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Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

Black sun on the run
born a mute
not too cute
on my back, sans coat,
sans hat,
on my back
no fringes of lace
around my face
I’m intact at last
I fling curses
at the stars
bury my wishes
in old jam-jars.
turn mere shadows into shades
hold my breath
for an age
i kiss a lion
In a cage
at the root
& in a rage
I evade
an early grav...

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Also by John E Marks:

SUBLIMITY | ANGELUS BELL | AWAY TO THE CRAGS, WHERE EAGLES SOAR | REINCARNATION | THE MOMENT BEFORE HAPPINESS | LITTLE BOY FOUND | WICCA, WITCH, WIZARD | WALKING SOLO | INFANT MORTALITY | The Armenian Genocide 1915 - 1923 | FORGET-ME-NOT | "Beauty awakens the soul to act." Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) | A cloudy day in early May in old England | Radix malorum est cupiditas | The Christie |

Sounds of a Demonstration

Sounds of a demonstration 


The distant cacophony 

of loudhailers 

carried by the gentle wind 

into the green park 

it’s starlings scattered,

searching diligently 

for bread bits fallen

from the visitors’

tables and laps,

with their coffee stains,

onto the ground 

below as the 

sound of rhyming 

chants float through 

the air like 

soft drums on a...

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Also by 'Michael Martinez':

Sounds of a Demonstration |

Pride Month

Let’s celebrate the month of pride

Without feeling shy or the need to hide

Whether you are lesbian, gay or bisexual

Stand together to make the outcome effectual

Love is love and will always remain

Choose who you want without any shame

Let’s stop being so bias and judgemental

But instead, be more kind and gentle

So welcome to the twenty-first century

Erase the old mindset...

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Also by Aisha Suleman:

Diversity | Two Sexy Women | Park | Kiss | All Over Me | Feelings - Short Poem | Surrender | Make Me Sweat |

Jealous Cat

Soft and fluffy 

Ball of fur 

Curled up tight

Contented purr 

His favourite place 

Right on her lap

But Hey what's this?


Am I not the one

Who gives her Love?

Now all of a sudden 

It isn't enough 

Her eyes are glowing 

As she scrolls

The screen 

All these faces 

I've never seen 

I don't see men

Just a bunch of mice 

If they come...

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catspetrandomwriting for funstorytelling

The Last Train

We stood on the bridge watching 

the train approach 

The steam dampening our faces

as it passed under

It was warm, then cold

I grabbed my brothers hand

and we ran to the other side

But, the train had gone,

along with my brother.

The imprint of his hand 

still lay in mine

But time had taken them both.

I stood there for days, weeks, 

Perhaps, months


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Also by Stephen W Atkinson:

New Labour... | Save the children |


Bard Work

I’ll tell you of a writer, Bill the Bard as he was known,

a bloke that wrote a load of plays and verse.

He started out when good old Liz the First was on the throne,

and gave his actors plenty to rehearse.


He wasn’t all that famous but he got some well-earnt praise,

and coined some phrases never used before,

like green-eyed monster, elbow room, and also salad days,

so wel...

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

The Game | Red Brick Boxes | Loss | Who Cares |

Tearing up the Script

A contest of true believers no matter who against or league status, after watching a thrilling F.A Cup semi-final there is an old football saying that came to mind sometimes your name is on the Cup.

Facing current holders

Dominant City team

Champions fourth time

All Manchester final

Revisited previous season

Bitter derby rivals

United stars underperforming

Manager condemned...

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Also by Nigel Astell:

A Thousand Smiles Magnified |

M.U.F.C 2024 F.A Cup Winners


I walk amongst the heather, thinking of you.

Lonely flowers in hand, feet dripped in dew.

To the hills where we walked, I’m on my way.

Every hill I will climb in your memory today.


The wind is merely gentle, cool upon my face.

A thousand memories await me in this place.

I see the pale sun, now rising from its sleep.

It’s that time of year for my promise to keep.



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Also by Mike Bartram:

The Gifted Songwriter | The Crossing | My Island |

Red Clay

My dreams have been strange 

Leaping rivers give way to slick clay- red and thick

I wash and wash until I melt away

In that house, I wander, opening new doors and exploring rooms

Rooms stacked high with towers of books

My bed rest high above my head

Balanced on the book towers, so I climb

Reaching the top my bed is gone

It doesn't matter, I'm not tired 

I leap cloud to c...

