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Without You


If you had a choice

Then what would you choose to do?

I could live without money

I could live without fame

And if every day is sunny

I could live without the rain


Even if I went up to heaven

I will fall right back down

And life wouldn’t be easy

Because you’re the one I couldn’t live without


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I remain free

my own lost saviour

a follower of no-one

sorcering a new novena.


©  Katypoetess 2016


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Also by Katy Megan:

Resurrection |

Katypoetessmary magdaleneShadows of Magdalene

congratulations on leaving your bed

at least once a week i have a dream that i can only wake up from

by rubbing orange segments in to my eyes


the average cloud weighs the same as a hundred elephants


i think we should get awards for doing mundane things like washing and leaving the house

this way we would make depressed people feel better about not being able

to achieve the lofty goals of the ‘normal’



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Also by Stuart Buck:

the key | fire dance | mother? | lonely (haiku) | we're going to need a bigger boat | dear sun, thanks for everything. love everyone. | i cant take you tonight but i will be back for you so pack a bag | benedictus | blossoms | cold pizza, nudity and the moon | what will be easier would be easier | worms | passed | sick | feral | a cat, a bird, a rock | a nonspecific party in a nonspecific city | pops | daveku | mother | rope | inter arma enim silent leges | borealis haiku | loss (tanka) | poetry | (star) | fever | blasphemy | click clack | the whale | fermi's paradox | this light is a bird | i loved me but now i'm dead | forty milligram xanax blues | who knows you? |

morning light

Mourning doves are cooing

and fresh daylight sun pours into the window,

bathing the floor in geometric shapes and the soft shadows of our sheets--


I've forever abandoned the path that led to my lover's door..

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Also by nunya:

PIN | the convalarium | model glue | anomalous | distant | personal psychotron | burst | wearing stripes | volatile | children of the deity | avert | vestige | extended stay |


the smell of smoke drifts
from the burning mountains

your breath moving
the strands of my hair

new light touches
the corner 
of the bedside table
and tells me 
what i don't remember

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"Gombeen Men"

 “Gombeen Men”


 “A Smuggler’s Song”

“If you wake at midnight, and hear a horse's feet,
Don't go drawing back the blind, or looking in the street,
Them that ask no questions isn't told a lie.
Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by.”  (Kipling)

"From first class Hull Train carriages

The Art 'elite' -

Sleek Gombeen men

In Renaissance man

Hugo Boss

Linen su...

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Also by Rick Gammon:

"Read About Him in a Sunday Glossy" | "Blessed Mondays" | "Carlos" | "Brisbane Road" | "V.E.Day" | "S 'n' M" | "Ben and Tillie" |

Pandemonium (acrostic)

Peace and dialogue are rejected
Anarchy with chaos breeds and
No-one is safe from the claws of fear
Demons with devilish or "divine" intentions
Excrete their venom, make their motives clear
Milton gave us the word in Paradise Lost, an
Odious capital in the midst of Hell
Nearing beauty in its simple concept, but how to fight it?
I cannot tell, there's
Unease and violence in the maelstrom, ...

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Also by David Lindsay:

Song | The Tongue | Steadfast | God's Cahnty | Moles | To a Slug | Downwind | Introspection (acrostic) | Sweet Little Lies |


How to write a poem

Choose your topic. The less you know someone the better (worse) it will be. 

Write about what intrigues you about them. Avoid describing physical features like her eyes or hair. Be attentive to peculiar details if you must talk about features,  say you like the creases in his knuckles or her raw chewed fingernails. 

Since you've spent little to no time together, extract every drop of meaning...

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Also by Yvette Pauley:

(untitled) |

By The Rest

By The Rest

On its way to next
By an era of rest
Makes the monster loiter
And hence birth of another text

Its sacred and curved hair
Wrinkled face to its phantom dear
A height of goddess feet of deer
All these are of a lady who is out
Of a phantom’s care

A fleshless bony fairy child
An aimless lovely feathery wild
Spotted green and yellow yet pink is mild
She, the fairy lady on ...

