Donations are essential to keep Write Out Loud going    

The short stories we wrote 

With the best of intentions

Have restaged our ending

Intervened with the truth

We rehearsed our roles

And recounted with patience

Of my brief co-existence

Disappearing proof


Why would memory fail

Why would time have no meaning

When its healing has let me

Grow two lives into one

Our story is frail

Its last breath is beginning


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Also by C Banning:

(untitled) | (untitled) | (untitled) | (untitled) | (untitled) | (untitled) |

closeted struggle

closeted struggle


in the war against stuff 

we’ve lost a lot of ground 


(the poetry anthology 

doesn’t count)


three boxes came yesterday 

with nowhere to go 


that was six square feet 

excluding the cardboard


your retail therapy 

has been put on hold 


after six consecutive trips 

to the large parcel window


the post office all...

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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

false beginners | horror films | The next thing | Next Weekend | crossing the renovated district | blog review of "Transportation" | go hire a team of liars | The happiness of others | O, Lve | Habits Change | face of god | mouthfeel | Survival, Carolina | cheap watches | Professionals | Hiding Out | Collectors | Draw | Janell at the NYPL |

USA Economics

Money is a lie that the government owes you
Sit there and listen to all the bullshit that they tell you
It's a shame when the lies become the truth 
So what's use the youth to get them high
Just for rich can a diet them 
Into a prison that doesn't love them

We live in a government that citizens isn't loved
So blame it on the poor and the welfare checks
Then go brag about your bread but y...

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Also by Mikey V Kinsey:

Story Of Julian | I'm sorry, I'm trying   | Crystal City Part 2 lyrics | Crystal City Part 1 lyrics | 2 Years It's Been :( | So Call It What You Want | Checkmate | Winter Wind | Margaret and Mordecai | One Lonely Snowflake | Old Man | Still Love Her | The Beginning | Group of Old Crows | Words of The Waiting Man 19 | Memento Mori | A Moment of clarity | Pink Room Lyrics | Letter To Firefly | Dear God Why? | Princess of the Fireflies | Cafe Blues And An Rainstorm From You | Melancholy Weather lyrics | Firefly | Overdose | Basement Thumping | A Letter From Sour Patch Kid | The True Life of A Poor Kid Lyrics | Homeless. Lyrics | Goodnight Firefly Never Forget That You're The Reason I'm Still Alive | Zombie | Sweet Like Vinegar | We'er Moving | Firefly// Self Harm In a Bottle of Gin |

Closed For Keeps



The ghosts of poets

roam the streets

in venues past

they used to meet


Up went the rent

it got too steep

all venues shuttered

closed for keeps


High rise apartments

crammed the streets

and poets shuddered

in defeat


All poets gone

hit alt delete

they don't belong

now closed for keeps.



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Also by d.knape:

(untitled) | Password | Character | Hugh | Cheese & Crackers | (untitled) | Our Policy | Stray | Harvest Moons | Outside The Box | The Hunt | Is It Hot Enough For You | Divorce Proceedings | Opting Out | Chopped Steak | Making Faces | The Ant Wars | Age Unfolds | It Was At That Age | Guardhouse Man | After A Rain | Follow Me | The Percentage Of Poets | The Alternative | Drive Time | FENTANYL | Eat Off The Floor | If I Weren't Me | Lack Of Communication |

Never a Broken Spirit

Never a Broken Spirit


This ageing frame enfolds a spirit undiminished

aching joints, the realisation of age do not vanquish my desire

My appetite, my zest for life has not lost its ardour

a creative spirit pervades my need to express


I am not resigned nor will conform to life´s limitations

my stature suffers no erosion from the elements

A glance in a mirror is a port...

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Also by keith jeffries:

Winters Royal Trail | If Only.... | The Mundane Challenged | The Bohemian Cafe | Poverty - A Chasm too Great |

First-Born, Second-Best

Sent off to school and warmly dressed,

They said they loved him but they lied.

He was first-born, but second-best;

A sister came, pushed him aside.


He tried his best, worked very hard,

They never noticed what he did;

Became reclusive, quiet, scarred,

They never sought him when he hid.


He was a sad and lonely boy,

While she had laughter in her life;

He watche...

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

Pi | Banned | Hyperbole | Overweight | Seasons Haiku | Lamborghini | Silhouette |


What if I'm not good enough?

What if one day they realizes they're better then me and go to somone else.

I know its early, and I shouldnt stress over it, but anxiety is real, and sometimes you listen.

Yet when this happens you must remember, everyhing happens for a reason. 

They like you. They care for you.

Focus on now, not if.

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inspirationalLovelove poemlove poetrywhat if

time well spent


the scars you wear 

emblazoned upon your heart 

push you forward, yet drag the weight

of trouble seen

in ladybug red

galloping to freedom

storm clouds crying

on the detour around the dead

we all are drowning

even when it's dry

raging scenery dancing in the mirror 

time is an illusion to no one 

fractions of love

never added to much of anything


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Also by Prikcab:

twisted lines | Locator | Alone together |


The brain has limits 
but the mind is a freeway. 
I need the three 
like I need the tree. 
There's a constant burn 
inside of me. 
Time is not my own 
and I'm losing my soul 
to this open black hole. 
I carry it inside 
the flame like a glow 
flickers constant to and fro. 
The core is black 
and I long for the blue. 

I don't want the mud. 
I just want to be good, 
to give the lov...

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Also by MyDystopiA:

Static | Tip Tap | Between | Ayay | Fickle |

What were they like?

