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Preeti Sinha

Mon 22nd Jun 2015 09:25

Thanks for the read and the comments !

Comment is about Corr Lens (poet profile)

Original item by Corr Lens

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 22nd Jun 2015 07:18

Welcome Ariel, write and write again. :-) Tommy

Comment is about Ariel Eli (poet profile)

Original item by Ariel Eli

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Mon 22nd Jun 2015 07:15

ya sure .............
i'll post whole of the poem in hindi.

(कामयाबी के नियम)

कामयाबी उसी के क़दमों में होती हे
जो अपने घमंड को इंसानियत में लगाता हो
जिद्द को जो पालना जानता हो !

व्यव्हार में जिसके प्यार हो
जिसका दिल उदार हो
मेहनत जिसका हथियार हो
हार मानना जिसको गवारा नही !

जिसको लगता किसी का सहारा नही
रखता हो जो जस्बा पहाड़ो में चड़ने का
तुफ्हानो के बिच रहकर जो हुआ हो बड़ा !

गिरकर जो उठना जानता है
मुश्किलों में भी जो कदम बढाता है
करता नही हो जो किसी का बुरा
असल मायने में इंसान भी वही कहलाता है!

Comment is about Rules of Success ( Kamyabi ke Niyam ) (blog)

Original item by GAURAV JAIN

<Deleted User> (13947)

Mon 22nd Jun 2015 01:24

This. This I have liked from the first line to the last line. And it is a great last time ;)

Comment is about taxi (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

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Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:47

I really like your poems, Helen. I have absolutely not a jot of maternal instinct nor any understanding of being a mother but Wednesday's Child was very strong for me.

(p.s. don't worry I'm not a mother, I'd leave them on the bus)

Comment is about Helen (poet profile)

Original item by Helen

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Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:44

Thanks, Helen, and the ad is soooo funny! I love Irn Bru ads but I've never seen that one. That is class. I'm going to share it on FB, so thanks for the heads up!

Comment is about Fannies (blog)

Original item by Louise Etheridge

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Helen Elliott

Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:24

Louise, this is hilarious! I can't stop laughing. So many great lines. Put me in mind of this Irn Bru advert

Comment is about Fannies (blog)

Original item by Louise Etheridge

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Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:12

Thank you for your nice comments, Tommy. I don't always write poems about fannies but that one fell out of my head on a walk so I thought I might as well write it down as not. Glad you liked it!
I've got a book of what I like to call "poems" on Amazon - mostly rude or irreverent or a bit bonkers. Just because. It's called Slightly Wrong. I like a good bishop poem.

And here's me in the Telegraph (I didn't explode despite the fear, me being a bit of a leftie and all)

Comment is about Fannies (blog)

Original item by Louise Etheridge

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Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:09

So very,very true, David!
I'm sorry you can't open the video - it worked for me just now.
This is the link below - try and copy and paste. How scary is my cushion (not a euphemism!)
I don't always write poetry about body parts.

Comment is about I get the word "snatch" into the Daily Telegraph - 10 points to me! (blog)

Original item by Louise Etheridge

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 21st Jun 2015 20:44


Comment is about David R Mellor (poet profile)

Original item by David R Mellor

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 21st Jun 2015 17:18

A very readable report of an event which intrigues me.
The danger of ranting becoming ineffective is no different
to the reception afforded to someone doing something
similar out on the street - puzzled exchanged smiles of patient exasperation and pity for the individual brought
down to behaving in such an extraordinary manner. The
British are just not into ranting...sorry! It's just another
form of extremism that rarely succeeds in our society.
Of course, this sees rants at the perceived lack of understanding for its existence. It's a hard old world!
Oh - someone tell LK Johnson that the Met. Police didn't
declare war on his generation...they put up stop signs
on the sort of behaviour and self-regulating codes of
conduct that saw drugs and crime become impertinently
blatant in the streets, with today's "Operation Trident"
merely the official recognition of what was happening
and which was created to combat the ever-growing problem among one section of (largely metropolitan) society in post-war Britain. I hear little of the fact
that Jamaica has had a reported crime rate that rivals
cities like New York. Importing that sort of social aberration into the UK can only add to its generational
social problems, even worse when exploited via a
historical "victim" mentality and agenda. It's a hard
old world!

