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Raj Ferds

Thu 12th Oct 2017 12:29

Happy Birthday Hazel. Now stand up and take a bow.
Some of those lyrics still resonate within me.
Perhaps a more upbeat finale?

Comment is about Reminder to Sgt Pepper (blog)

Original item by Hazel ettridge

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Greg Freeman

Thu 12th Oct 2017 09:45

Good to see you there, Dave, and glad it turned into a welcome break. I think it's fair to say that your anthology poem, 'Three score and Ten: A Life of Biblical Proportions', went down a storm with the Milestone Society members ...

Comment is about Milestone moment as Write Out Loud's competition anthology is unveiled (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Raj Ferds

Thu 12th Oct 2017 09:03

I quite like this piece Becki in all its simplicity.
Gates can mean a lot if you dwell on the role they play.

For me they are a silent witness to comings and goings. gates open conversations and shut things out. Gates opens minds. They have a history.

Nice one.

Comment is about gate (blog)

Original item by Becky Sowray

<Deleted User> (13762)

Thu 12th Oct 2017 08:33

coming back to this later when I have more time - glad you've finally found some internet Mr Spangles.

Comment is about The Noise You Make (blog)

Original item by Suki Spangles

<Deleted User> (13762)

Thu 12th Oct 2017 08:29

loving your work Ray and all the change of season poems here on WoL. Go kick leaves people ?

Comment is about AFTERMATH (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13762)

Thu 12th Oct 2017 08:09

like Beckett's Godot, feels like we are all waiting for something or someone to show up, to delivery us from whatever. Nice one Desmond. Col.

Comment is about Empty Hat (blog)

Original item by DESMOND CHILDS

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keith jeffries

Thu 12th Oct 2017 05:59

Jon, everything you write resonates with me. I read your poems over and over again. There is an affinity. Keep in touch matey and please write more. Keith

Comment is about I told you (blog)

Original item by Jon Darby

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 23:33

Hi again Keith
I really got a lot from 'Existence', and it conveys the sense of struggle and longing very well.
Insightful and moving.
Thanks also for kind comments Keith ?

Comment is about Existence (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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mike booth

Wed 11th Oct 2017 23:15

Thanks for encouraging comments... i felt this one flowed quite smoothly, and captured my thoughts on a phrase I am hearing quite often these days... perhaps symptomatic of a modern age of anxiety?
M x

Comment is about The Swan Effect (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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Martin Elder

Wed 11th Oct 2017 23:10

Thank you Helen and Philip for reading and showing your appreciation. It never ceases to amaze me what my mind drags up and remembers. some more vivid than others.
I am very grateful

Comment is about southdown road (blog)

Original item by Martin Elder

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 22:10

I'm glad you dropped in David - you really are a like a dose of salts (in a good way). As ever, you have gone the extra mile; yes, there is that shall we say slightly predatory need at play here. I had a neighbour who was a carer, and her mind was like a gutter, full of venom and I had a shout up with her and told to fuck off and get an education. So that's all good. Life is rarely as we would like it to be.


Comment is about MRS DROGUE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:59

Fine and uplifting ; I like the idea that it's presented like one of those simple guide books and catches the flavour of small venturings Helen.


Comment is about How To Catch A Fish In The Solent (blog)

Original item by Helen

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:56

I am a great fan of the moon. It's different shapes and powerful light is wonderful. I like the part in the poem about how it pours it's light equally on everyone.

Comment is about The Moon is a Thing (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:52

Dripping with irony and observation Suki. Like a sculpture ,
so much detail to ponder on and absolutely sublime.

I've missed you too - the stakes are rising.


Comment is about The Noise You Make (blog)

Original item by Suki Spangles

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:47

I enjoyed reading this so much.

Comment is about The Swan Effect (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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AM Cash

Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:36

Hi Nigel
Thank you for the like on my blog
Andy C

Comment is about Nigel Astell (poet profile)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:32

Thanks you kind Col. Funnily enough I was going to read this as Alan Bennett! Glad you liked it old chap. Yes, the rain came along later for us after soaking up more of the sea.
Hope life is good and interesting for you .

Also thanks for liking, Rich and Ferris much appreciated.


Comment is about MRS DROGUE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

patricia Hughes

Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:30

I'm a stubborn Taurus but I love the moon and this poem.

Comment is about The Moon is a Thing (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas


Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:23

so beautiful...

Comment is about The Swan Effect (blog)

Original item by mike booth

patricia Hughes

Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:21

The imagery in this poem is excellent.

Comment is about The Swan Effect (blog)

Original item by mike booth


Wed 11th Oct 2017 21:06

Congratulations Hanna, a fine poem. A great POTW.

Comment is about 'The Traveller' by Hannah Collins is Write Out Loud's Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 20:51

This is lovely, really enjoyed it.?

Comment is about A Life in Colour (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 20:50

Beautifully expressed...trees left undone....great line...great poem.

Comment is about Merely Air (blog)

Original item by Leigh Tiffany Love

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 20:22

Thank you Raj your comments are always appreciated.

Comment is about Something Real (blog)

Original item by Wardah

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Martin Elder

Wed 11th Oct 2017 19:59

This is indeed a lovely sunny poem Helen in more ways than one. It bounces along at it's own pace and I love the last line. I also rather like Belgian buns !
I shall look forward to reading more in future

Comment is about How To Catch A Fish In The Solent (blog)

Original item by Helen

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 11th Oct 2017 17:26

This is great. Some great truths here.
I especially like the piece about the children's grey uniforms, have often thought that.


Comment is about A Life in Colour (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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David Blake

Wed 11th Oct 2017 16:44

I like this Helen. It made me smile.

