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Graham Sherwood

Wed 10th Jun 2015 11:03

Don't knock it John,
I've been known to murmur Jesus Christ!! in there a few times. Usually whilst reading the sport section on Sunday mornings.

Comment is about THE POWER OF PRAYER (blog)

Original item by John Coopey

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Laura Taylor

Wed 10th Jun 2015 10:54

One person's 'oddball' is another person's thinker. I prefer the latter. I operate on an honesty level that doesn't sit well with many people. I think that's why I found it so hard to 'fit in' for so many years. I LOVE how your mind works :)

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Wed 10th Jun 2015 10:49

Jealous of your rhyming ability Paul...must have been quite a hefty bill for that beanfeast great poem x

Comment is about Coffee shop blues (blog)

Original item by Pauliegreg

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Wed 10th Jun 2015 10:48

Haha....what an escapade!! Well told though!

Comment is about I quite like raisins, except for the one that got stuck up my nose! (blog)

Original item by Pauliegreg

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Collin John

Wed 10th Jun 2015 01:54

"I could see that things were looking up, when I saw you looking down." Love that line! Nice work.

Comment is about LADY CONTORTIONIST (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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John Coopey

Tue 9th Jun 2015 23:34

Ray - Does she have a sister?

Comment is about LADY CONTORTIONIST (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Harry O'Neill

Tue 9th Jun 2015 20:35

Nice contribution to this weeks`Taffy takeover.

As a wartime evacuee I got my first taste of real countryside around the Menai straits

Why didn`t you do it in quatrain stanzas?

Comment is about MIST ON THE MENAI (blog)

Original item by Daniel Dwyran

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Harry O'Neill

Tue 9th Jun 2015 20:25


Just when I was thinkin`of goin`on another cruise!

Comment is about DRIVEN BY FEAR (blog)

Original item by THE PEN AND THE PAGE

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Harry O'Neill

Tue 9th Jun 2015 20:01

I like section six.

Comment is about back eye (blog)

Original item by jeremy young

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 9th Jun 2015 12:01

Laura, thanks so much for reading 'Moon Month', and making such an encouraging comment. The first motivation was, in fact, many months after the death of a very dear friend. But the idea gained much more richness as I gave the whole concept some really deep thought.

I don't consider myself bold at all, just trying for a little female honesty, never sure whether I'm an oddball, but relatively certain that I'm not.

Comment is about Laura Taylor (poet profile)

Original item by Laura Taylor

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Gina Jarvi

Tue 9th Jun 2015 11:44

Thank you Steve. Can you say more about how the title doesn't serve the poem? I appreciate your input.

Comment is about Zen/Anger (blog)

Original item by Gina Mae Jarvi

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Tue 9th Jun 2015 11:17

Aargh! The list of jobs is endless!

Comment is about Ocean Blue (blog)

Original item by Jon Darby

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Tue 9th Jun 2015 11:15

Very similar to my Saturday afternoons as a child.
Another great poem

Comment is about Cake Mix (blog)

Original item by Jon Darby

<Deleted User> (9882)

Tue 9th Jun 2015 09:54

multiply my comments as much as you like Jon,because this poem soooo deserves much more than one.

(no rhyme intended.) x

Comment is about Ocean Blue (blog)

Original item by Jon Darby

<Deleted User> (9882)

Tue 9th Jun 2015 09:44

Welcome back D.D! Love this piece.Very airy! x

Comment is about MIST ON THE MENAI (blog)

Original item by Daniel Dwyran

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John Coopey

Mon 8th Jun 2015 23:42

Very evocative, Daniel. I particularly like the circularity of it.
My own memories aren't quite as attractive. As a 12 year old my cousin and I had gone trainspotting to Holyhead. We got evicted from Llanfair Station by a surly station master where we'd stopped off on the way home cos I needed a poo.
I was desperate but when the train came that he pushed us on it had the old fashioned corridor-less carriages.
I had to do my poo in a plastic bag and chuck it out the window in the tunnel.
Happy days.

Comment is about MIST ON THE MENAI (blog)

Original item by Daniel Dwyran

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 8th Jun 2015 18:51

thanks for commenting on 'dragon's nest' Cynthia - yes - the perceived 'threat' of windfarms appear to be that they're unsightly and noisy - a glance below the soil or at the clouds may show us what the dirty alternative is ;-) appreciate you being so supportive

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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David Subacchi

Mon 8th Jun 2015 18:15

You can find more of my poetry on line including some videos simply by searching on my name DAVID SUBACCHI.