Comment is about Ranting poets, London, 2015 (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Stu Buck

Sun 21st Jun 2015 17:14

Thanks for the kind comments. Indeed I had hoped to portray this in the poem. This is actually an embellishment on something that happened to me a few years ago, but rather than end in a sweeping, bukowski-esque statement i ended up having to move away sharpish from the bloke who was clearly drunk!

im really glad you liked the piece, as a writer who is just starting to feel a little confident in his work, i can assure you every heartfelt compliment is very much appreciated.

Comment is about maize (blog)

Original item by Stuart Buck

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 21st Jun 2015 15:10

I'm so impressed with 'fannies' that I have to say how impressed I am by it. So much so the 'C' word Immediately came to mind: 'Cradock'.

Comment is about Fannies (blog)

Original item by Louise Etheridge

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 21st Jun 2015 13:47

Fannies...that reminds me I have to prune my roses. How have I missed your work Louise?

Comment is about Fannies (blog)

Original item by Louise Etheridge

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Sun 21st Jun 2015 12:12

yes mr. hus thomas, its a hindi language

Comment is about Rules of Success ( Kamyabi ke Niyam ) (blog)

Original item by GAURAV JAIN

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Sat 20th Jun 2015 21:41

Thanks MC for your comments on "its funny how religion arrives" I think you summed it up perfectly.

Comment is about M.C. Newberry (poet profile)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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Sat 20th Jun 2015 21:35

Thanks Tommy , consider yourself in as long as you think the same as me! I 've just tuned in to your work, and I love the insistence and remorseless character of it.
Appreciate your interest. Ray

Comment is about UNDUE CEREMONY (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Katy Megan Hughes

Sat 20th Jun 2015 19:53

Ripened indeed! ; )

Comment is about Nigel Astell (poet profile)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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Katy Megan Hughes

Sat 20th Jun 2015 19:52

you guessed right Cynthia *blushing*
It was a bit of a poetic challenge I set myself and to try not and be crude and obvious, a bit tricky!

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 20th Jun 2015 19:32

First post on writing poetry:

rule one- there are no rules
rule two- feel free to ignore rule one

...more to follow

Comment is about Runners High (blog)

Original item by Ash

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 20th Jun 2015 19:19

Nearly there :-)

Comment is about Polly Lane (blog)

Original item by Ash

Preeti Sinha

Sat 20th Jun 2015 18:24

Hi Cynthia, thanks for the read and the comments :) My line breaks follow my thoughts which meander and can be chaotic, coming back to the original idea after a bit. I am not a huge fan of anything organized: religion, rhyme or lifestyle. Recently in a shopping mall in Dubai, I saw this kid claw the carpet, refusing to get up on being denied a phone. The mother couldn't get him off, so the reference to the spoon and child, or should I, at the risk of being politically incorrect, say a spoiled brat ;)

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Ashley Limon

Sat 20th Jun 2015 18:07

Thanks Tommy!

Comment is about Ash (poet profile)

Original item by Ash

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 20th Jun 2015 16:40

It is an interesting conumdrum for those who believe in
religion that humanity is given a mind that has evolved
to question its tales from two thousand years ago and
can thus doubt their efficacy except as a crutch for
those in need of it. The purpose of religion has been
the struggle for control of other men's minds and bodies
from a very young easily influenced age. "Once upon
a time" still holds a fascination as people mature (?) -
and even now, in parts of the world, it still affects
the peace and well-being of the human race when logic
and reason are seldom employed in securing a stable and
improving future. My own view?
"Whenever mankind looks to gods
It's likely men will be at odds!"