They were the deciding factor

Of a good or bad day

Of whether I was okay

If we were okay


They could change my mood

Stop me in my tracks

Jumble my mind

Blind me from the truth


Like heroin

I was their addict

Ephemeral pleasure

Everlasting poison


By the end

I was weak


Stripped of all identity


And they appeared

In my dreams


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moving onMoving forwardclosurelost loveExes

Embrace Solitude

Embracing my solitude 

and the peace it brings

not a text 

not a phone rings

it’s not so bad

having a peace of mind 

a calmness overwhelms

how useful my time

i listen

God speaks 

it is solitude

i heal

it is solitude 

i begin to feel

not a heartache 

not pain

for once I feel



                Everything above

i am lif...

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Also by MsUnLuv:

Unrequited Love | When My Love Died Today |

Because the Night....


The New York Dolls with their wicked innovation

Gender on a bender, so no more hesitation.

Galileo, Newton, the republic of the mind,

Seeing is believing, so tumble into  line.

One dusky-dusty-time-consuming evening long ago

The empirical method was revealed by the melting of the snow:   

Time’s fatal munificence, the old ebb and flow

There's a long gestation

In ...

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Also by John E Marks:

The Young Die Young | Winter is Coming | i.m. Pte Jack Prince | The season of the witch | JANISSARY | The Wilderness of the human heart | CLING | ONLY CONNECT | The monuments of Nineveh | Singularities | Strange Fruit | Yad Vashem | Tears dry on their own | Reminisce | The Sun Brigade | The fall of Constantinople 1453 | Turbulence | Incident in late November | Angels Without Wings |



Love isn't easy to do 

Love can be a nightmare

that follows you

throughout your life 

Love can rip your heart

apart if you trust in

someone who says or

claims that they love you

when in fact they don't

or never did 

Love is a tangible

unmistakable hurtful

lie of your life 

Love can leave one down

in the dumps when

someone rips your


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lifeloveOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrystoriesthinking out loudTina Gloverwriting out loud

Scorched Skies

Scorched skies and the ground littered with
The detritus of a careless society
Broken buildings and rivers poisoned with
The sickening pollution of a thoughtless culture
The wind screaming endlessly like banshees
Howling the fall of man
Empty lives staring hopelessly at pointless 
Tablets in their hands
Desperately seeking meaning to a forgotten plan
Isolationists implore from TV screens ...

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Also by Stuart Clark:

What’s The Worst That Can Happen? |

Write HOPE on your arm!

In the recent storms and typhoons, I heard advice from US police to people not evacuating to write theirnames on their arms as it might be the only way to identify them.  This somewhat brutal advice inspiredthe following rather apocalyptic poem - if you look closely I hope you can find a message of hope! 


Run for the Hills


Write your name upon your arm,

On your sleeve tattoo you...

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Also by mike booth:

Super Love? |



The clock strikes midnight, 

but I don’t see it.

I am too busy inside of my own world to care. 

The clock takes me all the way to around two in the morning. 

But i still do not care. 

The connections to the real world are 

just too hard to put down. 

I feel filled, 

Yet still empty. 

I feel joy, 

but hollow sadness at the same time. 

I am reflecting on the things I...

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Also by Elle Shaine:

Portrait of a Café | The Common Person’s Way of Thinking | Meditation Gardens and butterflies | The ups and downs of life | Fallen Stars | Hotel Grandeur | Bonfires (Part 2 of Wonder and Worry) | Photography | Shards | Tell me what you think | Corrections have been made | born to do something | the future is female | My hopeless love | i remember | When i fall |

Naughtiness Unnoticed

Naughtiness Unnoticed


I have been asked to write a poem on children.  Here is my contribution.


How can I write a poem

About a naughty boy ?

When I was good, so helpful

My mother's pride and joy


It seems I have inherited

My mother's be-nice genes

Transferred them to my daughters

No naughtiness have I seen

I coasted along quite nonchalantly


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Also by Don Matthews:

Birdsofafeather : Aussie Poet (in ascendance) to UK Poet (stage of ascendance unknown) | You Will Find More In My Profile | Golliwogs Off Display | Hang On.. I Need The Loo | Is That The Problem? | West Ham Bubble and Poet Out Of His Depth | Regret | Spill-Out Blues | Where Will You Go ? | FUN BUS : UK Researchers Explain Mayhem At HQ | WOL Colosseum vs WOL Fun Bus | Frustrations | All is Vanity | WOL Poet Tops Board of Gushiness Exam | Our Call Centres in Australia are Clever | Brian Jets Off To Tomatina | Church Law vs Government Law | Three Beat Verse | The Brain and Bipolar : Raising Awareness, Removing the Stigma |

Saturday Rhymers Club

Message from a 7-year-old

Preamble: In honour of this week's Rhymers' theme "children", here is a poem written in collaboration with my 7-year-old son.

Some people say they don’t like children

But they are wrong.

We aren’t the ones dropping the bombs.

We aren’t the ones firing the guns.

Children don’t kill other children.


The guy on the ground, he’s just doing as he’s told

The job that he’s paid f...

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Also by Becky Who:

Dog Lane | Writing in Rhyme | Love that was washed away | Not one for the guys | I hope the "sleep" function is working | Make-Up Wake-Up | Poetic Warning | Clever love |

Saturday funSRCSaturday Rhymers Clubchildren


Liebe … liebe ist ein Gefühl und Emotion, Sympathie und Begierde, es gibt sie sogar bei Tiere, ich find’s interessant zu sehen wie sich Menschen finden, die vermeintlich zusammengehören, ich habe schon viel erleben dürfen in der Liebe, es gibt kein schöneres Gefühl und dennoch verflucht man sie.

