The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Corruption (Remove filter)

Allied With Tyrants!

In light of current events

In today's Oval Office scandal, President Trump, alongside Vice President JD Vance, engaged in a heated exchange with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Trump accused Zelenskyy of risking "World War Three" and suggested that Ukraine had "no good cards" in negotiations. This confrontation led to the abrupt cancellation of a significant minerals deal between the U...

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Scum TrumpZelenskyDictatorshipPoliticsScandalPutinXiTyrannyDemocracyPowerCorruptionGlobal Politics

The Trump Express: Engine of Havoc!

This sonnet wants to capture the chaotic and relentless force of Trump’s ambitions—an unstoppable train of greed, power, and imperialism, barreling through the world, leaving disruption and destruction in its wake.

The world is battered, torn beneath his wheels,
A runaway of greed and steel and spite.
A thousand schemes, each twisting as it steals,
Devour the day and drown the dead of nig...

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Trumppoliticsdictatorshipfeardestructiondisruptiontyrannygreedcorruptionglobal crisis

A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered

In A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered, the poem condemns Donald Trump’s arbitrary pardons of over 1,500 criminals (the so-called J6), highlighting the dangerous erosion of justice under his unchecked power. This is a call to confront the corruption that distorts the law and undermines accountability, as power bends the rules to serve its own interests. A sing...

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Trumpjusticecorruptionpowertyrannylawaccountabilitypardonsarbitrary rulepoliticsprotestinequalitylawlessnessfreedom

The Four New MUSKateers

This sonnet critiques the dangerous alliance between powerful tech moguls and a corrupt political figure, symbolised by the "four musketeers" who bow to Trump’s person, influence and might. It explores their sycophantic behaviour, the manipulation of media, and the betrayal of values for profit and power. The poem hopefully paints a chilling portrait of cowardice dressed as strength and the erosio...

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sonnetElon the FelonTom Crooked CookBezo the BozoZuckheadT-Rumptech mogulspowercorruptionbetrayalmedia manipulationcowardicepolitical influencesocial mediacapitalismfreedomgreedsycophancy

The GOP's Spiral: From Grace to Grime

This poem wants to explore the transformation of the Republican Party (GOP) from its days of moral and political leadership—abolishing slavery, defending civil rights, and promoting national unity—to its modern iteration, marred by populism, greed, and divisive rhetoric. Through examples like Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Reagan, it contrasts past accomplishments with today’s corrosive trends, embodied...

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politicspoetryGOPLincolnReaganDonny Disaster T-RumpRepublican Partypolitical historycritiquecorruption

The Stage of Deceit

Donald Trump Jr. resorts to grotesque manipulation in his latest PR stunt in Greenland, exploiting the homeless and downtrodden to create an illusion of support for his father. This cold-hearted scheme reveals a family willing to go to any lengths for a false image—no matter how embarrassing or degrading. The staged scenes in Nuuk, with homeless people wearing MAGA hats for a free meal, expose a d...

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Trump Jr.GreenlanddeceitexploitationPR stuntshameMAGAfalse facademanipulationhypocrisyTrump family clanpolitical theatercorruptionliesscandalintegritymoral decay

The EU's Two Main Parasites

Beneath the banner of a fractured pact,
Two nations stray, their selfish aims intact.
Hungary, led by Orbán’s brazen creed,
And Fico's Slovakia, both sow the seed


Of discord, national pride their sole refrain,
Ignoring Europe’s unity, disdain.
While others strive for common peace to last,
These leaders clutch at Putin’s moldy mast.


Slovakia threatens to cut off the power,

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Viktor OrbánRobert FicoHungarySlovakiaEUEuropean UnionPutinnationalismcorruptionanti-EUdespotismpro-RussianEuropean UnitytyrannyEU Relationspolitical betrayal

The Gilded Fist of Greed

The Gilded Fist of Greed is a call to awaken from the suffocating grip of wealth and power. This poem tries to unveil the stark reality of a world held hostage by the few like Musk, Zuckerberg or Bezos et al., as they manipulate nations, control media, and plunder the earth. It warns of the destructive consequences of unchecked greed and the looming threat of totalitarian dominance. Yet, in its co...

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greedpowermanipulationfake newscorruptioninequalityrevolutionjusticeclimate crisismedia controlfreedomresistancewealthoppressiontyrannysocial changecollective action

Accelerant for Polarisation and Misinformation

In this poem, the unchecked ambitions of figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump are laid bare, portraying the madness and manipulation behind their rise to power. The poem particularly critiques Musk’s dangerous influence, highlighting his role in sowing discord and spreading misinformation. With a blend of corporate greed and political manoeuvring, Musk’s tactics are compared to the authoritaria...

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polarisationmisinformationcorruptionpowergreedtyrannycontroldeceitenvironmental destructionsocial unrestmanipulationautocracywealth and influence

Institutional Gaslighting

Boredom breeds depravity,

A textbook case of sanity.