Comment is about IT'S FUNNY HOW RELIGION ARRIVES (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 20th Jun 2015 16:33

I am really not sure and more than a little concerned about this appointment. I suppose the title phrase "bring things up to date" is part of my disquiet.

If Armitage sees his raison d'etre to be a modernizer he could do more damage than good.

He is obviously a popular choice (the parallel with CAD's appointment as poet laureate does not go unnoticed) and will clearly try to embed the current X-factor profile of performance poetry into the bosom of academia.

The problem I have is with his most likely legacy. In my opinion CAD has done little to justify her (popular) Laureate appointment and SA's smacks of something similar.

Armitage is undoubtedly a talented performer but in the big chair of one of our most prestigious establishments, I fear for his future credibility.

Comment is about Simon Armitage wins Oxford professor of poetry election (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 16:27

AWR - Always With Respect.

I meant 'nastiness' as your poetical intent, your 'judgement' on 'judgement'. Huw's comments are always very particular, and reasoned.

Comment is about Judgements (blog)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 16:15

The subject is good, Preeti, tugging the common heartstrings. I really like your choice of detail and diction to express it.

But, about halfway, in the 'books' imagery, I found the positioning of the ideas awkward, and then consistently so to the end. I got lost trying to figure out how the 'spoon' related to a 'recalcitrant child', even with the comma, which didn't suggest clearly to me a break in thought. I just wonder why you choose to make your ideas a bit difficult to follow with your given line breaks.

And, then, of course, it may be just my problem. I realize this.

Comment is about Missing You (blog)

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 20th Jun 2015 16:08

"And a warm man aft
To block the draught"...hmm
Ps I live off Edge Lane tc

Comment is about Linda Cosgriff (poet profile)

Original item by Linda Cosgriff

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 15:51

The subject is nervy and timely, sharply presented with drama and sympathy. I like the voice of reason trying to take charge, uselessly. You have a great feel for the development of mood, lassoing the feelings of your diverse readers with different details; what doesn't catch one will catch another.

This is very, very sharp in idea and execution. I find that even I sometimes presume that a poem is personal experience (which should be an absolute no-no!). But if you have provoked such a response, be pleased, because you must have written something really well. And hit hard.

Comment is about THE 19TH FLOOR (blog)

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 20th Jun 2015 15:50

David - using the word "mob" in the context, it is defined as a "disorderly crowd of people" and since "disorder"
crosses a range of behaviour - from obscenely vocal to the physically offensive - my own observations place the "SS"
among the more easily inflamed assemblies with
political overtones when lapses into violence become
frequent - and more effectively orchestrated.
More placid causes that provide little opportunity for their
rabble-rousing antics have little attraction for them but
these are outnumbered by the rest that we see on the
streets, especially here in the capital.
Finally "most types of mobs" allowed me some pleasing
alliteration to catch the eye in the opening line. If you
think of it as artistic licence, I won't object.

Comment is about THE SOCIALIST SHIRKERS PARTY (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 15:38

Apart from the shine of the words themselves, the aura of real intimacy glows. The second stanza is really lovely.

Damned if I know whether anal intercourse is part of this, or not, but probably not. 'violation' could suggest almost anything.

Comment is about Beholden to Behind (blog)

Original item by Katy Megan

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 15:28

Well - I really laughed. A little humour at the expense of fine poetry suits me fine - when it's so obvious, you can just enjoy the fun.

Comment is about That Shallot (blog)

Original item by Dave Carr

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 15:14

I had to come back to this work because I really like it, and just ran out of time before. The subject is superb.

May I suggest culling unimportant words that construct 'prose-like sentences'. You have strong, evocative words here, setting clear images. I would give them full force, impelling your 'scene' forward.

Do you know what I mean?

Comment is about Vaccary Walls (blog)

Original item by Graham Ramsden

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 14:55

Great lines on a largely unknown/ignored scientific situation. Apart from your shared thoughts here, I appreciate the update.

