The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Fading Away


You searched for yourself, but could not be found

Not in the future or present, not even in the past

It seems so absurd; you know you’ve been around

Even though you’re not sure where you spotted you last

Can’t remember life’s perspective or a personal affirmation

As you teeter here at the precipice of today’s eternity

You try to speculate when the changes had begun

When ...

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She Shall Return


There stands Mother Nature

Stripped naked of her foliage

Old man Winter pulled a thread

From her beautiful fall dress

Slowly the patterns fell unraveled

With the colors falling to the ground

She shivers now in the coolness

Of his frosty breath of bitterness

There is no compassion from the sun

As it trails off with its warmth

Arthritic tree fingers gnarled and rig...

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I linger on the written phrase

Feeling the struggle in each word

Empathy swirling through the haze

As the mind sifts through what it heard


I smile at the clever wit within a line

Like buried treasure to be revealed

Clues to decipher and then combine

That lead to precious jewels concealed


I read through the somber tone

An emotion that moves my soul

A t...

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Do not pretend that you see inside

The invisible parts of me that died

Don’t shake your head so remorsefully

As if you understand my personal tragedy

You wonder how far gone, my crippled brain

Is my disability dangerous, am I able to refrain

Divert your eyes, don’t let the fear be known

Pray your own mental demons are never shown

Close the facilities, no longer deal wi...

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One of Those Funked Up Days


There are those days, this being one

When you wake up in such a funk

You feel it but know it’s useless to run

You’re entangled in all humanities junk

You franticly search your little book of tricks

To refocus your vision, see past the gloom

My self-adjustment fails, I’ll have to take my licks

If I were wise, I’d lock myself inside my room

Let it run its course, let it ...

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In the Moment

cool, crisp air

swirls gentle around me

with a tender cadence


brushes my cheeks

so soothingly


sitting obediently in

pre-dawn darkness


my soul now dances

with the breath of life


briefly, before time

moves the moment on

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New Season


A heart once green as summer leaves

Trembling with the expectation of love

Blushing red with emotions decreed

Is it the true love that dreams are made of

But love’s colors fade in Autum’s indifference

Leaving behind a colorless landscape of hope

Love now stands broken with no recompence

Stripped of beauty and warmth, left to cope

Winter’s bleak, colorless days will slo...

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Too Much Ale


The weather it would seem has a total disregard

For how I shall traverse this fog and uneven street

My unsteady gait already hinders, makes it hard

Then you mock my blurry vision and my erratic feet

If not for the thin and sturdy friend which I have met

Who helps prop up my posture while I get my bearing

Thank you, kind sir, for your services I am in your debt

Perhaps I d...

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The Clueless One


Share with me your treasure

Of never quite grasping danger

Or understanding crueler intentions

Teach me to see through the ugliness

To see the simple beauty, I overlook

How is your heart so radiant, so open

What guards you from darkness and cruelty

Laughter escapes you freely

The smile lingers on your lips and in your eyes

Others think you clueless, like a little ch...

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My head an oaken cask

Smokey, scotch-stained mind

Permeating in darkness aged

The golden nectar of perception

Blended grains of process

Fermenting in the quiet dark

Until the time is right to be released

Time to test the dormant spirits

Enticed now by liquid reason

Drunk upon aged perception

Mental acuity ambles aimlessly

Unfiltered words tumble free


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We the Sheeple


They wander from location to location searching, hoping to gain

That differential factor that sets them apart from all other people

They think their unique but if asked why they couldn’t explain

Why they call themselves individuals yet think and act like sheeple

They follow the crowd and add to the collective herd mentality

Their mantra is free speech as they repeat what they’v...

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It Matters Not


What I write matters not to the world 

How I write matters even less

The words themselves seek no approval

Their meaning demands no understanding

Letters quietly laid down unceremoniously

Whisper their commitment to the paper only

The sentiment lingers on them like cologne

Reasoning resides within the coagulated ink

Entombed, the meaning lay deathly still


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Time on a Train

From the window of my little roomette

I watch the landscape scrolling past

It is as varied as the people aboard

Each a different story, a different mindset

Scenery has been staged, all riders in the cast

The unwritten script requiring a certain accord


The anatomy of this production is never static

Characters continue to enter and leave the stage

Dynamics altered from c...