     Of sanity?


Don’t mishear what I’ve said.

You wish them dead.

You wish them dead?

But they are just like you.


Complacency builds to slavery,

A textbook case of happiness.

     Of happiness?


Do not skew my words.

You wish them away.

You wish them away?

But they are just ...

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Sides Of The Coin

The battle before us -

“The Left and The Right”,

calling to everyone,

“Join in the fight!”


Calling, demanding -

“Which side are you on?”

The Left or The Right

not the right or the wrong.


Dividing while fighting

not missing a day.

Not doing or proving

they mean what they say.


A dog and a pony

make up their whole show,

crafted to hide


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politicsleft wingright wingcorruptionpolitical corruption

The Big Lie

In a state born from terrorism, what could go wrong,

with Ben Yahoo funding terrorists to bring Abbas to his knees;

his blind eyes turned to incendiaries and to rockets,

with millions in cash allowed through the crossing,

to maintain a ceasefire with Hamas in The Strip?

In a state born from terrorism, what could go wrong?

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NetanyahuHamasMahmoud AbbasThe Stripcorruption

It's Not a Story / No es un Cuento

Everyone loves a story, 
whether it's made up or true,
the Pharisee commander, with his tongue,
was a master of this art

People looked forward to hearing him
when he went out to preach,
he would recite litanies for hours incessantly;
everyone applauded him endlessly

Stories well told by the Pharisee commander,
so elaborate that they were taken as the truth,
and bewitched people gave ...

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Vultures Fly

Vultures fly in perfect circles

and pretend we believe

they are white doves

bringing us peace


Foul-smelling scavengers

disguised as prominent politicians;

illiterate statesmen or authentic literati,

that never attended a single seminar

or even stepped in a University

but surely received and will show with much glee

their hard earned honorary doctorate degree



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flow of corruption

Alabaster towers rise to the azure sky,

breaking the clouds above a sprawling cityscape,

carved statues line the streets of no escape,

drawing you in no matter how hard you try.


Every day becoming a little sparser,

for this civilization has lost its grandeur.


Gasping for a breath of inspiration,

hell has met the entire ancient nation.


Ill-formed decisions bro...

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TPLF outperforming Satan

A hatred fiend,
Playacting a votary
Of democracy and federalism
To a gluttonous end,
“Unless we grip
The rein of power
Driving a divisive wedge
Along religious and
Ethnic lines, also
Orchestrating terror
Every hour,
See to every evil
We shall
Till the wind of change
Blowing over the nation
Suffers reversal.”

“On the world-acclaimed
Change drive
We shall inflict
Every possible ...

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atavismcorruptiontplf genocide




Here in the verdant meadows

All on a summer’s day

The dreaded army of the dark

Met with the noble fey

They fought until the long sundown

And the lost blood of the dead

Soaked into the sacred ground

And turned the roses red


When the fight was over

And the legion of the flies

Had swarmed across the corpses

Stealing hope from sightless eyes


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Who Would You Give The Library

To Winston, Paul B all admin and, everyone.

Imagine you come from Poverty, complete and sheer poverty. Imagine too, your creative mind, wiping the floor with Eton and Oxbridge Candidates.

Imagine that, you have too many coincidences of being 'put down' under bogus accusation. Imagine too, knowing that all you do, is being filtered so only a select few know of your intellect, compassion, tale...

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class actcorruptiondead poetspovertystolen life

There’s a heat wave running wild

There’s a heatwave running wild


Theres a heat wave

Running wild

Oblivious of the borders 

Run by the corporate money hoarders


There’s a heatwave running wild

As the stealthy arms of 

a monetary system 

Poisoned with greed 

Consumes everything in its path


There’s a heatwave running wild

while the blind insatiable pockets of we want more

And insurmo...

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Climateenvironmentcorruptionforestsfossil fuels climate crisis

The "Corona" Special

So we all know this is bullshit, this thing called Corona Virus,

My friends and I don't wear masks and now people won't stand beside us,

Damn it's crazy that people still watch the news,

All they do is lie and it's owned by the Jews,

That doesn't make me a racist so please just relax,

Just look up the definitions and make sure you know your facts,

Can't you see this virus is one ...

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americabrainwashingconspiracyCorona viruscorruptiongovernmentlieslock downmedianewspropagandatruthtyranny

There Are No Angels Here

There Are No Angels Here


Scraping around the vipers nest,

flaming swords and thrusting spear,

black spiders scuttle to the feast

but there are no angels here.


The dragon crawls into their veins,

hallucinogenic ecstasy or fear.

The demon bares his fangs to bite

and still there are no angels here.


The first-born rounded up and caged,

harvesting the mother...

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americacorruptionTrumpus foreign policy

Wisdom Teeth


Get out of mouth now.

This is not yours.

You keep prodding at my gums, don't you get it?