In der Neuzeit glaubt jeder alles zu wissen, insbesondere beim Online Dating und dem Posing. So Frag...

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Maleficent on Steroids

I am the Destructive Force

the eruption that leaves you lost 

for words


I am the bursting forth

of the trauma you buried decades ago

that brings you to your knees


I am the seemingly endless pain

that makes you wish for death

that you may never again fear it


I am Maleficent on steroids

your worst fears realised


I am the knocking down, brutally, 


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Children can be a pleasure,

They can also be a pain;

Spare me the kids at leisure

In a train or on a plane!


They can be little angels,

Or the Devil's own sown brood;

Charming and disarming,

Or incorrigibly rude.


An old adage has just occurred

And refers to the typical brat -

Children should be seen...but not heard -

And I'll say amen to that!


I he...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:



Economics are arithmetical facts:

and history an interpretative smear.

Some historians blend

(with aims to offend)

those texts through conjecture

the results are a spectre

of what should be made solid and clear.

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Also by Tommy Carroll:

Monsoon wind | My |


One is, bewildered, left upright under the sun
while the other, speechless, slipped faraway for shade.

Now those pretty bands making sense of this dumb rock
lead down, like steps, the one who will not leave.

One set in his ways in this age of the critic
reliving the days when poems built up in praise.

Pretty the bands of rock, pretty the rings of trees
pretty your crumbling steps, can...

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Also by Adam Whitworth:

English Madrigal |  Up The Lane | My Half Of The Sonnet | The Stake To The Sunflower | Through The Willow Curtain | First Light Echoes | Authors | We May Break Even | One Autumn Twilight | The Greedy And The Hungry Went To War... | Fool's Ghazal | The New World Requires | In A Free Hour | For You To Judge | FAQ |

Still Here

Still Here


Raise your glasses cunning foes!

Behold your triumph and cheer!

The folk are down, who will not flee

will bend the knee in fear.

My neck is broken, wounds are sore

You’ve almost won the war!

So drink a toast and raise your glasses,

brag and mock and sneer!

At dawn when the golden hour passes,

I will still be here.


(written on October the 15th, ...

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Also by Mae Foreman:

Y | I can tolerate Death |

Late September Morn

I, dreamlost,


to golden leaves of beech


from my bed

as airdew clouds over the hedge

rise and vanish

as the eastern horizon above the valley

is lost, sunk

beneath dawndrifts of mist

not yet warmed to fade

beneath the clear blue sky;

the uncut grass of the dew-wet lawn,

droplet bent:

cool promise as

I, barefooted,


the cusp of the...

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Also by Chris Armstrong:

#BeMoreSnail #Brighton | The wave behind the wave | Lunar | Sky | Epiphany in the Early Morning | Early Autumn Lake | The Invitation |


How Do Girls Pee?

I was visiting Mum for a week.

Always a delight for candid chat

Over a few quiet days

And the diverse 'drop-ins'

We both enjoyed so much.


One afternoon a favourite cousin called by

For coffee and cake.

In his fifties now – a fine looking chap

With the same twisted grin

I liked so well from childhood.


After some general conversation

He set down his cup


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Also by Cynthia Buell Thomas:

Never trust a lover who ..... | I Wonder If |


New Mills Festival

uplifting poetic voices

creative energy displayed

inspiration powers rhyme

drifting at first

then they remain.

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Also by Nigel Astell:

Insanity Comes Calling |

Every shop had a poem inside them

Too much to fix

I still loved you but I walked away.
I know you still love me, but I'm not comming back.
You still try to reach me, I know you do.
Every text you send I read, never ending your silent plead.

I know you're hurting I'm too,
but I know I can't be with you.
You were my everything I hope you know.
now I can't give you roses of red colour.

I was hurting, my heart was bleeding,
I didn't let ...

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Also by Dee:

Shame of world | Without you | Unrequited |

Being brokenbreak uplost loveunrequited love


The place where she can`t be happy enough

Racing like a rat to reach her destination is really tough..

This place gives her nothing but depression

Full of fake people roaming around..

Everybody is busy making an impression

And she feels like she is nowhere to be found..

She cried alone and wipe her tears in the middle of the night..

Thinking of where life has pushed her away i...

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i dont like me

i dont like me anymore,

i can see how much i hurt you but i wont put my guard down,

i know i should say sorry but its your fault and im stuborn, 

i know i should love you but i dont.

it used to be diffrent, i loved you when you put your phone down,

when you cared about my day,

when you told me"elise is another day tomorrow, dont cry my love",

now, you are so invested in your p...

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a letter to my son--for now...

I never meant when I came here

for my feet to be set into concrete--

I hope that you will soon come to understand what that means.

I hope that you will be always aware that

when you come to what seems an end

the higher man within your heart demands you

muster whatever means of change you can

to move the world as it sits upon your shoulders

if only to find the relief of a sh...

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Also by nunya:

upon pondering some of the various conditions which might be judged as normal |


I stood and watched
As her hair did blow, 
Like branches dancing 
in the wind.

Her eyes left frozen
in an empty stare, 
Leaked fond memories of the
love that once lived there.

No place left for her love to grow. 
She stagnates, even in her dreams. 
Her life stiffened,
like the roots buried deep beneath the one family tree.


The season pass.
The colours change, her hair f...

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The Attack

The Attack


You mentally crowd

my deepest thoughts at daylight

my wild imaginings when hours are unholy

until the daring fantasies of the night


You emotionally make

my heart throb

aching to an utmost degree

its every beat

longing for your warmth

to calm its pulsating heat


You are present

in evert corner of my mortality


You have conquered my...

