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First Steps

I wake  
earlier than usual,  
padding gingerly across  
the dusty, sunlit 
pine floor
toward the kettle  
and the promise  
of the morning fixer.

I wait,  
gazing through the steam  
at the hazy dawn.  
Some are already awake,  
their shiny black caps dipping
in and out  
of the glimmering waves.  
One already stepping 
onto the shore—  
the evolution of the species;  
it ...

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We take giant steps
When we let ourselves go:
Step into love
Step into eternity.
Nano steps will hardly do
Outside where full blown life
Blows me away from restrictions,
Predictions. Derelictions. Do not smile at those trapped
By circumstance, by failed romance.
Instead take a walk while spring flowers hibernate.
Too many of us stay inside, hide ourselves away,
We do not live the lo...

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Also by John E Marks:

GENERATION 27 | Christian forbearance | The dark watches of the night | GHOST WRITING | Tràighean | Pagan | FREE SPEECH | Ensanguining the skies | BIRTHDAY POEM | SEEDS | THE RUINS of NINEVEH | THE VEIL of MELANCHOLY | MUSCLE MEMORY |

The Kiss, (Gustav Klimpt. 1908)

His sensual ruggedness, closer

Her rouged cheeks, surrender

head softly caressed, cradled by

masculine fingers, though slender

Hold that puckered pose

Crimson lips tender

Anticipating gentleness

She’s a love defender


Hand-picked blooms

Threaded through reddened locks

Petals stroke barefooted soles 

Verbena, Primrose, and Phlox.

Robed in gilded weave


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Also by JD Russell:

If tomorrow should start without me | Misquoting Cohen | What can I do? | Triarchy |

This Place

Overwhelmed, underwhelmed,
Who knows?

Drifting, searching, overreaching

Deleting, defeating, and fleeing.

Gray and gloomy with a chance of heatwave

Disturbed dreams, and a possibility of having a thought.

Hot and cold, hanging my head in pity, putting on my mask to approach the day, with something sarcastic and witty

In my back pocket, like my weapon arsenal, my o...

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Time on a Train

From the window of my little roomette

I watch the landscape scrolling past

It is as varied as the people aboard

Each a different story, a different mindset

Scenery has been staged, all riders in the cast

The unwritten script requiring a certain accord


The anatomy of this production is never static

Characters continue to enter and leave the stage

Dynamics altered from c...

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Also by Tim Higbee:

Mid-day Blues | Vortex of Change | Words |

Where is the Joy?

Cold pensioners applauding
A pay rise for His Majesty
Smoke outdoor cigarettes
Where their local used to be

They share their coughs with cows
Busy trampling the corpses
Of a million culled badgers
Who never were their causes

The Britpop feelgood factor’s
Now a website bound to crash
Get your tits out rock ‘n’ roll
Is waiting for your cash

Where is the joy, they ask
Of booting ou...

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Also by Steve White:

Doing Time For Nigel | Cold Sausage Rolls |

To have loved how we loved

To have loved how we loved

 Eyes locked, skin tender


To have loved how we loved 

Hands clasped, lips traced 


To have loved how we loved 

Sea of brown, sea of blue 


To have loved how we loved 

Bodies ignited, spirits calm


To have loved how we loved 

Unsung harmong, fragile peace 


To have loved how we loved 

Hidden darkness, returning comfort...

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Also by C.J. Levenson:

Heal my wounds | Ancient Hearts | A tapestry of lives gone by | Eyes of the storm | Song of agony | Rise/Fall |



The smell of leather

murky, dank, weather

Aroma’s in the breeze

rotting leaves

Pine trees in the wood

Slimy mud

Lavender blue

Odeur douce

Smells from the chippy

Fat and dripping

Chips and gravy

Going crazy?

Chinese takeaway

Smells take your breath away

Tikka masala

What a palaver!

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Also by Rick Varden:

All I Want | All Blown Up | Bi Polar Poetry | Disorder |



I navigate the airport exit

in standard hiking gear,

progress to humble streets

that bear her daily print

no matter how often

she dreams of escape.

The narrow staircase tunnels

upwards like a mineshaft

through rough damp stone

to our tiny flat where

a chugging fridge of imports

tries to last the month

and after lockdown restriction

pleasure wa...

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Business (A friendly face)

I took one in the back,

And fell down on the ground.