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Mid-day Blues


Too exhausted to sit up straight

Should have slept a day ago

High noon brings another debate

Make something happen or go with the flow


Wake the blood with a little hair of the dog

I crank the bike, my friend takes the car

Headed for the lake to rinse out the fog

Quick skinny dip, a cold one from the trunk bar


Starting to shake those mid-day blues

Music get...

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Vortex of Change


Standing at a roundabout to the future

Reluctant to traverse this threshold

Into an existence that feels obscure

Into the darkness of the unforetold

Once across there is no returning

Beyond the border of tomorrow

Yesterday is gone, just a yearning

Not what you knew but what you know

Winds of change blow through time

They are neither hostile nor benign

Listen care...

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Do you ever get weary of words

Tired of observations

Tired of the emotions

Do you ever wonder what’s the point

In writing something down

Leaving your scratch upon the paper

Is it your personal therapy

Emotional release, mind cleansing

Or an exercise in futility

But here we are with pen in hand

Life’s essence flowing with the ink

The unblemished paper

Now soiled ...

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Sunlight burst upon the horizon

Exploding like lightening in a storm

Light fell upon the earth like rain

And soaked into our exposed skin

The warmth ran in little rivulets

From my hair and across my face

The sunlight tasted sweet like honey

And sounded like music in the wind

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I see many colors in my world, millions of shades between each one

Yet, you want me to divide, separate and categorize all that I see

To choose a single color while all the others I am to simply shun

How can I ignore all the shades there are, each different by a degree

They give this earthly painting its beauty, a treasure for our eyes

I refuse to accept your singular sight; I...

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                Children of our own

   Yet still 

               The children of our parents

The loving circle

    Of relatives

         We watched it shrink

Felt it fading

    One by one

         They moved on

                   Never to be seen again

It continued

         To the very last

                  One mother...

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Occasional Fancy


In occasional fancy my conscious thoughts have intertwined

With numerous visions of imagination conjured by the mind

I seek to broker a sense of peace for my restless, weary soul

Something beyond the reach of eroding time’s vanquishing toll

The reaper has been barred from entry into this sacred space

He stalks, but to no avail, his shadow shall not obscure my face

My imagina...

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Love’s Power


unseen sovereignty of existence

self-perpetuating cycle of opposites

a piece of each within the other

indelible stains upon mind and heart

infinite force of healing and destruction

Dominance with pure intentions

            or merciless devastation of harmony

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Little Scraps of Paper


Scattered here upon my desktop

Are all these little scraps of paper

It must be a habit I apparently can’t stop

For there is an abundance, that’s for sure

They seem to have a language of their own

A staccato union of a couple words or more

I look at them and release a befuddled moan

What was the purpose of this little scrap I tore

I see the word starlight and ponder at ...

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Winds of Change


In youth I enjoyed floating in the sea of humanity

Blindly diving in and exploring its mysterious deep

I saw the writing on the wall, its meaning lost to obscurity

There were things there in its darkness that made me weep

But still I pursued its golden ring throwing caution to the wind

My candle burned from both ends racing to enlighten the way

Ruled by impulsivity my carele...

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The Foolish Poet


He is precise and careful to shape words of familiarity

With emotion reined in works meticulously at his craft

Experienced, he is master at handling proper formality

Revising incessantly to attain a properly constructed draft

He is hailed a genius for his detailed attention to standard form

And his measured articulation to produce a finished product

His work in print is s...

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In the Still of Night  


The footfalls of silence echo softly in my ear

Like the reflection of slippers dancing in a mirror.

In the solitude of my mind the quiet echoes amplify

So loud it begins to resemble nature’s thunderous cry.

Mind shadows are awakened and rush out to play

But if I try to join them, they scurry quickly away.

My heart cries out to them, there is no need for fright

As I whispe...

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Wisdom’s Age



Immortal moments have no end

The breath of time flowing by

Collective wisdom in the wind


Like nothing mortal ever shown

The tranquil peace of wisdoms age

A world that time has only known


Descend would I the sacred rung

Of this invisible ladder of time

To see if wisdom once was young


Truth stands naked to the wind

With roots buried as deep as t...