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Also by M Lane:

The House | Tents in the Desert | Falling- Perfect Blue | Invocation of the Watcher |





In silence, I tread my soul's dusky paths.

If only I could meet her there, tonight,

In her eyes find a guiding light.


In silence, I hear the fleeting hours of my day.

If only I could bear her pain, make it mine,

Heal our wounds with love's twine.


In silence, I see her beauty sing and shine.

If only I could make her heart dream,

To sail together down...

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Also by Luca:

Unseen |



At midnight, I'm still awake, 

waiting on sleep’s blurred 

hypnagogic state,

a fleeting mirage like journey

crossing at nightfall.

I stretch to cut the bed diagonally, 

her legs retract unconscious

beneath her folded sleeping body.

A knot of blue sky fills my gut,

a worryglow from earlier, flittering 

like a young fish 


I sit up, anchored at the bed’s edge, 


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Also by CiaranPCunningham:



Keeper of Lies

Head down, underconfident eyes,

Mouth sealed due to the fear

Of uttering more fake replies,

Mind that was once honest

Had made room for pests,

His falsehood made him

Gain none and lose a few,

The only few whom he knew.


Some devastating ones,

While some were white,

Some gave him peace,

While some kept him up

During the long nights.

He walks past my home


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Also by Manish:

Debut | On the Mend | Heartstrings | Family | Window-Shopping | Gemini and Scorpio | A Solitary Sandpiper's Sentimental Tweet | Catalyst | Don't, Mowgli | A Parched Plant | How? |

just a human


am i normal

i seek references

comparison to what

what standard of measure


i am just a man

what category do I belong

no distinction

i am simply human


am i this or that

do i pass the test

based on what

for what purpose


a decent person

what’s the standard

according to whom

according to when


i have withdrawn

leave me out of it


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Also by Tim Higbee:

Campfire | Memory Bricks | Time’s Illusion | Desolation of Life’s Despair |

An Arid land

An Arid Land


I bought a plot of land to grow vegetables,

it was flat and without any weeds .

I drew a plan of what I would grow,

dividing it into seperate rows.

I bought four types of seeds to sow,

Justice, Compassion, Equality and Love,

all I knew to be popular and much sought after,

and a profitable return for my efforts.

I spent hours sowing the seeds,

and res...

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Also by keith jeffries:

An Obscure World | A Tropical Downpour | The Fountain Pen or Quill | In a Blaze of Glory | Pater Noster | A Temporary Tenure | A Ruined House | A Moral Hub |

Inner Conflict

Being insecure

After so long an interlude

Not daring to

What feelings impulse me to

Afraid of being aggressive

Angry for being so shy

Thus, moments go by


Not willing to games

Still, I desire and admire you

So, don’t censure

My interest in adventure

Afraid of being culpable

Angry for being so vain

So here I remain.

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Also by Patricia Ziel:

Passion Poem |

Question Reflection

I am the air floating from room to room, 

I open my mouth, too often, too soon, 

Eager to feast and chained to a wall 

Watching myself from the skies, waiting to fall 

I am within from outside 

Begging to be seen, screaming to hide 

How high the moon is, how high was I 

I am the branches on the trees,

Swaying with hope and too eager to please 

Crying with the rain in the...

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No Angel

You say you're "no Angel"

And we're left in a tangle

Words expressed with feeling

Still searching for their meaning

Does this give you a license so freeing

You can do whatever without stressing?
Responsibilities old and frayed

Distressed, dismayed and betraying


Keeping everything so tightly wound

Is bound to cause a rupture

Spewing the pain you strive the concele


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Also by Wordseffectbrew:

Walk the wight | Our songs | Night shift solace | Taming of the shoe |


Two into one won't go

She soaks her body

Scrubbing and peeling layers of invisible dirt

Flushing away the undue haste

Of the last two days

Letting the shower taste her face her body

The weeks of anticipation

The grieved upon tears

The streaks of hair

The makeup gone wild

She carefully dries and scores every

Fibre and cell that clings to her flesh

Creasing and smoothing fresh sheet...

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Also by Martin Elder:

The woman of her dreams |


Having been in love a number of times,

my past hearts live in me like wounds

that no longer need dressing.


But a very small part of me

will always be in love with the scars

of the time spent there. 

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Also by Mike McPeek:

Something to Say | The Properties of Embers | About Last Night | The Opposite of Toil |

FINISHED ink pad began in July last year! Here's final thing today.