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Also by poetic_muse:

WHISPER | Bodily Notions | Confusion of Promises on a Blurry Canvas | Love's Expounded Complexities | DRUGGED | I Love Thee |



I had a dream that I could fly.

I soared up on wings made of paper

and feathers of ink,

and sky-wheeled with eagles and doves.

They saw me for a fraud

but embraced me all the same,


until I woke up,

and fell from the sky.

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I wasn't upset at the funeral today,

my cup already full of misery.

Death shouldn't be a matter of numbers,

but they were clocking up

in familiar places,

with unspoken duties of sadness.


The last one was different

which I couldn't attend

nursing my shocked and tender heart,

but families are full of expectation

and familiar strangers,

so this time it didn't cou...

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Also by ray pool:


A Long Life

Would you choose a long life
  of perennial good health
  and perpetual leisure,
Or one breathtakingly short,
  punctuated by grief,
  but drawn in the lines
   and brushstrokes
  of an artist?

The choice was made already,
  long before you had a chance
  to contemplate the possibilities.

So surrender nothing,
  not even a moment
  of what can be forgiven.

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Drugged up and homeless in Manchester yesterday

Cross -legged he stumbled ,the sight was not nice,

Heavily drugged up with the danger drug spice,

Stumbling through the city centre mumbling to himself.

His body slowly crumbling on a death shelf.

Thumps down on a bench ,his body bent,

Transmiting through the air a terrible scent.

A young girl sat there reading a book,

"Will you marry me tomorrow?"as he gave her a look.


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Also by hugh:

Getting to the bottom of finding the lost ball | Claire's despair | Theresa May | Dead | Cancelled contract | The moody bus driver | Confessions of a husband and wife | A teacher's problems with her pupils. | Guards on a train are a must | Deal with a kiss | Minister of Affairs | Homeless | Diddle,diddle dumpling | It wasn't my dog! | Demonization,beware ! | Doing time | Release 0f a jail bird | An electric shock |

Can You Imagine

Can you Imagine what it’s like to be raped at thirteen . No one to tell . No one to believe you . No one to care how you feel . No one around to support you . Things have not changed . Peoples minds have not changed . Authorities only care when Challanged . Ush Ush don’t rock the boat . Challanged to feel no pain . Money is the root of all evils . If you can’t pay you have no say . And no one care...

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Also by Wendy Higson:

Oh dear? Oh dear? | Excuses | The UKIP Leaders Interview | Before A Storm | Where Is The Shame | Poor Donald | One Hundred Years On | How Far Can One Go | A lifetime Of Following My Instinct |


How many dark places

have I been


Has there been too many


Did I die?


My heart feels so heavy

will I let you hold it


will I let you have it


I want to


The tears choke me

they stop my breath


Did I die?


God I hope not


I want to accept 

the new life

ahead of me


I want to embrace it






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Also by lynn hahn:


I'm Sorry and I love you

I'm so sorry,

I love you so so much,

I think about you all the time,

I miss your smile,

I miss your jokes,

I miss your hugs,

I miss so much more about you than I could possibly write,

I know I messed up so many times,

I know I'm to blame,

I ask myself why your face haunts me at night,

But I know why,

I replay our memories together a lot,

When I see something tha...

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(Inspired by a question my neice asked at a recent family barbecue, "What would be the hardest thing for you to give up if the doctor told you you had to?")


My dietary appointment’s making me a nervous wreck,

It follows consequentially a previous health check.

The nurse will give me diet sheets with foods she will proscribe,

The list will be exhaustive and with drinks I can’t imbi...

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Also by John Coopey:



I remember the sun;

the sun was important,

although all the art was inside

and in perfect pride of place,

skirting the walls

and planted in rows.

My feet young, but the air old,

and moss overgrown on

the war memorial outside.


True, you need light for shade,

a chiaroscuro, and

a half-full glass raised.

The place is almost silent

with must, damp, old coins...

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why is it that sometimes we


and sometimes we fly.

we hit the cold earth or the stars in the sky.

the wind blows through our hair

or it knocks us flat.

we sink into our soft beds then we slide through the slats.

i often stop and wonder that and

if the middle ground were not locked and off limits

i would try and enter and dwell within it.


flowers grow then flo...

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Also by Clara:

It dawns on the moon | Cosmic | Here comes quiet love | A dog with a beak | Full up | U N I | To a friend whose work must come to something | Glitterbomb |


Let's talk,
What we didn`t try for all these years
 for all these tears
Tell me what you like
Tell me why I can`t erase scars,
Daydreams comes and goes, nightmares howl,
shadows of us all over the places..
so many unknowns knock comes and goes ,
my body growled for the lingering touch, the scent.......
A knock, a loud one this time..
my fingers hovering in the keypad, 
m scared, 
my bo...

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Love, ME

I came across a picture of you today. 

With eyes as big as the stars, and as dark as the night sky. 

At one point in my life, you knew me better then everyone else. 

I have created a goal to carry your silver lining around my heart until I feel as though I made you smile at every one of my accomplishments. 

I am sure I have made you frown more times then I can imagine. 

Whether it b...

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Crows Winter

The caw, crows no more    

held silent, in gape of hoary beak;

bleak eyes see eternal

through the mask of winters storm

But as the cold winds blow

through the bare limbed boughs 

the spirit of your freedom;

impales you high into the sky

your blackness to be immortal

so fly now high and mighty

to soar the winters storm

For you will be forever 

the voice of winter...