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A Life Renewed 


As the daylight succumbs to the night

The cutting edge of the shadow maker falls

Upon my conscious

Decision surrenders to the echo of footsteps

Mixed with the faint whispering of the wind

Come, follow me

There is no regard to time or its passing

When the wind beckons for me to come

I must follow

Now the whispers of the wind have ceased

The solitude heavy with a d...

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A Thought About a Thought



Thought embryos forming


Birthed perceptions

      Wailing words

From collective consciousness

       Flowing free

Pooling in the mind

        Imminent release

Transferential processes

        From where

                  To where

Metacognition hypothesis

        Thoughts regarding


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Cultivated Curiosity


When I was young I was curious and asked why

Most often what I received was a look and a sigh

My mother would tell me that’s just the way it was

I would ask my dad why, but he’d answer just because

My curiosity continued to be cultivated by ambiguity

Making me question even more the things I would see

We live in a world that is full of smoke and mirrors

I’ve questioned th...

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just a human


am i normal

i seek references

comparison to what

what standard of measure


i am just a man

what category do I belong

no distinction

i am simply human


am i this or that

do i pass the test

based on what

for what purpose


a decent person

what’s the standard

according to whom

according to when


i have withdrawn

leave me out of it


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Like a serpent the fire’s flames flick at the air

Sensing something curious lingering quietly

In the smokey realm floating above the glare

Between the hazy vision of dreams and clarity

Flames continue to dance on burning carcasses

Of sacrificial logs, anointed with oil and set aflame

Their wooden bones glow as their body diminishes

We do not shriek in horror as we watch t...

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Memory Bricks


We start at birth with what we see and feel

Experiences we mold into bricks of memory

The foundational bricks of our individualism

Bricks forming the essence of who we are

We stack them up hoping they won’t fall

Some bricks may crumble and leave a hole

We might replace it or just leave it open

The bricks will become weathered with time

They’ll fade and chip but remain ...

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Time’s Illusion


Time is but an illusion

Revolutions on a clock

It tells us when we’re done

Stop and punch the clock

Mans little ritual showing times in play

Clocks are merely a contrivance for the boss

While real time has nothing to do with a day

Or the weight and measure of a moment’s loss

Like the raging waters of a flood

The rampant river of time pushes on

What doesn’t move i...

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Desolation of Life’s Despair

I’ve stared into the windows to your soul

Looked into an empty void, a hollow shell

A shroud of misery draped across your heart

Like a harbinger of death prophesizing a toll

Through glazed crystals flicker lights from hell

A shudder of fear arises with a thought to depart

I should flee, taking with me all that I now know

Screams of agony burst through the ashen shroud


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A Boy and His Boat Named Bill   







Alone and afloat on the sea of tranquility, so peaceful, so warm and still

My boat is my friend, I call him boat, but he likes to go by the name of Bill

I don’t ask him why that name because when I do his mood turns sour

We’ve been drifting for a very long time, many days or perhaps an hour

Time drifts lazily like the sea with no beginning or end, it’s jus...

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Bucket Of Love

 Come to me with your bucket of hope

Bring it quick, please do not refrain

I need your help if I’m going to cope

In a world gone mad, gone insane

I once carried a bucket just like yours

A pail full of promises and lofty dreams

Personal things you can’t buy in a store

Tokens of aspirations I’d hoped to redeem

People blindly began rejecting common sense

To the point where ...

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 Boy on a Stoop


The boy sits on a stoop watching in quiet solitude

As a person rushes by with an impassive attitude

Eyes staring straight ahead to avoid any activity

Perhaps afraid of what by chance he might see

He’s missed the shadow dancing across the street

With graceful rhythm she moves her skillful feet

A woman smokes on the fire escape far above

And farther up come the coos of a mo...

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Struggling With Those Two Roads

I stand and wait ever watching for my friend

At the fork of those two roads into the wood

That place where choice lingers up past the bend

Perhaps I’ll seek another path, perhaps I should


But it is inevitable this fork that lay before my eye

One worn and comfortable, the other a mystery

Will my friend and I choose the same or say goodbye

Disquiet spreads through-out my ca...