Comment is about Universal Time Co-ordinated: June 30th 2015 (blog)

Original item by Margaret Holbrook

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 14:45

IMO, a splendid poem, creating a believable character, her personal history and life-supporting dreams, in a few well-chosen, polished words. WOW, Mr Young.

Comment is about the education of norma (blog)

Original item by jeremy young

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 20th Jun 2015 14:33

Would that be a regular handshake Ray?

Comment is about UNDUE CEREMONY (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Margaret Holbrook

Sat 20th Jun 2015 14:30

Thanks for your comment, not a head for equation type things, so can't answer, I'm afraid, even though I do find it interesting.

Comment is about Universal Time Co-ordinated: June 30th 2015 (blog)

Original item by Margaret Holbrook

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 20th Jun 2015 14:27

I was that man
;-) Tommy

Comment is about My Lottery Win (blog)

Original item by Pauliegreg

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 20th Jun 2015 14:24

Haha good riddance ;-)

Comment is about This God Forsaken World (blog)

Original item by David R Mellor

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 20th Jun 2015 13:52

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Stu Buck

Sat 20th Jun 2015 13:01

Thanks for the kind words regarding 'molecules'. Your work is confessional which is hard to write for me (i prefer to keep a distance) so I will follow your progress with a keen eye.
Have a great day!

Comment is about Ash (poet profile)

Original item by Ash

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 20th Jun 2015 10:53

Good morning Ash, what a coincidence! Give me awhile to read them. :-)Tommy

Comment is about Ash (poet profile)

Original item by Ash

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Sat 20th Jun 2015 10:37

Thanks for all your responses to this one. I did cut to the chase, and although I do have a sense of wonder it does not preclude common sense!

Comment is about IT'S FUNNY HOW RELIGION ARRIVES (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (9882)

Sat 20th Jun 2015 10:20

ditto previous comments.If I hear those wrongly coupled,contradictory words 'Holy war' again-I'll scream.

Thank you.


Comment is about IT'S FUNNY HOW RELIGION ARRIVES (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Greg Freeman

Sat 20th Jun 2015 09:51

It has to be said, the racism revealed in his letters, written in the early 70s, is shocking and abhorrent. And he idolised Margaret Thatcher. And yet I love Larkin's poetry.

Comment is about Larkin to get Poets' Corner memorial (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Ashley Limon

Sat 20th Jun 2015 09:13

Wow. I was moved by this. Its simple but speaks so loud. Bravo!

Comment is about taxi (blog)

Original item by Tommy Carroll

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sat 20th Jun 2015 08:17

your poem trips off the tongue nicely Ash but stumbles in places and perhaps loses momentum towards the end. I like the shampoo line but I'd split it like this:
'and when you lay your head on my shoulder
all I smell is your coconut shampoo'
and similarly:
'and randomly wake up just to say
are you alright?'
- separation helps to highlight the important words.
I would be tempted to end:
'and you brought me light
I never knew existed'
which leaves the poem slightly open-ended. Just my opinion of course. Good luck.

Comment is about Ash (poet profile)

Original item by Ash

<Deleted User> (13947)

Fri 19th Jun 2015 23:36

I read this a few days ago and it has been repeating itself in my head every since. Mostly the one line in which you described the child's face after your smile. 'Like sunshine dazzling through clouds' How beautiful :) Such a wonderful read.

Comment is about Child in a Stroller (blog)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 19th Jun 2015 21:35

Indeed Ray, it seems that religion came into being from wonderment and fear then someone noticed an opportunity and the rest is bloody history. Fine post Ray. Tommy

Comment is about IT'S FUNNY HOW RELIGION ARRIVES (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 19th Jun 2015 21:25

Incredible that such situations exist - "putting the brakes on [ time/mass] = C ... have I heard of this somewhere?

Comment is about Universal Time Co-ordinated: June 30th 2015 (blog)

Original item by Margaret Holbrook

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