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Yield |

Judging the Judge

Mark Judge knows the judge,
Maybe a bit too well,
The judge wants Judge to fudge,
But in time truth will tell.

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Supreme CourtKavanaughMark JudgeFeminism

The Sambre canal, November 4 1918

After Craiglockhart he returned to the front line.

In October the officer wrote home:

‘My senses are charred. I don’t take

the cigarette out of my mouth

when I write Deceased over their letters.’


After four years of war that transformed his verse

the Allies were making swift advances

but talk of peace was premature. He wrote

to Sassoon: ‘The new soldiers cheer

when ...

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Also by Greg Freeman:

Le Treport |


The tree
Leafless bony

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Also by Shirley Smothers:

Human | I Was Hungry | Six word Story |


Right/Write Me Now

Right me thus.

Write me this.

Write, to right a wrong.

Write me a poem.

Wrong the line of a song.

For I am forlorn (and want to be adorned).

Write it down.

Right me now.

Write me now.


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Also by 220August:

When I’m remembering you |

short poem

Love will...not.


I don't expect you to stay.
You mistake my blunt sadness for weakness. You are the fool and I am the bull. For every time I have stood up from the ground with my scars surfacing every inch of my body any one has ever touched pretending they care -  I dusted myself off and smeared my make up 0n my face to push on.

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Also by VHH:

Deep Water |

Season's Change

Below a grey somnolent day 

under the early autumn summer rain…

Their coalescing silhouettes fade 

into a withering mist…

Of tobacco smoke and vape…


Flying notes of a guitar

break the silent space 

of a birds summer requiem…

in a melancholic hearts embrace…


Young hopes disguised

travel through the window pane…

invade a lone sunlight ray… 


And thei...

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Hello my friend, welcome aboard

The ship they call 'Alzheimer's'

There's forty thousand under sixty-five

'Young onset' to 'Old timers'


It doesn't matter what you call it

The umbrella term's 'Dementia'

On the ship they call 'Alzheimer's'

Every day's a new adventure


Forget your hip replacement

And your osteoarthritis

They we...

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Alzheimer'srantingSelf-awarenessdementiahealthDark humour

Multicoloured Dreamscape

From a grey world into a kaleidoscopic dream

Twisting and turning watching the colours fly

fusing into a radiant scheme where nature

abounds with hues of indelible vigour and life

Mother of all mothers withstands each test

bouncing back time and time again

evermore beautiful and bountiful

stronger than the plough pulling ox

tougher than the hardest diamond

more radiant t...

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Also by Jon Stainsby:

Dumped on the street | The future is waiting | Miles and John | A lazy Sunday |


Portals to Other Worlds

You can find it in the drumbeat of a Shaman

Or within trees which possess doorways of hope

A certain stone can transport terrestrials

A mirror reflects what we know


A panorama roars into our psyche

While smells of childhood sear on our souls

The music we know the words to

even though we've never heard it before


We write a poem sacred in its rawness

Visit church...

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otherworlds; life;

The Bricky Pond




The Bricky Pond


The Bricky Pond

An urban beauty spot

Chalkhill Blue butterflies

It’s the only place I’d ever seen them


Hay jumps

Risking life and limb for two seconds of mid-air excitement

Summersaults and soft landings


Thirteen kisses on the glasslike surface

Sticklebacks and frogspawn

I saw a grass snake once

The water...

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Also by kJ Walker:

A Flight of Fancy | The Girl With Murderous Intent |

Only the Strong

January 22, 2018

By Mark Janssen

I see you sittin' there all alone
Crying your eyes out
While everything's going wrong
You know there's gonna be
A whole lot of trouble in your life
Listen to me, get up off your knees
'Cause only the strong survive

Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive


The soulful lyrics are those sung by Jerry Butler in 1969. There’s an excellent ...

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Also by Only Cathemer:

The Days Missed |

Outside World


The outer surface is beautiful
He comes out good and colourful
The followers are not stressful
But respectful to have a handful
No one understand the inside world,
All they see is the outside world

He laughs not because he's happy
He clubs not because he wants to
He has a family not because he has enough
He doesn't give not because he's selfish
All they see is the outside world


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Also by Kporho Raphael Oyeke:




Four post-war years my senior,

my sister a minor enigma until

four years no longer made a difference

for either one of us; there just came a day

when ordinary discourse was now, we thought,

a real, an actual option: I must have been

about nineteen, knew it was the right ...

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Also by Peter Taylor:


I just go

Limping through the park

The waterfall flows wistfully

a straight line of cars continues the movement

at the end of its stream


It’s getting dark in the park


like small light balls

the cars they beam


I watch this transition from above

Something inside of me, a gleam,

and the sense of shove,

makes me want to scream

But I stay silent and contin...

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Also by Pyrola:

Red Stripes on the Floor |




Minors are those less than eighteen, 

As they don't have knowledge in keen.


They don't have a driving licence,  

As don't have driving sense.


Minors are given just pen and page, 

Their life is not more than a cage. 


Holiday is not given even on sundays,

As their age is negligible for fundays.


Parents are worried not to g...

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September is for lovers

September is for lovers, I find comfort in the covers cuddled up next to you, maybe too much so because sometimes I even drool, dancing on the couch and watching tv, I love the way you lay your eyes on me, holding hands and taking walks, you're always laughing at my mismatched socks, with you I know I will always feel good enough.

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Ode to Coffee

Bitter sweet,

Morning treat,

Brims a sturdy cup.


Wakes tired eyes,

Tells the body lies,

Leaves a heart rate speeding up.