Comment is about How To Catch A Fish In The Solent (blog)

Original item by Helen

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John Coopey

Wed 11th Oct 2017 16:07

Ah, THAT Airedale, Colin. Airedale near Cas is an altogether different kettle o' fish. They eat their young there.

Comment is about VAMPIRES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Raj Ferds

Wed 11th Oct 2017 15:50

One more Libran here. Now that should definitely tip the balance Cynthia. How about a "Moon Walk" just to whip our wanderlust.

Nice one.

Comment is about The Moon is a Thing (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Dave Morgan

Wed 11th Oct 2017 14:35

Sorry we missed it. Sounds better than ever.


Comment is about Well-versed pupils are stars of the show at Marsden's poetry jam (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Dave Morgan

Wed 11th Oct 2017 14:32

Very enjoyable afternoon Greg and the perfect captive audience. WoL acquitted itself very well in the company of
those avid historians.Really had a good couple of days and in fact followed the 'milestone way' from Long Compton to Stratford clocking all six mileposts on Sunday. A genuine I Spy experience.


Comment is about Milestone moment as Write Out Loud's competition anthology is unveiled (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 11th Oct 2017 13:53

Librans are all coming out the woodwork here CBT. I'm 66 on the 16th.
Beetling around our it!

Comment is about The Moon is a Thing (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Wed 11th Oct 2017 13:38

Hi Cynthia
Great poem,especially enjoying the last stanza, referencing the moon as 'a hunk of junk,hurtling around earth,tethered by our gravity,like walking the dog'.
Made me think ; and laugh.
(Libra also here)

Comment is about The Moon is a Thing (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 11th Oct 2017 13:34

Delightful! In concept and execution! So easy and relaxed.

Comment is about How To Catch A Fish In The Solent (blog)

Original item by Helen


Wed 11th Oct 2017 13:10

Hi Cynthia and Col, thanks to both of you for reading and commenting ?

Cynthia, I don't mind suggestions at all - encourages me to really think about why I wrote what I did. I'm still thinking about the 'naked' and know I feel attached to it, but not sure why - so I'll keep thinking.

Col, I'll definitely have a look at Roger McGough.

Thanks again

Comment is about Exquisite Vision (blog)

Original item by Lan

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Andy N

Wed 11th Oct 2017 12:58

thanks guys. i like this one. great day (:

Comment is about Andy N (photo)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 11th Oct 2017 12:50

To be born under 'Libra' and then called 'Cynthia' was really tempting 'Moon Influence'. I am a reasonably thinking person, and therefore, I mock nothing.

Should I call this 'Walking the Dog'?

Comment is about The Moon is a Thing (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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keith jeffries

Wed 11th Oct 2017 12:43

Jon, Your poems are rich in nostagia and carefully and thoughtfully crafted. They immediately take me back years to a world long since forgotten. Thank you indeed. Keith

Comment is about Jon Darby (poet profile)

Original item by Jon Darby

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John Coopey

Wed 11th Oct 2017 12:41

Would that be Airedale, Cas, Colin? They have their own horrors there.

Comment is about VAMPIRES (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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keith jeffries

Wed 11th Oct 2017 12:39

Jon, your poems and especially this one bring back to life the past with such clarity. I was almost there. Thank you for this. Keith

Comment is about The Day Of Her Leaving (blog)

Original item by Jon Darby

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Greg Freeman

Wed 11th Oct 2017 12:31

The title hooked me! And it's a lovely poem, too. Full of joy.

Comment is about How To Catch A Fish In The Solent (blog)

Original item by Helen

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 11th Oct 2017 12:17

And those who hold power in places like Iran continue to
insult the term "humanity" - abnegating their duty
to use that power for the best of all purposes...the benefit
of all of their people.

Comment is about Freed Iranian poet honoured as 'writer of courage' (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 11th Oct 2017 12:13

Thanks Colin. There are times when I wonder why I bother
watching, let alone listening to some of its self-important

Comment is about MEDIA WISDOM (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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Helen Elliott

Wed 11th Oct 2017 11:26

Martin, this is a great poem. Really enjoyed your trip down memory lane.

Comment is about southdown road (blog)

Original item by Martin Elder

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Helen Elliott

Wed 11th Oct 2017 11:04

Lovely stuff. Beautifully descriptive with rich imagery. Enjoyed it a lot.

Comment is about Autumn (blog)

Original item by Chris Armstrong

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 11th Oct 2017 10:05

excellent poem Lan which for me has echoes of Roger McGough which is all good and ticks my boxes.

I'm sure Cynthia won't mind me disagreeing with her but I rather like the 'naked' in the last line - when read slowly, the repeated n's and a's have a somewhat melodic and soporific feel as if the reader is being drawn down into that very same 'nape'. If that makes sense?

thanks for posting and with respect to both you and Cynthia.

Comment is about Exquisite Vision (blog)

Original item by Lan

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 11th Oct 2017 09:43

such a caring soul Ray - you'll be getting your very own Mary Shepherd living in a van in your driveway next. Lovely poem and reading as always - and yes, this mizzle has now turned into a proper pizzle if you get the flow.
cheers, Col.

Comment is about MRS DROGUE (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Raj Ferds

Wed 11th Oct 2017 06:14

Short and sweet and you've said it all Wardah.
"Letting go" is therapeutic. It is a cleansing process.
Nice one.

Comment is about Something Real (blog)

Original item by Wardah

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Tue 10th Oct 2017 22:29

Thank you very much for the comments Keith, Raj and Nicola xxo

With the white thread of dawn comes beautiful sunlight ?

Comment is about Praying for an end to the Night (blog)

Original item by Wardah

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Philip Stevens

Tue 10th Oct 2017 21:30

A road unchanged in fifty years... poetry itself

Comment is about southdown road (blog)

Original item by Martin Elder

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