I sought a friendly face,

And saw one that I knew,

Approaching me at pace:

A pal from student days,

Now on the other side.

‘I’m not to blame,’ he says,

And shoots, in the same place.

‘It’s business, it’s not you.’

His words seemed quite profound,

(I don't think I replied)

Yet they took me aback,

As I lay th...

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Also by Stephen Gospage:

Kicking and Screaming | The President You Deserve | Kursk (A provocation!) | Hiroshima | Late Quartets |


You're a Big Girl

You're a big girl 

With every decision you make

You don't waver in front of people 

With the choices you've made 

You stand your ground 

With a smile or one turned upside down 

And you're outspoken when bystanders look away

Sugar, spice and everything nice 

Is not all what you're made of 

Your sweet and sourness gives you power 

That keeps you from going the wrong way


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If feeling are false is my life a lie 

Cause clarity comes after insanity 

There's truth hidden in the madness 

A warmth to be found in the Irish winter 

And just like the summer loves comes after the rain 

Life's a funny old game 

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The UkeFest

Just because you can play it doesn’t mean you should

I’m talking about After the Goldrush or Before the Flood

or anything by The Eagles, Paul Simon and Stormzy

Keep these artists separate from your ukulele


Just because you know the words don’t mean you can sing

Paul Rogers is Bad Company, leave Fields of Gold to Sting

Give Roy Orbison numbers a miss

Don’t kid yourself you...

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Also by R A Porter:

L'Amour Olympique |

humoursatireukulelebandshumorous poetry



Not to be or R2P,

So what's the Dilemma?

when doing right

makes economies tremor.


When "Never Again"

is reasoned away,

no matter to those

who don't have a say.


The panga and bomb

the fist and the gun,

reign over a song

too often heard sung.


The pen and the suit

the fine things of State,

the willing recruit

to The Profits of Hate.


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Also by David RL Moore:

What fear is | Canvas | The Sand Reckoner | A Child's Sight | The accidental tourist | Of Love, Lust and Faith | From Iberia to the Breadbasket (the brackets of battles) |

Double Scoop

My neighbor, an irascible man, a few houses down,

often yells at the ice cream truck when it comes around.

He objects to the noise (or maybe it's the tune).


I take offense to his assault on my thoughts;

my youthful anticipation of cold sugary treats

on hot summer days.


I know one thing for sure, the next time the truck

comes around with its music and joy,

I wil...

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Also by Mike McPeek:

Beach Day | Normal People | Little Dog | The Color of Rose | Drift-Away Friends - Pt. 2 | Brothers | Walking Along | Ticket to There |

Glimpses Of Beauty

Glimpses Of Beauty 


Tingling sound of your voice
makes my body tremble 
and steals my attention for a moment
as my heart skips a beat 
and filled with an ambivalent 
feeling of love and slight fear 
in disbelief of the moment
Melting and seeing glimpses of you 
smiling as we melt together 
in that moment, 
where nothing else matters
as our hearts intertwine 
and caught up in th...

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Growing Pains

4 kilos more

I hate to say it, really 

My thoughts are potent ! - i am fizzing ! ---

And then chewing is a chore

and then I'm 

six again 

and my mom is telling me to eat more 

to grow up big and strong

I hate being my own mother  



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Also by Max Sullivan:

Gusher | It's happening again | reflecting | heretic's prayer | Doctor's Visit | Middling Sort | Wrung Out | Face Cream | Dread Soup | Hail the Conquering Hero | Just Sex | Reverse Autumn | Acerbic | Butchering Keats |

A Bright Day Will Come Soon

I beg you to watch the dawn,

To watch the dawn kissing the moon,

To see if the night has already gone,

And a bright day appears soon.


Just watch, how his eyes are sad,

How mother's heart pains,

How the child sleeps in bed,

How the leaf on a tree remains.


I beg you to watch the man,

Who is tired and walks blindly.

You do what you can for him,

And he wi...