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Return My Cheer

It's pouring down in Blackpool, dark is the sand.
A famous face is missing from the Theatre Grand.
The wind is howling all the lights swing and sway.
How we miss our Doddy on such a miserable day!

The sea is angry in Blackpool, no warm embrace.
Only Ken Dodd today could brighten up the place!
The shops are a bit deserted, trade is looking slow.
Top deck on open top buses only the brave wi...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

All of That Time | The Descent |


Before I left

I checked myself in the mirror.

Made sure I am wearing my smile 

Bight red on my chapped lips,

Concealing the blood streaks

trapped around the corners.


Before I left 

I checked myself in the mirror.

Made sure I am wearing my confidence 

Jet black on my sunken eyes,

Hiding the pain and angiush

lost some where in my daily routine.


Before I ...

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Also by TROY:

Miss Fortune | Calm | Love warrior | The plant and the pigeon | Journey to the Light | Shushhhh | Goodbye Daddy | Married but | Soul stirrer |

reflectionsselfworthchange for the better

Calling Bluff

The shadows are getting smaller

You’re unable to continue to hide

You have as much luck as the cold caller

When your debt is paid, things will again be right


You’re on the way to misery

Trust me, I’m able to foresee

This fate that has become your distant destiny

One in which you’ll fall down before me


You bite the hand that helps you

Had the chance to quit to


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Also by HayzTee:

In a year long | Forbidden Fruit | Torticollis Torture | The Season of cleanse | Sorry, I'm temporarily done | Mental exhaustion | Roots we choose |


Find no error

Find no error

Friday,21st September 2018


Find the an exact replica of the mirror

and try to find out an error

you will err

but not find even little flicker


eyes speak no wrong

you can know it for the song

you must have an insight

ti guess and see it right


mirror may give you an no real impression

it shall show only your reflection

but an eyes have...

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Also by Hasmukh Mehta:

Not a good place | Ignore nothing | Our defenders | Behind the curtain | Under way | Dare not oh death | One faith only | Closeness and the trust | Truth is gold | Honesty pays | Still long way | Many feathers | Who knows? | Seek the mercy | In an orderly manner | Pathetic condition | Values buried deep | Closeness to the heart | An outer beauty | Not to trouble | Sure of the result | No vaccum | Keep little smile | Newborn on | Woes remain | Communication skill | Committed to carry on | Success chances | Some mission on |



Tonight my heart reaches out to the frozen abbiss

Searching for you

Yearning for your love

Reaching out till its veins fall off


Your no where to be found

The darkness keeps creeping in

To what end will my heart hurt

To what end will my feelings hunt


You lied to me for months

Keeping him in secret

All the while

Promising me your heart

Your hand in marri...

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Also by Brent:

Nights like tonight | One sense | Rollercoaster of life | Heart of fire |

Sweet dreams

I want to be in love with the whispering moon
As I close my blue eyes, let it sing a soft song
That will put me to sleep for the dreamland ping-pong
As entertainment rides for nightly honeymoon

Let it carry me low to the depths of my breath
As every heartbeat is resonating flow
Feeling the fingers fall, and the spirit let go
To my deepest moments as a cold living death

Let me love agai...

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Also by Louis Audet:

First day |

Fifty-two Things Lost

Fifty-two Things Lost


I don’t give my heart to many guys

But you can’t say the same.

You jump from one to another girl

As if love’s some sort of game.


Well, I hope she makes you happy.

Happier than I did

That night under the moonlight,

When we shared our very first kiss.


I see you with her in the hallways—

Fingers intertwined.

The way you used to hol...

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Fact of Life

A series of unfortunate events, It's no one's intent to circumvent

Just feeling tired from all this time spent

It's impossible to say what's always meant

and I'm sorry for this verbal consent, but

WORDS, they will come across bent

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Also by Erin Renee Moore:

Weather | solid | spotless mind | The art of being Struck |

No more

Events inspired words and

Words inspire events !

The event had left him numb 

Uninspired and wondering

So he wrote no more ..


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Also by Phils Words:

Must be a seasonal thing |

out there

Today I remembered that day

The day we walked across

Red wharf bay

The tide was out

The sun was out

Our thoughts were out

Out there

Somewhere out to sea

As we tramped across the undulating sand

In places ridged and formed in perfect patterns of

Sculpted crinkle cut relief

Sand worm casts in patches

Like carefully drawn scratches

Scars upon the earth

And s...

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Also by Martin Elder:

Golden days |

The Reefs of Armageddon

Occasionally, Far North Queensland experiences the full force of a Category Five cyclone (also known as a hurricane or typhoon). Their strength is phenomenal, as can be the damage caused, and I certainly would not like to be out on the battered Barrier Reef in one.


The Reefs of Armageddon

Warm and deadly waters shine like beaten silver

wrapped 'round kaleidoscope cays in the morning ...

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Also by Chris Hubbard:

A Shattered Rose | A Prayer for the Living | The Smiling Man |

angelsarkdancesdeadlydrowningmare's tailrythmstumult

Just a teenager

Grind it
Pack it
Light it
Inhale it
Exhale it
And just like that
I feel lighter, calmer, happier
Even though, I am technically a criminal
But in reality, I am just a teenager
I’m just a teenager that needs a break from the
mental health issues that seem to rattle around 
my overcrowded skull




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Also by Melissa Wiens:

The modern day captor |

decrimilizefinding yourselfmedicationteenagersweed




All men adore you,  
it tortures my mind;
 You are the treasure,  
that i seek to find. 

All men adore you,
 their conquering queen:
you've coloured my heart, 
to green with envy. 

