this is wonderful, it should be published in some kids book, I enjoyed it so much! you have no idea how wonderful it really is! gosh Im amazed
Comment is about Tabatha Bagginshaw (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Pete Crompton
Fri 9th Nov 2007 20:42
what has happened with the destruction of those hen harriers is an unforgivable act. The monsters that patrol these testosterone laced killing grounds are lacking serious elements that make the human race a sustainable force for the future. Shame on the royalty scum that made this happen. Shame on the flat cap brigade need to shoot to fel alive fools, the frivilous spools of shotgun rhetoric seeps from lips laced in cordite and lead, and the dead and corn fed pay the price. idiots.
Mr Saunders, Peter is angry
Your poem is great, the royals.........hmm
Comment is about Hen Harrier (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
<Deleted User>
Fri 9th Nov 2007 19:44
Good old Bolton, eh. I did a degree at Bolton Uni when it still was Bolton institute of Technology. Is Malcolm Pittock still there? Barry Wood....
Bolton once had the best public library I have ever seen.
I worked for quite a while at Bolton Area Resource Centre running the Volunteer Bureau. Best job I ever had.
I'm telling you all this cos I think yer fab. An Moxy do too.
Comment is about Gemma Lees (poet profile)
Original item by Gemma Lees
Pete Crompton
Fri 9th Nov 2007 19:23
Malcolm you ar really whacking out the poems. I like the constructions, they always look neat on the page and I enjoy the sophistication and simplicity combined. 'jovian dune' - love that
Comment is about Tabatha Bagginshaw (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Malcolm Saunders
Fri 9th Nov 2007 09:58
You performed it incredibly well at Dead Goods Pete. You certainly didn't mess up. It was great fun. I really enjoyed it.
Comment is about Central's a mess (blog)
in a few ways this reminds me of possums pearls, a childrens story told in my family only. its very nice, with a little more it could be a very good childrens story, lessons learned etc. loved it! could see the little animals talking!
Comment is about Hen Harrier (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
well, its a valid complaint, however will the price of the ride go up or the taxes if they fix it up? Would it be worth it then?good rant! so much to rant about in the USA id be very busy if I did this type of poetry. But I know you feel better letting it out.
Comment is about Central's a mess (blog)
Pete Crompton
Thu 8th Nov 2007 11:54
oh yes Sophie sounds good. Ok will give you a call or silly e mail that a hard to de cypher. or an email with a phone number
Comment is about An argument with nature (blog)
Thu 8th Nov 2007 10:57
Freda! - your are superb. thanks for the magic...
peace n poetry, caroline, xx
Comment is about Freda Davis (poet profile)
Original item by Freda Davis
Thu 8th Nov 2007 10:46
Malcolm Saunders
Thu 8th Nov 2007 10:09
I lived in Austin over 20 years, this is perfect, I have seen them and you made it come alive again! thanks
Comment is about Summer (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Pete Crompton
Wed 7th Nov 2007 15:42
Malcolm Saunders
Tue 6th Nov 2007 10:52
Hi Sophie
Thanks for your comments and for following my links. Firstly the click throughs to gambling sites. I am afraid I don't know what these are unless they are advertisements by the hosts of my website. I do not gamble myself. As far as I am concerned anybody who wishes to gamble should be free to do so and I would not censor advertisements, but it seems a rather silly activity.
I am certainly a strong advocate of free markets and the economics of von Mises is not only sane sounding it works. Most notably it works to remove more people from the misery of poverty than any form of state intervention has ever succeeded in doing.
It is a tragedy that most of the world lives in economic misery. There are many causes for this and none of them come from free market activity. Major causes are protectionism by the rich nations and the maintenance in power of murderous, thieving dictatorships by international aid schemes and NGO's. It is actually the mega rich, like Gates and Buffett, who are doing most to alleviate 3rd world misery through their well run charities.
Obviously there is much that we could debate, but perhaps a poetry site is not the best place to do it. Can you separate art from the artist? No, probably not. That sometimes troubles me when I know of the racism, sexism and bigotry of the poets whose work I admire. Life isn't easy. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to challenge my views or put anything to me.
Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)
Original item by Malpoet
its lovely, perfect in every way.
Comment is about almost empty (blog)
na your no prat and its not your fault that I havent a clue about tech terms on poetry.I would love to know what it is, if you ever have the time to explain. thanks
Comment is about Stallion (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Malcolm Saunders
Mon 5th Nov 2007 09:08
Sorry. Last verse but one. I will try to speak English in future and avoid being a prat.
Comment is about Stallion (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
well malcolm, thanks for the cool story. I would have never noticed it, not sure what a penultimate stanza is.thanks
Comment is about Stallion (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
A fabulous poem, Morag. Some great lines in it, my favourites being:
Woman growing, woman stretching,
Through the shiny skin of girl
the woman growing through the girl is such a fantastic image
Through my blood new life is flowing,
Through my veins all futures pass.
the role of women in continuing the species is write small but understand large, in these two lines.
Though one line does not scan, for me:
So may taint me, saint, paint me,
I feel there is a syllable missing. But perhaps I am wrong?
Thank you for such a fabulous poem.
Comment is about Woman (article)
Malcolm Saunders
Sun 4th Nov 2007 11:17
Thanks very much Clarissa.This is an account of an actual event. Travellers put their horses into a field next to a house I used to live in. They were there for some time and we enjoyed their presence. When the stallion was delivered one day everything changed. and it was pretty much as I describe in the poem.
Sorry I have noticed a typo. It should say 'crunching' in the last line of the penultimate stanza.
Comment is about Stallion (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
i was in a car accident today, not feeling well. im ok just very tired have to work sunday on matthews b-day.
Comment is about vivianes section (blog)
wow, its really very good. the ending took me by surprise. thanks
Comment is about Stallion (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Pete Crompton
Sat 3rd Nov 2007 11:55
oops i posted the wrong audio link!!
No its not auto biog apart from Miss Davies who was my crush at school!
Comment is about vivianes section (blog)
you know what? You read very well, its like listening to a show, very animanted, wish I was as good as you are. good job on that audio!
Comment is about vivianes section (blog)
well thats a different poem on audio, its called come along dear, its interesting, seems like a convo between to people that are kinda rude to eachother, reminds me a little of my grandparents, except naught, and they never were naughty, its amazing they had any kids! its a good poem, just hope its not real for you.
Comment is about vivianes section (blog)
this is an amazing poem about the testing done on animals in the name of science and product safty for humans. It burns me to the core that they do this, I do the best that I can NOT to purchase products that are tested on animals. They do the most stupid things like spray mouth wash in their eyes, of course it hurtsand would harm a human, however if your stupid enough as a human to get it in your eyes then...well, must be retarded. ah great job!
Comment is about vivianes section (blog)
Malcolm Saunders
Fri 2nd Nov 2007 16:37
Merci mesdames. Viva les vivre, lament pas les morts. N'est ce pas.
Comment is about Springtime (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
this is a very nice poem,I enjoyed reading it, thanks
Comment is about Springtime (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
<Deleted User> (7790)
Fri 2nd Nov 2007 13:24
Aperitifs-a-Plenty and the recrudescence of decency to intellectual joy to you! You are an harlequin with a wooden ruff which people mistake for a picnic table, spreading their molecular gastronomic foams like sterile cuckoo spit across it. Hey, but they're the kind of people who can find Nature in an upturned tub of generic curry powder, so what the hell! Lord-a-bless thee for thy beautifully conditioned, cask-matured words!
Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)
Original item by Malpoet
<Deleted User> (7790)
Fri 2nd Nov 2007 12:35
Je suis tres triste pour les frogs. Zut alors, les mauvais autres qui mange les petits bebes. Je regarde les frogs avec joie. Pauvre, pauvre petit betes! Je parle Manglaisfrancurdle. Oui? Bien sur je do just that.
Fantastique, Malpoet!
