event! Your imagination is fantastic!!
Enjoyed reading the twists and turns in that
Muse of yours...Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about Australian Wedding (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 13th Jan 2008 00:09

Comment is about Australian Wedding (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 13th Jan 2008 00:03

Philip- You have put many wise thoughts in your write. Love the poem!! It says about real World we live in. Fantastic write and also food for thought as well. Keep penning on...GREAT JOB!!!

Comment is about It's Criminal (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

Malcolm Saunders

Sat 12th Jan 2008 11:43

Sir John was far too polite to call anybody a prat, let alone a royal, but he could be pretty bitchy when he liked. I think he was a great poet although I know that plenty of people are quite derisive about him.

I am afraid I am not in Sir Betj's league, but thanks anyway Ricardo

Comment is about A Right Charlie (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User>

Fri 11th Jan 2008 18:22

very nicely written, that is, nice in the sense of discriminating and particular.

I think John Betj (Sir) would have been proud to have written that. A much maligned writer of particular tones of voice.
Though perhaps you are more acid - much to your advantage.

Comment is about A Right Charlie (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

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Paul F Blackburn

Fri 11th Jan 2008 10:35

Photos by Paul Blackburn

Comment is about Gordon Zola at the Tudor House, Wigan January 2008 (photo)

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 11th Jan 2008 00:08

This reminds of the Chinese Astrology of the computability signs. Lion-Pig will be very compatible in that sense.

Great write...Zuzanna

Comment is about A Sonnet to Lionpig (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Fri 11th Jan 2008 00:06

Malcolm~ Thank you for the great explanatory comment as I was not sure whom you were referring too. Now knowing this I would agree with you, as we are affected by this mess too. Thanks again...Zuzanna

Comment is about A Right Charlie (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 10th Jan 2008 11:43

My grandaughter has a rocking horse just like this and it is lovely. As they are made from relatively fast growing softwood, there should not be any problem about wooden rocking horse production being entirely sustainable.

The poem is really about a trade union leader with whom I had particular problems. It seemed to me that he had all the thinking capabilities of the rocking horse and made just as much progress, but he lacked the beauty and the usefulness of a childs exquisitely manufactured toy.

'trot' is a rather obscure pun unless you are in on it. Horses trot of course, but rocking horses don't. This Trot is really a capital letter version meaning Trotskyist. For those who may not know, Trotsky was an advocate of permanent revolution. Far to the left of Lenin and Stalin, he was briefly the Commissar for War in revolutionary Russia before fleeing the country and later being murdered with an ice pick on the instructions of Stalin. In my youth I was a Trotskyist, but I grew out of it. Quite a lot of our leading trade unionists are still Trotskyists.

Again I'm afraid, the explanation is longer than the poem. My poems are actually seldom about what they may seem, but then that is the joy of poetry to me. You can say so many things in so few words and even if nobody, but you knows what you are saying, it can still give pleasure.

Comment is about Andy (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

Malcolm Saunders

Thu 10th Jan 2008 11:32

Thanks Clarissa & Zuzanna

The poem refers to St paul's cathedral in London designed by Sir Christopher Wren. The Charlie is Prince Charles, son of Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales. He is fond of expressing opinions on lots of things that he knows nothing about. I regard him as a complete prat and it irritates me because, as a member of the royal family, he can get media coverage for any stupid thing he has to say, but because he does not have any responsibilities and he is not elected, he is not accountable to anybody and he cannot be removed from his position of influence.

The reason that I posted this poem now is that a regulatory body has recently been established for so called 'alternative' or 'complementary' medicine after lobbying by Prat Charles. In fact the poem was written long ago and refers to his comments on modern architecture. He described a modern building as a 'carbuncle' and the strong implication was that only much older styles of building had any merit. The truth is that only the good things among the old stuff have survived and the rubbish has gone. The same will happen with more modern buildings, but Charlie is too thick to work that out.

The Prince of Wales has a personal crest of three feathers with the motto of ich dien (I serve). In my opinion he only serves himself and does so largely at the expense of me and other taxpayers. I was sarcastically suggesting that he sees himself as another Christopher Wren although he has none of the knowledge to design a building at all, let alone St. Paul's cathedral.

'Ghastly' is a word that he seems particularly to like and when it is said in his peculiar, strangled upper class English accent it really sticks in my mind.

Sorry the explanation is longer than the poem.

Comment is about A Right Charlie (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 10th Jan 2008 09:29

Architecturally well described. Tried to guess where I have seen this Dome. I guess Rome would be one where they build this churches in that style. White House also and our Parliament building has similar dome too. Great write.

Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about A Right Charlie (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 10th Jan 2008 09:26

Hello Phil~ Your poem has very deep meaning! GREAT STUFF!

Thank you ...Zuzanna

Comment is about I vow to thee (blog)

Original item by Phil Golding

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 10th Jan 2008 09:24

Very happy poem. I love the rocking horse. It is beautiful! Not sure what is better the poem or the picture. I think BOTH!!

Thank you...Zuzanna

Comment is about Andy (blog)

Original item by Malpoet

darren thomas

Thu 10th Jan 2008 08:50

Mia - your poem about 'veg' had me laughing out loud! And that, believe me, is not something that I do often. Very, very, funny.
It was supposed to be funny - wasn't it?

Comment is about Mia Darlone (poet profile)

Original item by Mia Darlone

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