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Common Sense

Look about the void with an unrelenting eye

Antiquated thinking hasn’t traveled far

On the beliefs of crowd mentality don’t rely

Inebriated spirits scheme in the pews of bars

Delusional conspiracies being loosely hatched

Theories floating in the brain’s pickled brine

From well-worn constructs rebuilt and patched

Reminiscent of old ghost conspiring across the Rhine

Shadows h...

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World View


I see the world by the shadows it has cast

The imprints of existence decayed into time

Silent memorabilia from our molecular past

A macabre dimension portrayed only in mime  


I see degrees of darkness and shades of light

Complexity made simple by virtue of design

Twisted angles of truth are now within sight

I see it all clearly, yet so hard to define


We pl...

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Sitting To Write

There are times when I sit to write

There’s no thinking, it just feels right

But other times when I attempt a piece

All my thoughts just seem to cease

I think my hardest about what to say

But I think it will be just a wasted day

So many images spinning in my mind

But not one single word there do I find

That single thought now way off track

I’m having series doubts I’ll g...

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A Lonely Place


The world can be a lonely place

Even when you’re standing face to face

There are times you can’t help feeling lost

And life feels meaningless, not worth the cost

But tomorrow comes and things will change

Misery won’t find you, you’ll be out of range

You can’t see it now, but you know it’s out there

And someday, maybe, when you have money for fare

You’ll get aboard the ...

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The Uninvited Stranger



Who is that solemnly sitting upon my windowsill

With lengthy beak and beady eye, it sits there still

I know not if this creature arrived as friend or a foe

Watching expectantly as if his errand I should know

I struggle to ignore that little, gla...

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Watching fluffy clouds float in the sky

Or watch the people passing bye

Distractions to pass the time

On this day so sublime

So warm and sunny

Just right for me

To relax

And find


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The solitude of my depression

was not my own suggestion.

Think if you must it be my style

but it tags along at my denial.

It’s a terrible nuisance, I’ll admit

Always trying to get me to submit

It tries to show me the very worst

with worn-out lines over rehearsed

Fabricated illusions of personal rejection

Deepen my despair and sense of neglection

You, depression a...

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You Can’t See Love


I came upon a bar called The Dungeons Inn

Inside it looked to me to be the Devil’s Den

A voice said “Hey, handsome, where you been

Then she whispered in my ear just call me sin

We had some drinks and we hit the floor

Later, we needed some air and went for the door

I said in a slur you look like pure love to me

Mister, loves not something that you can see

Then she turne...

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Finley's Favorite Ball

Finley’s Favorite Ball

She has begged me, so here I am

Standing in the backyard holding a ball in my hand

It’s just an old discolored, lumpy, chewed up rubber ball

But it’s my black lab and golden retriever mix’s favorite brand

Eagerly she waits, watching me to see if I’m going to fake and stall

I cock my arm back and she’s off like a streak before I even throw

She runs in th...

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Her Nightmare


Late at night in her dreams

Faces come out and make her scream


Some are near, others far away

They never move, they never sway


Unless she moves for then they’ll chase

At a never-ending frantic pace


They never stop their haunting game

For when she awakes it’s still the same


The haunting face is still very near

She sees it watching from the mirror


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The Storm


The sky was over-cast, and the clouds were gray

Just one more lovely morning that’s gone astray

I reached for my coffee as I stared through the glass

My only thought, “I should have mowed the grass.”

I watched as the wind blew about some debris

And noticed the dull aching in my arthritic knee

I took my cup and my dog out to the front porch swing

Where we sat and waited fo...

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weariness draped upon sagging bone

lethargic eyes peer through heavy lids

languished souls that weep and moan

shadows watching what can’t be hid


insipid mounds of abandoned humanity

phantoms living among the intentionally blind

diverted obligation from self-inflicted calamity

insincerity demands to leave them behind


from this anomaly you have no impunity


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felt love so monumental

felt hate so detrimental

laughed out in the rain

laughed as If I’m insane

 looked into lifeless eyes

 listened to forlorn sighs

felt the fragmented heart

felt the void of being apart

felt the sting of wicked tongues

 heard the songs of the forever young

danced freely without a care

seen the crippling of despair

seen changes with just...