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The Night

The daytime creeps upon me

I see it and walk towards

I have been waiting for her 

But it burns to love

She fades to black

My fury inside

My darkness of soul

I realise the truth

But feel no sorrow

And in the beginning of life

The universe said

You are the night

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Also by Tim MacShull:

The Destroyer |



you would not believe how easy it is to break a mirror!
and we're not talking the ones that you see in the clearance sections at stores,
we're talking about the mirror that shows you how you think about yourself.

this mirror is one made of a very special glass,
one that comes in all different shapes and sizes for every person,
one that is very often...fragile.

a child often begins their ...

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Poetry springs in the atmosphere when a singer sings in tune,

And the instrument is played with rhythm and rhyme.

It is poetry when a child in cradle innocently smiles,

It can also be seen in love filled mother’s eyes,

Or in the eyes of a beloved,

On the first day of married life,

Poetry is in truth and truthful ways,

Poetry shudders from crime.

It is poetry when you cook ...

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Still at shore with the weight of gaffes around my dreams

Afraid to set a course

At odds with all but how it seems

Perception sits on the thrown of what is

What is not cannot stand to the claims of what should be

With demise almost a certainty

Almost - becomes the theme that moves me

Fastened to procrastination

Circumventing the truth

Giving ear to assumptions

Off the...

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Also by kimafia Jones:

Grey Skies |



Gentle morning haze

Filters hesitant sunlight

Promised radiance

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

What’s In A Name | River Of Life | Coastline | Mortality | Summer’s Day |


When You're Here When You're Not

When you are here and we laugh.  When a new aspect of your personality and charm shows itself and dances before my eyes, amazing and original.  When you teach me more than i could ever teach you, reminding me again and again that i must always support you to be yourself and never to be an extension of me.

When you are here and I listen to you when you are unaware, when your mind creates and exp...

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28 is the date I hate 

cuz she left 


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(Back by popular request, my mankini)


Look what they done to my thong, Ma

Look what they done to my thong, Ma

The posing pouch is very small, the waistband very long, Ma

Look what they done to my thong.


I can’t buy clothes off the shelves, Ma

I can’t buy clothes off the shelves, Ma

I need my basque in XOS and high heels in size 12, Ma

I can’t buy clothes off the s...

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Also by John Coopey:


A linchpin that doesn't fit the axle!

The hardest way
It came to my head,
If  a linchpin doesn't  fit
The axle,
It is as good as dead!

An honest man
Amidst many a ragamuffin
Is just like one the last  nail
Is hit on whose coffin!

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Also by Alem Hailu G/Kristos:

A toothless face | Diffrent toungues but the same speech |

Integerity honesty truth tragedy life society

Wispa R.I.P.

For twelve glorious years

You were a member of the family

The highs and lows you were there to see

A constant delight and companion to everybody

The day has come for a last goodbye

All we can do is sit and cry


Unconditional love and affection

Was always yours to give for free

I smile and recall the joy on the face of thee

When you frolicked as a puppy by the sea


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Also by Tom Doolan:

Catastrophe in Nice | Glasnevin Reminiscing | Diamond Geezer |

Getting It Taped

Back then when music exceeded my means

I found a solution: the second-hand

reel-to-reel I picked up at a snip –

a Philips most likely or maybe a Grundig,

some brand I thought would last.


Its clickety counter gave no insight

into the digital age. It couldn’t remember

or shuffle a thing. Pre-CD and pre-cassette,

it lacked a remote or any inkling

of the bells and whist...

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Also by David Cooke:

Les Jolies Femmes de Paris |

Blood Money


30 plus years buying sanitary ware

and now I over-spend on medication;                       

a two-synth twin script                                              

reproducing oomph

that my over-worked ovaries



30 plus years paying too much tax

on tampax, panty pads,          

and now I get to shell out                                                     ...