Comment is about HEART OF WALES (blog)

Original item by David Subacchi

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 8th Jun 2015 16:07

I like the short lines - well suited and evocative, with a
rhythm that could be put to music.
Nice one.

Comment is about MIST ON THE MENAI (blog)

Original item by Daniel Dwyran

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 8th Jun 2015 16:03

Now that this campaign has closed upon reaching a very
substantial percentage of the total sought, further news
about the establishment of this intended London poetry outlet is looked forward to.
The aim is laudable and the possibilities appealing in their

Comment is about 'There's no reason why poetry should have such a small readership': Paul McMenemy on his plans for a poetry bookshop (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 8th Jun 2015 15:54

I remain unsure about the aim or the target in lines that
vary from the opening somewhat general tone to the more
specific relating to "one so young" who could be employed
by the Metropolitan Police (but in what capacity?).
It seems that someone somewhere has upset the writer
of this post!

Comment is about A POLICEMAN'S LOT (blog)

Original item by ray pool

Preeti Sinha

Mon 8th Jun 2015 15:51

Loved it

Comment is about Judgements (blog)

Lynn Hamilton

Mon 8th Jun 2015 13:24


Comment is about then (blog)

Original item by jeremy young

Lynn Hamilton

Mon 8th Jun 2015 13:22

Hi Andy. Thank you for your comments. Very much appreciated. x

Comment is about Andy N (poet profile)

Original item by Andy N

Lynn Hamilton

Mon 8th Jun 2015 13:17

Hi Tommy. Thanks for the consideration but it was absolutely not necessary. I appreciate all comments, regardless. I only need to look at myself another 999 times to reach 2000 eh! xx

Comment is about Tommy Carroll (poet profile)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Andy N

Mon 8th Jun 2015 12:48

yeah, i agree with Cynthia. this may work better as a series of poems but you have my respect for trying to do it as one poem and the ideas are certainly there..

Comment is about Concrete Eyes (blog)

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Andy N

Mon 8th Jun 2015 12:47

the last stanza perhaps tells a bit for my liking, but it's needed i think here.

again some excellent images and ideas in this. keep it up

Comment is about BLAZER POCKET (blog)

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Andy N

Mon 8th Jun 2015 12:46

nice use of language.

not sure if i would have used the last sometimes in the last stanza but the ideas behind this are spot on.

this needs to be performed.

Comment is about SOMETIMES (blog)

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Andy N

Mon 8th Jun 2015 12:45

i like the shortness of this piece, lynn. suits you well. really enjoyed it x

Comment is about ;) (blog)

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Andy N

Mon 8th Jun 2015 12:45

i like the shortness of this piece, lynn. suits you well. really enjoyed it x

Comment is about ;) (blog)

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Andy N

Mon 8th Jun 2015 12:43

enjoyed this Lynn.. Nice use of sparse language in the stanzas.. good stuff. really enjoyed this.. x

Comment is about Colour Me In (blog)

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jeremy young

Mon 8th Jun 2015 09:47

yes ben would be shocked to taste them now were he to come back from australia

Comment is about birth of a nation (blog)

Original item by jeremy young

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Laura Taylor

Mon 8th Jun 2015 09:42

I don't know HOW I missed this except to say that I was quite depressed over xmas and maybe didn't want to communicate with anyone. That's how it gets you sometimes.

Anyway, this is an amazing poem Cynthia. I love how you're so unafraid to really get into the physicality of your subject. It's something women won't talk about much as well - especially the smell of the blood.

Some killer lines in here:

Every love act that was good
Is in the memory of my body.
Those who really knew me there
Are with me there.

Oh yes. It is so important and life-affirming, good sex. I was raped when in my teens, and didn't recover joy in sexuality until my late 30s and early 40s. I'm incredibly pissed off about that as it feels like it was stolen from me, but I'm VERY pleased that I do have it back finally. And making the most of it :)

The idea of a cunt writhing in the poignancy of its own life. Wow.

I may be completely wrong here, but towards the end of the poem, is that like as a woman ages, and sensation begins to lessen - tonight my body remembers and searches? If you know what I mean?

This is a fantastic poem. So glad I found it.