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Solitary Journey

She wanders down a barren street

Shuffles slowly with a heart deplete 

Pausing at a familiar lover’s place

In an abandon window sees the face

Looks down at her swollen, tired feet

Slowly, she continues down the street

Into the crushing solitude of her journey

Searching for the memory she has kept

A ghost from her past she longs to see

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Oh, how often had I played the fool

Yearning to steal but just one glance

At the liquid mercury, silver and cool

Mysterious eyes that induced a trance

Mesmerized even now after many years

I avert my eyes and stare at your cheek

I force myself to remember all the tears

But to no avail, I feel my heart going weak


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I Blew A Kiss

I once blew a kiss into the wind

I knew not where it would descend

I sent it off with the summer breeze

In search of a soul that it may please

I sent it along with just a single prayer

To touch a heart in need somewhere

A little warmth to help nourish hope

A little kindness when you need to cope

That gentle breeze that has blown your way

Has brought a wish and a prayer...

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In the fields the little lamb’s roar

Above their heads blind eagle’s soar

From the ground dead daisies grow

Seasons change fast then slow

An echo bellows down a hallow hall

Its power’s voice in lustrous call

Stoke the fire of productive kilns

Slay all pleasures by virtuous scorn

And the cardboard people just looked forlorn

Across the quivering lane a ca...

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I don’t remember when the thought occurred

It’s been so long my recollections blurred.

One thing I know is when the idea first began

I was then a much, much younger man

I sat down at the new computer I had bought

To record my freshly developed thought

But I was told I could not log in

Because updates were about to begin

In five minutes, I could do my thing

So, I sa...

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Birthday Suit

Excuse me please, but I’m here to inquire about making an exchange

I sincerely hope this odd request of mine is something you can arrange

This old wrinkled and worn-out suit has become a symbol of my chagrin

It appears my younger physic has been concealed by all this saggy skin

Way down deep inside of me and most assuredly has been forgotten

Lay all the musty old dreams and the sill...

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Neglected Love

I sat quietly on my chair

As you sat quietly over there

We sat there just us two

Listening as the silence grew

Shadows sat so regally

One for you and one for me

Not a whisper could be heard

Not a syllable from any word

Time crept into our solitude

Past the sentinels of our fortitude

Our silence spoken loud and plain

Nothing left for us to gain

So, time crept out...

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Social Rescue


Side by side we toiled both night and day

Digging and clawing through brick and clay

Deep beneath the rubble we heard a feeble cry

But we could not reach the source of that fading sigh

Working on with heavy heart our efforts wouldn’t cease

Until the battered victim was uncovered from the final piece

Bloodied, broken, recognition beyo...

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In the Blink of an Eye

What can happen in the blink of an eye?

Our world could change, i don't deny

In only four tenths of a second

There is a lot that could be done

The squeeze of a trigger and a time to regret

A kiss from a loved one you’ll never forget

Mother nature can strike in that fateful blink

And the world around you can suddenly shrink

So many things can happen when your eyelid closes


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In occasional fancy my conscious thoughts have intertwined

With numerous visions of imagination conjured by the mind

I seek to broker a sense of peace for my restless, weary soul

Something beyond the reach of eroding time’s vanquishing toll

The reaper has been barred from entry into this sacred space

He stalks, but to no avail, his shadow shall not obscure my face

My imagina...

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Silver Tear

The words that I speak

Are those unheard

Silent in the air


There’s nothing true

In the words good-bye

Because I’ll always care


And if I had a silver tear

That for me could say good-bye

I’d slowly give it away to you

And quietly wonder why

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She Did Not Know

His mother did not know he lay just below the kitchen window

He was just out of her view as she did the dirty dishes in the sink

She went about her chores not knowing what was laying below

That on the other side of the wall his blood was drying like ink

When I came in, she was there at the sink, just another day

We spoke briefly before I entered the bedroom and saw the box

It was...

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Chilling of the Heart

There is a coolness that chills the heart, it lingers in the air

It comes not from the weather but from the malice of despair

Empty souls rambling about with vacant eyes looking nowhere

Bulging wallets stuffed in pockets and handbags lined with gold

In the market stand many people waiting for their turn to be sold

You flaunt your individuality, yet you only do what you’ve been told


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