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The Girl Who Will Never Care

The Girl who will never care!
But it is tempting cause it's rare. 
She could be sweet, rough or adoring,
but for sure she can't be boring.
Her body is hot and you are caught
in Her smile, in Her style.
She is everything you're not,
with Her stands comma, where should dot.  
Love is a game and there is no rules,
but be aware of molecules. 
They can fuck up things a bit,
the Girl can also...

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Mr Fantismo on Mars

First steps on planet Mars for Mister Fantismo
Having travelled for long to watch destination
Alone on this journey with huge motivation
For this rightful owner, solo without Gizmo

Entering this spaceship, shrinking Earth left behind
Hoping to find lifeform, these little green Martians
That will have great power to grow alien gardens
To feed desert planet and advance this small kind


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Also by Louis Audet:

Mr Fantismo in Merlin's Order | Mr Fantismo at Atlantis | Mr Fantismo vs Caesar | Mr Fantismo vs Cowbica | Mr Fantismo and sundae | Mr Fantismo and the princess | Mr Fantismo and the minotaur | Mr Fantismo and the treasure | Mr Fantismo - introduction | Confidence | Near You | Surprise | Parking | Beach time | Movie for two | Past Glory | Puppy | Storm | Model for the day | Wanting something good | Feeling You | Bad Luck | Sniper | Trip | After Careful | Careful | Special |


Hearts letter

Siloute of my dear love
Be it true
Or is it was
Siloute of my dear love
Here's my hearts letter
Bleeding hearts poem
I wrote with intentions
Of keeping you home
I'd love to convince you
Day after day
How your loves fading
Fading away
But I won't let it
Be it now known
Because I know you will regret it
When your alone
It's so hard to make you see
That my world it stops
When your w...

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Also by A.august:

Winters Farming | Angels Cry | Angers Step Child | Our new leader" " | Forever in your eyes | Winters Moon | Before it's now | The Walk | On the inside | He's hear (hear on purpose) | Curiosity | The Lie | Beautiful Butterfly | A pretty girl | The Biker | Flirting In the Rain | Comanche man | Mothers | WHERE ARE YOU |

its not about what you own

do we all hide behind a false sense of security? if its your hair, youd never dare cut it off because how ugly theyd think you look. if its a boy, you give all your love to him and if he ever left you, you swore youd leave yourself too. if its your substance of choice, that makes you feel like you can be anything but ones you crash its a nightmare. you feel like someone took your heart and began g...

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Also by Youthfullyxx:

god and all his mystery | thoughts kill | dont be decieved | i was delusional | insecure girls | i fooled myself | hiding under faces | sorry for the violence | karma | people will be sneaky | truth is in the eyes | someone valuable on the horizons | set the word free | manipulating friends | girls like me are full of flames | question everything |


Between the beautiful sky & me.

There is so much of tranquility..

My lips are sealed. but, mind calls out loud.

Distant it appears as though beautiful sea touches the sky..

I wonder if they really meet?

Between the beautiful sky and me

with the sand under my feet

Silence..But discussion does not stop between my mind & heart

Between the beautiful sky & me.

In the quiet ev...

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Also by Sharvari:

Lost to find |

Far Away

Is the high worth the pain?

Or for the sunshine is the rain?

Stuck between this world and yours,

Both of my feet in different doors.

Quiet and desolate desert night,

My soul thirsts for your love's light

Restless and weary as I lay, Far away, Far away.

The whistling wind and blowing breeze,

The moon, it sets my mind at ease

The sun radiates through my soul,

Warming wh...

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poetrysoldierwardeploymentsoldiers in warsoldiers


I long to feel your breath against my lips once more, to wake up to your scent embedded in my pillows 

I miss the way you rub on my belly and smooth out my eyebrows and kiss me on my forehead while we lay in bed

You are always on my mind

I ache to be the first one you think of when you open your eyes and your last thought before you close them

I yearn to be what I am not , it's time I ...