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Also by Larisa Rzhepishevska:

Marry or Divorce | I Am the Wind | I Do Not Trust the One Who Kills the Swan | A talk between a young lass and an old woman | The Sorrow of All Jews is in Your Eyes | I'll Overcome the Oceans, Mountains, and Seas |


here and gone

i want to be forgotten.

i want the last time

someone utters my name

to be on the first day

of spring.

i want the world to

get acquainted with

a life without my love

and then

i want it to cry


it really was

better with me in it

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Also by Sherri:

dear diary | for Plato | enigma | shoulder the sky | fireflies once a loved in falsetto | his scar garden | Archer meets the Bull | on repeat | death in adagio | weaving the void | premortem | the fall | stigma of a damselfly | in the darkness, lights | Unpacking the Life of a Poet | death of a gorgon | what's that word again? | on a thursday | If Galaxies Could Kiss |



I watch the sweep of birds on the wing

a centrifuge of consent for the long road ahead.

They have no need of words, persuasion

but adopt the common movements that support them. 


In a similar way the political dreamers

plot their courses their restless brains

informing choices, rolling out promises

on clouds of expectation that close up


behind them on infinite jour...

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Also by ray pool:



His shadow's not his

My shadow's not mine

Because I don't exist

But my shadow is his

So I'll work overtime

Painting dark grey lines


Flesh skeletons

All encompassing

Cause we're both beings

But how do I know that's real

When I don't know how to feel

Sitting on the ground

Paintbrush in my mouth


My flesh is withering

My speech is sickening 

But I...

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Also by Cryptid:

Uniform | I'm just like you | Doomed(?) | Your cats skull |

Ooh Child.



There’s this movie I watched as a child. It's deeply sad and the themes are heavy, but an eight year old with a bag of liquorice wouldn’t be the wiser. After that day in the theater it became my favorite movie. I still watch it from time to time and even as the tears begin to fall something about it makes me feel whole. I think that's because I resonate so deeply with the two main charac...

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Also by Jordyn Elizabeth:

Death of a Poet. | Lions Land. |

Was It Worth It?

I can't help but wonder, was it worth it?

Was your transient moment of pleasure worth making me feel like shit?

It seems to be a never-ending cycle of me losing my mind over you,

Your words display such innocence while your actions prove they're not true.


Defending, deflecting, giving every reason instead of the selfish thoughts in your head,

Unintentionally cementing my newfou...

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Fragile Flawed and Easily BrokenHeartbreakSadMarriageUnrequited Love

The Black Dog.

She didn’t really have flesh

No eyes

No heart

No bones


It was hard to believe

That she even existed

Sometimes it was easier

To imagine that her children

Fell from the sky


She never spoke

But her voice would get into your head

And she would say things


I love you



You could search 

your own face

Maybe you could find her th...

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Also by Clare:

The Moon Fairy (Sapphire Queen)  | The Red (Pink) Room. | Fashionistas from Mars | I Will Lie to You. | Leaving. | Moonlight Lover. | Muse |

Lies L & R

Get your lies in first my friend,

get your lies in first,

and if lies can't be found

know that half-truths will do.


So get your lies in first,

time to whip up the sheep

who eat up the lies,

the dim-witted fools.


Give oxygen to your lies.

Spread the word, anon, 'X',

and that heady mixture

will fan the flames of unrest.


Good lies take time to refute...

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The Cliff: A Tall Tale

Don't look down
They say
Starve yourself
Of the unknown

For nobody knows
What's below

I shield my eyes from the cliff
Proclaiming my distrust of the ledge

I sway as the wind
Horrifying nothings in my ear

I dare not peak
Lest the bottom I seek

Tensing, I coerce the rock
To become one
With my feet

If earth hears my plea
Safety is guaranteed

I find
To my dism...

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Also by Endigo Michaels:

Falling: A Prayer | Best Laid Plans: An Anecdote |

fearcoupletsfree verse

Endless threads

In your eyes, I trace the line of joy you bring to me.
To your bliss, I cling—
Not just a fleeting thing,
But a bond that time can't free.

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Also by Keletso:

To my crush | On Neurodivergence (Inspired by Khalil Gibran) | Empaths | Nocturnal Sway | We are our memories |

Let’s Play

Push me against the wall

Whether you are short or tall

Show me what you are made of

Let’s play and shower some love

Over each other, whatever the gender

Whether you are a tutor or bartender

Make it a memory that can never be erased

Ensuring that this night does not go to waste

Grind my body, kiss my delicate lips

Make me moan, hold me by the hips

Tempt me to fall and ...