Comment is about Springtime (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Malcolm Saunders
Fri 2nd Nov 2007 09:40
More wineful I think.
Comment is about Malcolm Saunders is soulful at the Cambridge Arms, Bordeaux 2007 (photo)
Malcolm Saunders
Thu 1st Nov 2007 08:49
Thanks Clarissa. This vile crime has never left my mind. I know there are awful murders all the time, but this was particularly sadistic.
Comment is about Slaughter in Jasper (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
that was a very sad day, stupid people are every place, great poem
Comment is about Slaughter in Jasper (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
Videos is the first phase in what promises to be some thing quite special
Comment is about (photo)
darren thomas
Sun 28th Oct 2007 08:51
Pete, I'm fast running out of superlatives for your work and this piece, both its contents and your vocal delivery, are superb.
Two of my children were born at Billinge Hospital by the way. It didn't look much different than your picture!
Anyway, once again, an excellent piece of poetry. Now, if you don't mind I'm off to get older.
Comment is about Getting Old - A Poem (blog)
Wow! Chinese food AND plastic furniture, I can but dream....
Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)
Original item by Malpoet
Malcolm Saunders
Sat 27th Oct 2007 10:38
Went to the Chinese last night. Ate crap. Talked about the fine plastic furniture endlessly. Chin highly polished. About to be divorced.
Comment is about Gemma Lees (poet profile)
Original item by Gemma Lees
Malcolm Saunders
Sat 27th Oct 2007 10:32
Thanks Clarissa. I appreciate your comments.
Comment is about Religious Hatred Bill (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
nice, i like it, reads very well. thanks
Comment is about Religious Hatred Bill (blog)
Original item by Malpoet
HI Derek, these are very nice poem. thanks
Comment is about Derek Adams (poet profile)
Original item by Derek Adams
the pic fits the poem very well, my really long comment went to this poem and pic. I have this pic, good job
Comment is about Getting Old - A Poem (blog)
I went to KFC then back to me flat to watch Sky till me brain melted and I fell asleep! Haha! But strangley, whilst doing so I did stroke my chin (covering it in chip grease) and discuss the architecture of my living room 'mmm, what an interesting 1970's fire place...'
Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)
Original item by Malpoet
Malcolm Saunders
Fri 26th Oct 2007 20:45
Hi Gem
Welcome to the sane and sensible world of Malpoetry. On return from Bordelleaux, Pam and I went to an absurdly expensive and pretentious restaurant where we had about 8 courses of tiny pieces of food and froth, then we went to York to visit our granddaughter at Uni where we stayed in a smarty pants hotel with yet another restaurant meal. Drove through glorious English countryside to the Lake District and another flash Hotel, Dinner in a swanky restaurant and then drove home. Never stroked my chin once and hardly ever commented on the architecture and paintings.
Retired Chinny Winny.
Revolutionary working class poet.
Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)
Original item by Malpoet
ah now doesn't it feel better to admit you're a chinny winny after all?!
Comment is about Malpoet (poet profile)
Original item by Malpoet
OK Dave... I need more poems of yours to read!!! takr care clarissa
Comment is about London Writers Cafe (group profile)
Original item by London Writers Cafe
Dave, Go Jack Go is very funny, I enjoyed it very much and think I understand it. you have a sharp mind, would not want to debate you ever! thanks clarissa
Comment is about London Writers Cafe (group profile)
Original item by London Writers Cafe
I think its a wonderful poem, seems you have been watching the same people that I have! great job wonderful poem keep up the fab work! thanks
Comment is about Shaun Fallows (poet profile)
Original item by Shaun Fallows
very nice ideas, I like the poem very much, its too bad the world is going to shit, all we can hope in is Gods love for humans. thanks
Comment is about Dr T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D (poet profile)
Original item by Dr T. Ashok Chakravarthy, Litt.D
clarissa mckone
Sat 10th Nov 2007 06:19
your poems are very nice. keep up the great work!
Comment is about Phil Golding (poet profile)
Original item by Phil Golding