Comment is about Moon Month (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (9882)

Mon 8th Jun 2015 09:26

outstanding!-great flow! x

Comment is about then (blog)

Original item by jeremy young

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Juhi Gupte

Mon 8th Jun 2015 08:22

Thanks a tonne Lynn Hamilton for letting me know what my genre is called .. :)

Comment is about Fate’s handwriting (blog)

Original item by Juhi Gupte

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Juhi Gupte

Mon 8th Jun 2015 08:21

@ Cynthia Buell Thomas :: Pls take this as my in-person Thanks for your inputs

I will surely practise :)

Comment is about Fate’s handwriting (blog)

Original item by Juhi Gupte

Lynn Hamilton

Sun 7th Jun 2015 22:52

Evening Tommy. Thank you for your comments on Colour Me In, which I just managed to read before the comment disappeared! Technology eh!

Comment is about Tommy Carroll (poet profile)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

Lynn Hamilton

Sun 7th Jun 2015 22:40

Hello Juhi

The way you write is 'right up my street'. Look forward to reading more of your work.

Comment is about Fate’s handwriting (blog)

Original item by Juhi Gupte

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Sun 7th Jun 2015 22:09

Fantastic poem sis! Forgot about this one.

Comment is about The Scarf (blog)

Original item by christine yates

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Darren Scanlon

Sun 7th Jun 2015 14:44

Thank you very much, Huw, much appreciated.

Comment is about WOODLAND WONDER (blog)

Original item by THE PEN AND THE PAGE

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 7th Jun 2015 12:13

Sorry I have come late to this thread.

One thing that perpetually intrigues me is the way readers appear to automatically think that "personal" pieces are autobiographical.

All poems should be critiqued objectively (I think I mean that) as stand alone words without the writer being castigated for committing those views to publication.

Saving libel, no-one should be thought culpable for their printed opinions. That sort of censorship is the brow of a very deep chasm.

Comment is about AND NOW! a free minded,unapologetic response,to closed minded pomposity (blog)

Brian Crawford

Sun 7th Jun 2015 00:36

Spell binding work.
Will continue to follow with anticipation.

Comment is about Amy McAllister (poet profile)

Original item by Amy McAllister

Lynn Hamilton

Sat 6th Jun 2015 23:56

I can't grab the crayons on this one Mr Bibby. It is about a mother who has a brain disorder and wishes her child could make it all better with the basic picture he/she creates.

Comment is about Colour Me In (blog)

Steve bibby

Sat 6th Jun 2015 23:35

Brave to have somebody else do the colouring. Crayola gripped withtight knuckles bunched and tongue gripped between teeth beneath a furrowed brow. careful careful carefully don't cross the lines .. you will make her all fuzzy. ....ahhh too late she fuzzed and fuzzed . ....grab the crayons yourself lynn you will make better choices on colour combinations and borders. Make her fizz and fizzier

Comment is about Colour Me In (blog)

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Sat 6th Jun 2015 22:17

It's a pleasure to catch a few thoughts in the fishing line of opportunity, even if you end up with the rubbish....
That line about the birds does maybe add a surreal touch, a sort of cinematic liberty. Cheers for your comments.


Comment is about I CAUGHT HER ON A SOFT TURN (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Sat 6th Jun 2015 22:14

yes, absolutely. And the idea is that Sundays are kept free for the ritual of pollution , of noise and air!! Ray

Comment is about POWER TOOLS (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Sat 6th Jun 2015 22:11

Glad you enjoyed this Colin. It was supposed to be neurotic houseowner but I'm sure we've all being there!
The last line is the bottom line obviously!


Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sat 6th Jun 2015 20:30

I love the way you throw in a slightly off-kilter line - 'a flock of birds escorted her in a livening breeze' - an added depth and dimension. You've been busy and it's been a pleasure to read your posts Ray.

Comment is about I CAUGHT HER ON A SOFT TURN (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Tony Kasazkaja

Sat 6th Jun 2015 20:29

Thanks for the comment on "The Tory Highwayman" Tommy, much appreciated mate :)

Comment is about Tommy Carroll (poet profile)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sat 6th Jun 2015 20:21

Ray, it's a good job he didn't get the kitchen fitter in to do the heaven and earth - we'd all still be swimming around in the proverbial soup

Comment is about POWER TOOLS (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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