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Also by Aisha Suleman:

The Train | Risk | Monday Motivation | Friday Feeling | Arrest Me | Spectacular Spain |

: The Voices In My Mind :

All those voices yet in my mind,

From the years I had left behind.

            Casting echoes in that room -

            Pulsing through the dusty gloom.

The floating dust catching the light,

Shivered with unknown disquiet!

            The echoes gathered to surround.

            They animated the space around.

People I loved, now lost with time,

Speaking thru' the years...

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: The Toss! : |

Musememorythe pastpoetrysonnet

Stalag Zehn B

the feldwebel became a general
the campdoctor, a professor
and we the jews - it’s banal
we stayed jewish - no error

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I'm laying on the operating table

The lights almost blinding me

As I wait for the anaesthetic to kick in

Waiting for the bliss of sleep


I realise... 


There was no anaesthetic

I begin to panic but my body stays still

As if I'm chained up to the table

As if my brain is denying control


I feel each cut the surgeon makes

I feel a warm liquid dripping down my...

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Also by Keegan Van Vuuren:

Hurricanes | Starry nights | The Happy Friend |

self harmdepressionisolationanxiety


There’s something quite rotten in Britain,

Rights Human are now being rewritten,

A journos wrong question,

Brings fascist attention,

He’s arrested and, with prison smitten.

So much then, for pride and remembrance,

Behold now, their hopes in sad embers;

The lobby has paid,

Our forbears betrayed,

Hate thrives now, and it fears no hindrance.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh 28th Augu...

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Britainhuman rights abusesjournalismremembrancehate

Plea for Renewal

Beneath the weight, I seek Your grace,
Reaching for a sign in this quiet place.
Exhausted from the trials I face,
All I ask is a moment of Your embrace.

Keep my hope from fading away,
Through the shadows, guide my way.
Hear my plea in the dark of night,
Restore my will, renew my light.

Open doors that seem closed tight,
Uplift my heart, make things right.
Give me strength to carry on...

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Also by Whispers of the Heart:

Dear God, At This Crossroads | Conversations with the Divine | Why, oh Lord, did this not bloom? |



Shall freedom of speech live...

Or shall freedom of speech die?

Here are many millions of English folk who will know the reason why.


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Also by M.C. Newberry:


It Had to Be Now

Next time we’re sixteen

Five miles apart, on the phone all night,

Whispering as we turn off the lights,

When we hate to say goodbye

I’ll know it’s right


And next time we’re seventeen,

Lying on the dock on a moonlit night,

Rocked by the lake under stars so bright,

When your fingers touch mine

I’ll know it’s right


But it had to be now, it couldn’t be then


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Skipping Stones

We went down to the lake

to skip stones

with the boy, turning into a man soon,

but still little enough

and joyful enough

to want to learn how to skip stones

from two old people. 

We were surprised he had never skipped stones before

and delighted to show him how to do it:

Look for flat, light stones,

use a strong, low level, horizontal throw,

and voilà--


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Also by Hélène:

On Writing | Walk to the Rhythm | Window in the Morning | Just One Thing | Spread Joy |

Your cup

Beat the clock

Rush to the dock

Smash the shuttle

Give the rebuttle


Stand firm

Give the new terms

Crush the enemy

No more friends for me


Or pace yourself

Think of your health

Be kind and calm

Be free of alarm


Yoga it up

Fill up your cup

with love and sadness

Then stir it all up

And find your gladness 


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Austria Social Media Freedom

In Austria grave decisions must be made

that pave the way to stave off threats of terror,

where the innocent may pay. The chancellor

now asks a costly payment of society, to waive

away ones right to privacy.


The general public is caught between

a rock and a hard place, struggling to save

their rights yet still be brave against

those who seek to do harm. “To what extent


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Also by Amogelang Marope:

On Losing Weight | Letsile Tebogo – Pride of Botswana |

Austriasocial mediaTaylor SwiftTelegramWhatsAppSignal


(A poem I wrote for the kids and their grandad)


If Grandad should come round to our house sometime

For lunch or for dinner or tea

He’ll tell us he’s not a big eater these days

“Don’t serve up too much for me”.


He likes a red wine before his repas

It serves as aperitif

And anyway these days he can’t chew so well

Not with his NHS teeth.


In time we’ll sit dow...