Six Month Evaluation 


Do you you think you have scared them off

It certainly scared those ones in charge

Of hiring for proprietors a privilege 

In just being asked

What chance the grubby homeward constantly 

Interview selected

How can it prove the visible room

Circles in repetition cycle

Already thinking Movie channel 


Did you get the part of knocked on...

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Mouthful of Words Poem after Brian Moses

Mouthful Of Words

Poem after Brian Moses


These are the words my teacher teaches,

omnipresent, evaporating, invigilator, dichotomy,



Then there are the words at home they choose

in our chatters animated to recounting the news.


There are the words that Grandma always seems

to say that I regurgitate, no matter the situation or their

denoting: bam...

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Greater than Alexander

His love delighted her

Shirley Valentine would have been proud,

Intertwined, on sun-bleached sand.

Quietly tender, both breathing loud.                              


Unlike her suburban life

Every moment, utterly forgettable,

Together yet separate, final vows unfurled,

The sadness of marriage, entirely regrettable.


His love delighted her                           ...

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Also by JD Russell:

What does it feel like | Metaphorically: A life | Innermost Coast | It doesn't excite me anymore | A better you. |

BEACH - June 6, 1944

They splashed ashore on their target beach

And death came flying from out of their reach,

Returned in kind from grey battleships behind

Aiming but not always accurately to find

The concrete and cemented bastions that lay

Ahead - to keep expected forces at bay..

A break in the weather had foxed the foe

And saw the dawn-mist Allies go

Boldly where Angels would fear to tread


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Also by M.C. Newberry:


Literary Lemmings


If words are important

surely, they are as important as the corpses

of the forgotten.


Words, like men are buried,




Corpses sometimes disinter

as if to scream

here is where we were.


Corpses are who we are,

they are the words we will become

Spoken with a dying tongue


Preserve our words as treasure

lest they ar...

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Also by David RL Moore:

Hiatus | The Slipknot of Truth | The Truth is Never Known | Atrocities against language, guilty! | Reset | The case for exploration | Toad | Vigil | Of what remains | New Prora | Resting Place | Gun in the fridge |

Disembarkation Day memories

The happy go lucky faced old man,

war tunes whistling, his way down our street

tapping his stick to their various rhythms

on top of the little wall, that ran alongside of him

where { I know }  he hopes to see

left-over breadcrumbs have been placed.


As the clock is about to hurry me away to work,

I suddenly recall some of those whistled tunes,

and, I'm back on Granddad'...

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Also by Bethany Sallis:

Unbreakable | Off beat! |

Spring Meets Summer

I want to wake up in the morning before the dawn
And watch the spring dressed in a beautiful gown.
When the spring passes its crown to summer,

Demonstrating its beautiful gamma.


I want to open my doors wide

And watch when summer as a bride

Accepts her sister's presents

And cherish all the dear moments.

And then I wish to walk with summer in the wood
And as a lyrist to...

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Also by Larisa Rzhepishevska:

Today, on the 27th of May, I proclaim Larisa Rzhepishevska Day. Hurray! | It is Hard For My Heart | I Still Believe in Good Deeds | To My Grandson | There will be Again the Sunshine | My Elixir | I Didn’t Want To Speak Out Loud | I Am Laura’s Stomach | My Father’s Homeland Attacked Ukraine | The Melody of Love | Love of the Stars | I’d Like To Thank You For Stealing My Heart | I Am Out of Fashion | There is Nothing Without Love | His Majesty Accidental Meeting |

mother nature

4 scores

40, should it be a big deal?

40 more will be 80

Is that enough to feel fulfilled on this planet?

Maybe I will still have a few incarnations ahead of me 

I think maybe it is time to live to my fullest and leave fear in the garbage bin.


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Also by New Shoes:

Pleasure |

Go Live Day

Sheaves of stamps with perforated edges

Crumpled postal orders and giro books

Biros, jotters, paperclips and ledgers

Welcoming smiles and knowing, sideways looks

Parcels, diligence and calibration

Columns filled with calculator clicks

Ink stamps thud in rhythm with the nation

Lips seal envelopes with efficient licks

One day they came with boxes, drills and cable

“It’s ti...

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Also by R A Porter:

Barista Blues | Socially Perfect | The Last Tango |

posto officesonnethorizonpoliticstechnology


We know everything vibrates,

molecules dancing around even in the firmest of objects.

How then can our eyes see only the solid?