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Also by Carolyn:

Today |

Fiesty old pro-choice Celia dies in the care home

Forlorn, alone, bewildered, and un-respected
(Apart from foreign faces with foreign voices)
She passed away ,and never quite suspected
That all was due to her faith in female choices.

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Also by Harry O`N eill:

Love at the nets (2) | Love at the nets |

To Dust

To Dust

How I walk, 
How I stumble, fall 
Then gather my senses,
Get up and stride again,
Now I see the dead before me,
Slouching, crawling,
Staring and vacant,
Their last look of fear
Tells all; Quatermass
Be once again upon us.

Ghosts of Mars extinguish
All life, and I see them too,
The same vacant look upon
A grotesque and disfigured face,

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Also by Noetic-fret!:

The Vile, The Disgusting | Beyond the Bunker |

nuclear war

The American Dream

the gun’s the ruler on the street

a right to bare the sheep preach

tyres screech, a siren sounds

another discharge of several rounds

as another life just ebbs away

a sad commodity of life today

adding to the grim statistics

of lives eroded by ballistics

guns are easy to obtain

to commit a family to the pain

of the taking of another's life

of a parent, child, husban...

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A colourful Band

To catch a Rainbow.

Appears in all of the colours.

Grips for a moment.

Mesmerised as the

skylight fills up

through beautiful bands.

But have you gazed 

long enough?

By chance,

as the bow grows duller.

Surrendering to the moody clouds,


Penetrating the beam of


Almost like a chance meet.


From a bashful greet.

Ship wrecked m...

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Also by Quiet Comet:

One mans thoughts |


From nothing to everything

From nothing to existence 

From existing to living life

From living life to losing yourself

But what for 

For who not you 

Its for the person who didn't understand you

It was for the person who wanted take your soul

Take your soul and paint it black

Take your heart sell it, and now you cant get it back 

Live for you and no one else 


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I am a beauty, with scars and bruises,
A beauty born with countless abuses
I am a woman, who knows the art,
A woman who is sold on kart.

I am a goddess, who is worshipped thoroughly,
A goddess who is beaten regularly
I am a lady, who is dressed beautifully,
A lady with torn clothes that explains her sarcastically.

I am a Queen, crowned and ornamented,
A Queen, with charred lips and ey...

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Homemakers, Homeworkers, Homewreckers

They all gather here 
the three types 
rifiling through briefcases 
ruffling feathers 
Ladies with their ambitions
to be the best in their category 
the makers know the wreckers 
know their smell and taste
remembered from his shirt collar 
this is the hub 
for the whores and the wives and the maids 
they flock to the watering hole 
to gawk at each...

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Also by Alexandra Lorenz:

Summer Meeting | The Rebel | The Process | If only she | Laborer | Cover Letter | Contrived | Tired | Time to kill | Lustful company |

New Wounds

Fetch the scissors
Bring the knife too
I've found something 
for me to do

Watch the blood drip
Make a red puddle
They all seem to judge
Without knowing the struggle

If they can all hurt me
I can hurt me too
I feel like I deserve it anyway,
That's why I do what I do

"Attention seeker"
That's what they label me
But they don't know
What I have to see

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Also by Jacqueline Howard:

Writing is Power |

depressionanxietyself harmself destruction

Love You 'till You Die

I tried so hard Seems I was never dealt an easy card Growing up without you there Always longing for your presence Holding you near Desperate for attention, begging for affection Maybe it had nothing to do with me All just a construed misconception Maybe it had nothing to do with me See-through, I see through you No more hiding, I always knew Stop pushing me away I've always loved you, I'm here to...