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Also by John Coopey:




BEAUTY       G.L.Aspinall


There is beauty in everything I just heard a robin sing                           outside in the garden by the willow tree.                                              Singing his song for you declaring his love is true.


You and I are one as two together play in harmony                                   through clouds we hear that float so softly to ...

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Also by Grant Aspinall:

Dan | #5.STARS | #4. STARS | #3. STARS | #1.STARS. | #2. STARS. |

Warmth of genuine connections

The books that fascinated me once,  

now lie like relics,  

pages turned to dust,  

their spines cracked and weary—  

no more keys to my soul,  

just ink smeared like forgotten dreams, 

words fading like memories,  

the stories now whisper in a foreign tongue.


Places that once sparked my curiosity,  

now wear a shroud of indifference,  

their landscapes dull in t...

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Also by Sunshine:

It's never too late | Scrambled thoughts to serve | Decoding |


poets lie too much

they lie to themselves

sometimes to avoid

being stuck on the shelves


not the shelves of the library

or the ones in the sea

not the ones in the hall of fame

the ones in romantic comedy

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North and South decided to meet 

After decades long, bitter conflict,

Diversity in culture captured the streets,

Although a few condescending ones 

Had irrational reasons to contradict. 


All was fun and the sun shun bright 

Above the ones who had once 

Put up an ugly fight. 


The city was sparkling in the daytime,

And even more so in the nights,

There was pro...

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Also by Manish:

Bonfire | Half of Forever | Irreplaceable | When the Darkness Scoffed | Nothingness |


The Legend & History of King Arthur

The subject of many literary and cultural endeavours, for example Alfred Lord Tennyson and the Pre-Raphaelite artists to name but a few the legend or "quaint history" of the elusive "King Arthur" rivals that same fabulist concoction known as "Robin Hood" or "William Shakespeare"-all of which are endorsed by leading institutions as irrevocably TRUE! But what real evidence is available to substantia...

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King ArthurHoly GrailThe Round TableCamelotKnights of the Round TableMedieval Literature in Europe

Confidence Trick

I'm angry with you

You messaged things up.

You said the wrong things

You did the wrong things

But,you smooth talk

Your way out

By saying you want to

Know how

I truly feel.

You accept what I have 

To say

But,you don't think

You' ve done anything wrong.

It's hard to resist

Your honest/ trickery.

You focus on my feelings

You pretend to care 

You're a...

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Also by Ornella. Bushell:

Around and Around |

Pain Relief

When will it go away?


The pain in my chest


Pain in my stomach




It’s repetitive and never stops


It creeps up on me like bugs


Stings like a wasp


Bites like a mosquito


And leaves, taking a small part of me


Some say it’s a part of life 


Maybe I don’t want that


If this is life 


Maybe I don’t want any p...

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Also by mouseinmypocket:

Eyes on Me |

painlovefriendshipreliefpain reliefhoperegretlossfaithpoetrypoem


Silver grey swirls soak us, blind us,

with false hopes of brightness barely

breaking through. The tantalising

threat of sun seduces, then forsakes,

as the mist’s morning fingers extend

tendrils, strangle the glimmer of day.


Ethereal voices murmur through the hush

in muted exchange too faint to decipher,

muffled by the stifled swoosh of wavelets

whispering across an ...

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

Lagan | Breakfast! | Seasons’ Change |

Sacred Secret


I answer Yes

We can say

      you'll meet me later. It's later now

And a man

     walks up a hill, probably steep

          his eyes aren't closed, he's winded at the top

but happy

We made it

                  he says to the joy he's carrying

He can put it down now

                              let the joy run around joyously without stop



You got m...

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Wrestling with illusions, 

With fiendish and apocryphal delusions, 

Foraging for the prophesied freedom,

Disparaging every funhouse mirror;

Unschooled, yet intimating knowledge

Of cornerstones and sacred particularities, 

And, with synapses on high alert, 

Awaiting contingencies to coalesce, 

Some elemental certainty to effervesce,

Illumining, perhaps, sturdier next step...

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Also by Holden Moncrieff:

Orphaned. | Phantom. |

Creature of Habit

at times I find myself
with insight
into my third eye
the inward perception
of crystalline tears
holding onto emotions
looking for one thing

The truth

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Also by Shawn Garcia:

Waxing Poetic | The Vacuum of Space | We Took a Wrong turn | Dead End | Bullet Points |


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