That rock,  that table, the earth beneath our feet--

wild, intelligent movement going on within,

but absolutely beyond our plain-eyed perception.

But then, every once in a while, as if an interior microscope lights up,

there it is--

the dance of th...

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Also by Hélène:

Spring! | "The Little Way" (Thérèse de Lisieux) | Letting Go (Eventually) | Electric! | Just Another Day in Paradise | Beauty | Rising Day | Beautifully Adorned | Listening to a Woman of 103 Years of Age | Thoughts on Water Heaters, Cars, and People | Fun With Words |


Slippers are used variously,

A humble gift from Mother Nature's stall.

They cushion our steps and guard our toes,

As we journey through life's winding rows.


Bathroom slippers, we don in haste,

After a long day's slumber or a warm bath.

The soft terry cloth or fuzzy fur,

Protects our soles from tile's cold, hard sting.


Room slippers, too, we find their place,


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Also by Sunshine:

Barking dogs seldom bites | The house we call home |

Obsessed With Happiness

When Snow White met Narcissus

and kissed away the loneliness

all the adults were jealous

all the adults were envious

all the adults were contemptuous

as they kissed away the loneliness

like Snow White and Narcissus

ended up in a circus

where they found their happiness

cannot be jealous

cannot be envious

cannot be contemptuous

and it's only virtuous

to be obse...

Read more …


Also by Auracle:

Howling Happiness | Incredible Happiness | Happy-To-Go | and explore the many dimensions of happiness | Happiness like the wind | Enormous Expectations | Humility | Why so negative? | Exodic Trends | even more beautiful | Nova knows |

Obsessed With Happiness

can't fix love (Matheus L. Duarte)

You hammered nails into our bed’s headboard

The wardrobe’s frail, but you said you could fix that too

And I answered: “do we even have glue?”

You always complain when I try to think forward

But monday’s gonna rain, what if we have to buy more?

Who’s driving to the store?

Isn’t it dangerous to drive in the storm?

Isn’t it best for us to just conform that... some things cannot b...

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I am left empty

In a field of Bluebonnets

Whose roots reach for the salt of my eyes.


In a field of Bluebonnets 

I lay,




Flowering hues of me turn Blue,

Smearing the sunshine yellow-oranges of my memories of you.


Flowering hues of me turn Blue

As I drift away on my bed of bonnets.

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Finger painting

got your outsides covered 
by former lovers 
just when you thought 
there was nowhere to hide 

I pick up my brush 
I paint your insides 

I’ve got more than 
eight million colors 
most can’t be seen 
they’re felt all over 

I make you cry 
tears of delight 
just you now wait 
for the rollers 

painting your insides 
in a rainbow 
painting your insides 
with a hint of a shadow...

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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

Your last chance to sell out | Annoyances | Another Song for my Friends | The furniture of the moment  | Sweetness & Grind | Esoteric | True |

Magnet (Kharkiv, 25 May 2024)

A magnet hung in the big, bright store,

Between the household and the sport,

When down came a pair of guided bombs

And more innocent lives were cut short.


Far away across the border,

Pampered strategists play chess;

They do not know the victims,

And are bothered even less.


This is the new reality

Of war devoid of shame,

Where women, men and children


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Also by Stephen Gospage:

The Naughty Little Boy | The Empire of Light | String Quartets | Eurovision 2024 | The Old Smoothie | Ballot Box |


I’m No Stranger

And so it begins

Slowly pushing myself down

Into the darkness of a self dug hole

Allowing all of the bad

The negative

The shitty things to give me the strength to dig

I’m no stranger to the pain

My childhood trauma and everything after can attest

The stories I could tell

The looks I would inevitably get

The judgements, perhaps

I’m no stranger to solitude

Self ma...

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After the storm - Remal, the tropical cyclone

After the storm, there's a stillness all around

All that was destroyed now lies on the ground

Plants uprooted, leaves scattered with branches entwined

Vehicles overturned, corrugated roofs left behind


The sight of complete upheaval, an ugly scene to behold

Yet the air is calm, the weather pleasant and bold

An extra sense of gratitude fills the air

For the destruction that...

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Also by Ghazala lari:

Surrender | Echos of the soul | Grass will be greener on all sides | An orphan's paradise | Divine timing | Invincible force | Fragile dance of relationships | Human intervention in weather conditions of today. |

Wedding Day

Once upon a time
in a land far, far away 
A boy and girl met
at a gathering one day 

When he left for home
they promised to keep in touch 
Living so far apart
didn’t faze them too much

Over time and tide
friendship turned into romance 
They travelled to and fro
whenever they got chance

One blue sky day
resting on a bench by the sea 
He asked for her hand
whilst bended down on ...