They're sensitive.

I don't floss. 


I can see you past the surgical mask, behind the goggles that you keep foggy with a steam of egotistical pomposity. 

You're framed by a white room, white clothes, white breaths, because everything inside of that is dirty.


A living cavi...

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Connor LannesCorruptionDentalNovocaineTeeth

Self Destruction

Eskimos bury
The handle of
A razor-sharp knife,
Bearing a lump of
Frozen meat, to be precise
Layers of  blood In the wilderness of ice.
Lured Wolfs gather round it
And unaware their own
Snow-frozen tongues they slit
They voraciously lick, lick and lick
Along with own blood, hot and tick.

'What a windfall luck! '
They think
'We are feeding on our blood! '
Before comes to their hea...

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I am Certain

In every city, I go.

In every country, I have been.

The Star and the Cross hope,

That he will be with us one day.


They call him by different names,

And claim him as theirs.

Both preaching similar faiths,

Both saying they are correct.


One says he is yet to come,

While the other hopes for him again.

One says he is the son of God,

While the other says, he wi...

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judaismChristianitypoetryfaithcorruptionMessiahCrossStarLoveHateCertainI am CertainGodJesus

Diffrent attitude of mind

The innocent

By the sweat of
One's brow
Their likes aspire
To grow.
For them
Bread and water
Is all right
So far as their walk
Could face the glare of light!

The corrupt

Bugs, they are not averse
To fattening
By the blood and tears of others!

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Expect us not to believe

Expect us not to believe
You could miraculously fetch
Water with a sieve!

Till we return to dust
You, nothing better than a rust,
Could not quench our thirst.

Collecting taxes
Without combing out lechers
That spare not even the broke
Or the stone to siphon
Rather has an impact adverse,
For it is allowing few
Nation's wealth unfairly amass
At a cost of harm to
The credulous and   ...

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Attention to its grotesque faces


A ship sustaining
A tiny crack or thick
Is destined to sink,
Awaits the same story
A pilferers-leached country!

All the grotesque
Faces of corruption—
Task procrastination
What is more inefficient
Resource utilization—
Must not go out of
A developing
Nation's radar,
Expected corruption to bar
In its bid  to spur
The ship of developme...

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Corruptiondeveloping countriesjob placement by political affilation the emerging

The survival of the slickest

The corrupt proving
To the development's wheel
A spoke
Ironically changed the saying
"Walk your talk to talk your walk!"
"Cloak your walk
Behind your  make-believe talk!"

Because it is time
For the survival of the slickest
Not the fittest.

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Poison vapours

etched in gloom.

Ghastly, void,

vacant, the guardian of

a chained black gate.


Never sleeping;

eyes, as heads,


waiting for heroes

to seal their fate.


In legends torn

from clay cast bright

we may witness

fire and blades and bows;

such blood-fuelled spite.


Now all too real;

slowly shed,

the skin of time;


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2013Greek MythmonstersCorruptionTyrannypoliticians

            ‘D’ MOCK CRASS Y?    AND THE RULE OF LAW   


Oh Citadel of Westminster, look down on your creation:

millions of damned and blighted lives – the remnants of a nation.

Yes, you forgot that power corrupts, and honed your fell foul skills

till power, close to absolute, finds England wracked with ills.

Now this Quixote – errant knight – tilts at your spinning members


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Cyprus Today

Mortar of bile
Pestle of boot.
Greek and
Hatred and
Of beauty.

Of Mosque.
And Church
Lost and gone
Replaced by.
Corruption of Law
Church and soul.

No longer
Stealing sheep.
Or Goat
Stealing pensions.
Property by guile
Constitution ignored.
Laws overridden

Disguised by
Banks and pr...

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Corruptioncyprus advocatesNorth Cyprus

I'm from a land where

I'm from a land where,

Two girls on the bus to school is revolutionary,

Where we bury boxes full of our still born children,

'Cos experimental biological weapons more or less killed them.

Plus the starvation, and working on the opium plantation,

Whilst Halibuton gets paid to rebuild my nation,

MPs with hidden interests plan my leader's assasination.

From London to Lo...

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CorruptionDrugsAfghanistanprotestfree versegovernment

Breathe in the Dust

I have my own little piece of the world.
Sure, it has its problems, but nothin’ too much.
It has its pleasures and there’s more than enough.
And I’ll share them with you; I will share them with you.

So, put down that rifle, and put down that gun.
Let’s take back those words that hatred begun.
Let’s tear down those icons that make us ignore
The cries of our own, the cries of our ...

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New Rules Of Sobriety


Heh there, Mr Politician man
isn't it time you took the stand
stood and told us all the truth,
no spin, no tints, just forsooth.


All these years we've heard the rest
and though you might find us a pest,
recall now if you will,
just who it is that pays your bill.


Now exactly where did all that money go,
and what do we now have left to show,
the economics...

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