All men adore you, 
your soft flawless skin;
With hopes of kissing, 
your glee gorgeous grin. 

All men adore you,
 your sleek flowing  hair;
And the way you dance,
 with elegant flai...

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Also by Phillip Kelly:



None of us are who we think that we are.

All of us portray our inner beliefs,

our fundaments, the bricks with which we’re constructed,

we can’t help but be people defined by our thoughts,

our beliefs and principles,

subliminal prejudice,

we are who we are no matter how hard we try,

to be the person we like to think that we are,

because it’s the way that you act that means w...

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sleepless nights

every night before I close my eyes

murmures of a long forgotten tale

nightmares given a tongue

life you had young

life you put on sale


following the pattern i close my eyes

nothing bright to light the night

only murmurs to drown, petrify

life you lost to cry

life with no insights


following the pattern i shut my eyes

all those sleepless nights and days


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She claimed to be nameless

A void empty space

She thought she could be invisible

A child of darkness

But oh

How she was wrong

She is an arrangement of

Color and laughter

Beauty and light

She thinks she is as fragile

As a baby’s wrist

But to me she is stronger than steel

She hesitates when

She sees her reflection

As if she found a

New flaw to add

To h...

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Also by Nathalie Sieh:

Not Your Cinderella | I did not think | Sorry: in a poor or pitiful state or condition | Happily Never After | As Soon As These Blossoms Open |

of womb and wither

the first a face a tantric paste a bookend of lights one electric and waspish

stinging eyes not yet fully open the other an orgasm a tickertape parade

that ends with something incomprehensible      its duality you see

there are parties for the friends your mother begged to come round

there are parties where you piss yourself and everyone drinks and drinks

because you are dying and s...

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I made you walk

I made you talk

I moved to your side slowly

turquise eyes were no surprise

but I'm so sorry


I never knew what you've been through

but if I knew, I'd carry you

but is that what you would want me to do?


You are of my '80s dreams

but the '80s are over

away from you away from you

You are of my '90s dreams,

but it's not the '90s don't I know...

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Dress a Woman With Your Love

Dress a woman into your love

She’ll fly in the sky like a dove.

Tell that her dress is beautiful and nice,

And look at her with bewitching eyes.

Dress a woman into your love

She will look so pretty in it.

Let her heart really understand:

She must know you don’t pretend.

Let her bathe in your love,

Let her hear: you are my dove!

Let her beautiful eyes shine

Cause y...

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Also by Larisa Rzhepishevska:

My Life | Pop Songs | (untitled) | I am the one ... |


Bevin Boy

Bevin Boy


Ernest Bevin got his pound of flesh

as I sucked on my Woodbine,

one of the ‘lucky’ ten percent

who were standing there in line

waiting to be conscripted -

but they decided to assign

me to a living hell

and send me down the mine.


So I toiled for years in darkness

and breathed in black diamond dust,

until my back was broken

along with all the t...

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Also by Ian Whiteley:

Above The Light Of The Morning Star | Sister Magdalena |

bevin boycoal miningWW2black lung diseasesacrificeconscription

So I write


My pen is no way obliged to cheap fame,

I write for I have to write.

My struggle is no way a shame,

I am awake forever for I have to fight.

My words are no way adulterated

with fake emotion,

I write for my soul makes me restless,

without striving callous attention.

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Accused |

Broken Shells Everywhere

Broken Shells everywhere 

Shattered illusions

Life is easy in the light

Stepping into darkness

More of a challenge

Under every stone

A shameful secret

Houses built on sand

Fools Gold in every pocket

Self worth? Out of credit 

Crawling on her belly, she feels the sun on her back

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Also by Hazel ettridge:

The Pearl Fisher |


Yes I’m writing live now about our village

Hoping the ideas are going to flow

And as things go, I feel it strong

A compulsion to write and highlight 

Things to be excited about, right or wrong

Just about the things we see, as we observe

The flowers, shrubs and trees

In the vast green areas we still have 

In this place we live, maligned and blighted

We may be, but the tru...

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Also by Rick Varden:

Those of Maturity | RECOGNITION |


To the sun, we are veiled

It's the moon that sees our face.

Concealed, deep in every soul

Is a part of us; we deny to embrace!

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Also by Mrinmoy Dey:

Forever Gone | Maiden Flight |



I have been asked to write a poem pertaining to contribution..a bit of fun.



Sitting cosy in the evening in my armchair,
I can never help it, but at the TV I do stare.
I feel I am addicted to my favourite soap,
that if I do not get my fix how will I ever cope.


My favourite character has just been killed off,
I think he's buried in the garden underneath a trou...

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Also by Taylor Crowshaw:

Don't Be Jealous Of My House | The Old Vanity Case | Moon Shadows | A Kindness | My Feet Have Gone Missing | A Moment in my Mind |


There are things that

I don't understand about us.

One is how can you tell me

that you love me

when all you want to do

is change me.


You started a forest fire

that destroyed my roots

and damaged my trees.

You built concrete walls and roads

until I could no longer recognize

myself in the mirror.

"This is for progress," you said,

but all it created was cal...

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Also by Aly:

In Love We Crash | Best Friend | How Late Is Too Late? | Triptych #1: Coffee, Paper, and Storm |


Art of my dreams

You are the art of my dreams. 

The muse of my thoughts 

and the sweetness of my soul. 

a gentle aura surrounding mine 

sending messages through the skin and bone 

what a funny way to live, 

what a peaceful time 

to be alive. 

to dare what is romance between the reality of life and visions

to desire not only a life 

but two paths in one.