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Also by Daniella Shaw:

I Am My Own |

Going up

My bedroom

         Is upstairs

          Yet every day

               My aching feet

                        My tired legs

                          Have to climb

                              To lift themselves

                                    As I stretch and yawn

                                            Shaky and troubled


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Also by Martin Elder:

Here are the people(part 2) |

Must Try Harder

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Also by Alison Jones:

Houmous |

Societysocial commentarymannersfeminism

Tere Aane Se

Aisa hamesha jaruri nahi k hamesha pehla pyar hi saccha aur aakhri ho jindangi me kabhi kabhi kisi dusare k bhi aane se bikhari jindagi savar sakti hai….. aisahi kuch sunana chahati hu…..

                                                              TERE AANE SE

Bita hua kal Bhulana itna aasan na tha mere liye, par aasan hone laga hai tere aane se….

Bohot dino se meri muskan bhi to chhip ...

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Also by Ketaki:



Mentally elevated

While being spiritually inclined. 

Brain power increases, 

With a simple boost from the mind. 

Mastering heights, 

That only you can understand. 

Breaking through barriers, 

and overcoming obstacles

All while following your dreams. 

Having faith, 

while believing in the most high. 

Lifted in such a way, 

that your thoughts are free, 

Yet the...

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The Storm

The cold wind blows the leaves from the trees

The dark clouds roll in and hide the sun

The animals seek shelter as they sense the storm approaches 

The angles laugh as they watch...

If only these mere mortals only knew

This storm is not one to hide from it should be embraced 

As the it will bring change with its devastation 

Everyone and everything is scared ...but the rebuild...

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Also by Robert Williams:

Regret not | Life ... real or imagined | Deafening silence | Complete |

I don't know what to say about this. I hope you don't either.


0300 Zulu

Beer wine whiskey

You there

On that wall



For what


Look at me

I’ll hurt you


I’ll break your legs

Look at me


Ah your here

Your girlfriend

Was behind the 



Thats ok then

Don’t look 

At me

Keep walking.


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Also by mentalelf. Philk.:

War. | The Depths of Stillness. | Betrayed by the hands. |

Eleven & Twelve

Come with me, she says. Down a black alley,
Into an oddly tucked garage. To where, Elle?
I hurriedly spout, but there's no time now
We must be faster, lest we should be caught
Her radiating magnetism pulls
Like the sunfire inside of candles
Still, from the very moment we locked eyes
I'm drawn like the () of butterflies
This cosmic power must not be a ploy
I'm surrenderin...

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Also by Jake Vincent Belmont:

The Lovers Lost | If Only We Knew |

Strip me down

When anyone says that word

it hits the wall I keep up for protection.

It slides down succumbing to the flames;

but when you spew that unwanted word

it flies to old heights.

Over the wll, crashing down on me.

Fills my being with the weight of a thousand rocks

pushing down on my soul.

I never wanted to heart that word again:


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Also by Miss Modest:

Selfish | Can't let go | (untitled) |


Faithful Moon

Faithful moon
You're still there
Even when
I despair

Faithful moon
Shining bright
Telling me to
Hold on tight.


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Tired mindfulness

There's a quiet tick tick

Tick tock

There's a quiet sound of cars in the distance

The air is warm but there's a slight breeze through the window that is refreshingly cooling 

I can feel it on my thigh

I've got one eye closed as I squint at my phone and write this poem

Is it a poem? What is a poem? 

I feel like a fake
A plastic poet
Making it up as he goes along
Wanting to w...

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Also by Matt:

On the way to Lincoln | Kid | For Alice | Miss Hope | England V's Iceland |

Thoughts of the rebel MP's

We know you want Jeremy Corbyn

but we don’t give a shit,

you must have one of us instead

so we’ve chosen Owen Smith.


We acted unconstitutionally

but that don’t really matter

as we care not for democracy

and we’re learning all the patter,

using double-speak in the press

because they’re all on our side.

The Tories don’t want Corbyn,

in fact, they’re terrified.


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Also by Lynn Dye:

SCATTERBRAINED (acrostic sonnet?) |

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