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These Four Walls

These Four Walls



     The pot is bubbling contentedly,

my rice softening as this shoebox dwelling -

   persists a hardening,

     I can hear and I do note the steam

now covering all surface known shiny,


     I sit listening and note the modulation

be quickening, the bubbles faster and faster

   as liquid disappears.


     Here I am, noting with stubbor...

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Also by ZTK Space:

The Observations of The Strath and Formant |


Our passage through time's feasting halls
is swift and short,
slow and long,
a sprinting, crawling,
leisurely race
towards and away from
eternities we know nothing of
yet speculate endlessly over,
like debaters and disputants
far more knowledgable
than we really are;
and all the while
forgetting, ignoring, uncaring of
why we're in the race to begin with,
remembering even less -
as t...

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Also by Martin Peacock:


‘Reading back’

Reading back

To see all the love my mother recieved

As she was pregnant with me

June 4th 2010 I was attended

When her pregnancy finally ended

I feel a surge of relief 

That my mother had so many people with belief

Belief that I came out well

Although it was quite like hell


Sadness came to me as I realise

That I almost didnt make it out alive

Goodness! I must'v...

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Also by Kara-Fé Burrows:

‘I miss you mummy’ |

Samaritans ,well trained life savers

Working as a Samaritan was something I always wanted to do,

Six months into the job I unfortunately got the flu.

As a consequence I tried to call in sick,

But they talked me out of it really quick.


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Also by hugh:

High hopes for Nye | A highly impressed bystander | The joy of reaching 99 | Georgia Laurie,you are amazing!! The first person to be given the king’s bravery award medal by King Charles | Are you a pole vaulter? | The power of the sun | A frustrated comedian | “Have a good day,”said my boss | I could see myself doing this job. |

Moving like Jagger

‘Mick Jagger has a six-year-old. He’s 80.’

Conversation between two older women overheard on a train


Embarrassing, enduring logo. Those lips.

Jumping Jack Flash, no ordinary wrinklie,  

sired another offspring in his seventies,

still manages to shake those hips.

Faux-rebel with a knowing grin.

Only a nineteen-sixties serum

explains so many honky-tonk women.


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Who do you think you are kidding Mr Starmer

If you think old Rishi’s done?

We are the boys who smashed down your North Red Wall

We are the boys who will bring about your fall;

So who do you think you are kidding Mr Starmer

If you think the voting’s won?


We don’t care about Lib Dems cos they will not perform

The Nationalists are shafted; we don’t care about Reform.

Who ...

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Also by John Coopey:


stand and deliver—mile markers

the road’s rolling out

in front of me again

showing me the exit


say something quick

and make it stick

I’ll soon be gone


I’ll set a candle at my back

to light the path I’ve traveled

I’ll burn my skin with the heat of it

with still no movement ahead

I set my sight upon the distance


look now into my eyes

like you’d once done

smile and bring the te...

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Also by Landi Cruz:

beyond the pale (artefacts repurposed) | burrow | Corpus Aurum |

Cut Grass

C t Gra


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Also by Edbreathe:

May | 3 |

Chameleon in a Candy Store (Reflection)

Chameleon in a Candy Store (Reflection)


My past, a faded wrapper, clung to me, bittersweet,

at the end of the book as other possibilities shimmered,


Each sweet, a choice, a moment a life path I could explore

From the journey back home or to something else.


Would I melt into the darkness, and become one with the swirl?

Or break free from the jar, a defiant, unflav...

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Also by Gray Nicholls:

The Colour of Darkness | No need |


He's a walking talking country song

Pie in the sky kinda guy

Head in the clouds

Talks too loud

He's a walking talking country song

and I won't be with him for long

Bye bye Country Boy...LOL

by Lynn Hahn

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Also by lynn hahn:


Why Tennis ?

After a long,long time

A decision emerges

To play tennis 


A knock about tennis

Session  revealed practice 

Was needed .

Ropey backhand and

Forehand.Rushing to

Hit the ball .

Another decision emerges,

Lessons are needed .

After the second lesson

Confidence grows .

It all comes flooding 

Back .

Hitting a ball is

So satisfying.



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