-G. N. D. 

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Good heavens no!


(Reflections of an aging but impenitent womanizer)


When I depart to that last rest

unless required dread fires to stoke

or groom the wings of angels blest

I'll give the Magdalene a poke.


The harp or lyre I cannot sound

or sing in tune to any hymn.

The Elysian Fields to wander round

but finding saints so very prim.


It might be hard to socialize

if f...

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Also by Jennifer Malden:

An infamous last word. |

Into The Fire

You've always been cold,

I claimed you used to have a heart of Gold but in reality your soul is as black as coal and you've been using it as fuel since I was born.  

You took me for a fool years ago and it took me this long to understand your lies we're nothing but empty promises to pass the time.

You're a con artist,
A professional snake.
A manipulative genius,
Pinocchio without a...

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Also by Lane J. Yarbrough:

Unknown Territory |


A while back,

life was not unlike a video

captured only in time lapses.

I stood rooted, stock still

while all around me

the hustle and bustle

of everyday life

was a blur.

I was falling

against walls that i couldn’t see

screaming in voices that

even I couldn’t hear.

I had lost sight of the big picture.

It took me a while

to understand that

in order to ke...

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Peaceful moment

Then all stops

For an infinite moment

All worries fall silent

All thoughts take rest

All wants are forgotten

All noise welcome past

As energy flows

All needs are met

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Also by donovan wilson:

Good day | Should I |


Mr and Mrs Stress

Mr. Stress is prolific serial killer

Mrs. Stress is a notorious Mass Murderer

They work and support each other

Their Main targets are teenagers


They attack in the daylight

The'res no where to run and hide

Creeping thru our nerves

Torturing aches that nobody deserves


A young girl was found dead

Soaked with his own blood in her bed

With a note on his right han...

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Also by Ai Chang:

(untitled) | Kill me knot |


One day 

One month

One year goes by

Time will pass

Time will fly

Memories will fade

Memories will die 

But life goes on and I wonder why


Why  are we born  to live such a lie

To live on a journey  until we just die

To love and appreciate being inside 

This world that was created with  infamous pride


They say the limit is always the sky

I say the sky ...

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Also by SheSpeaks:

She Speaks | I wish |


Tell me how am I supposed to end this?
This feeling in my stomach, is it endless?
I can't say that any of this makes sense,
but this has got me feeling apprehensive.

In my brain all I get is emotional feedback.
It always makes me take a few steps back.
I don't know what's wrong with my brain.
I can feel the static flow through my veins.

I'm trying to end the ringing in my ear.
A sound...

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Also by Nick:

Disquiet Tension. |



That day I wake to the annoying sound of the alarm ringing in my ear. 

Cursing you as I do. 


I drag myself out from the warmth of the bed. 

Coldness clings to the walls; its arms reach out to sting the naked skin. 


I drag myself to the bathroom. 


I run my hand across the jagged radiator. 

Shoulders deepen as the sharp, cold metal adds to the bitterness of ...

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Also by KD Langford:

Love Is All |

Simple acts of disgrace

Life can be so simple,

just follow this rule.

don’t fall in love 

Without expecting to drool.

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Simple acts of disgracesimplediehelpcan you read me?

A Letter to My Soul.

                   A Letter to my Soul. 




It was around summertime.  I was driving up County Road 99  in Woodland, CA roughly 10 miles north of Davis, CA.


I was thinking about life . 


I was thinking about how beautiful life really is and at the same time how hard life can really be. 


I was thinking about how those stones in life can cause doubt. The rocks t...

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Also by Timothy David Ashe:

Unconditional Love. | Distant Love. | The Cry for Unknown Love. | The Genius Correlation of Power and Greed. | The Mother of Nature. |

At this hour

Life, a word in silence...

just as the whisper

of an absent wave


Night falls,

unable to grasp the vehement screams of plight;

bitter hope, as the hours,

pass inert


Exiled memories;

yesterday’s forgotten,

today’s furtive


At this hour, which I did not choose,

tombs bloom under the bloody grass,

knotting my tears

amidst indifferent glances



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I miss
How guys stare at your hips
And how you left them in heap
How the fruits on your waist leap
But non of it I rip

I miss
Throwing stones on your roof
Making you run out on bare foot
And to the bush we make loot 
But then we were no fool

I miss
How we secured love in a heartbox
How we romance legs in school bus
We rode love on a mad horse
Until ego came like a ...

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Also by Kporho Vwede Daniel:


Love, Your Platonic Soulmate

i missed you! 

is it hard for you

to hear me say i miss you 

i mean it 

you are my best friend


you are my platonic soulmate

that is what we are 

it would explain so much 

why after 5 years we still were not able to label each other as boyfriend/girlfriend

this entire time we've been trying so hard to turn something into what it simply is not


we love each ot...

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Also by yajaira:

Baby, What Are We? | Potato |

September 2018 Collage Poem: The Earth is Burning


Strange seasons clip and slash new life

The hot sand blows into my soldier’s rations

The robot newsreader sounds like comical Ali


Bacon butties served under sniper fire

World’s end to wellies, flip-flop relief for Achilles


Do I deserve to be loved?

Drowning in an eternal sea of despondency

I rise up and say no


The season changes the earth burns

Naked ...

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Collage PoemSeptemberearth is burningStockport WOL

Late Call.

I called you, in the middle of the night to ask you why your thoughts are still in heaven.

5 sec pause.

then, you asked me where is heaven

and you hung up the phone.

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Also by Konstantine Rathosis:

We. |


She is like a precious gold.

Who is like mother on earth?

Maternal boggling when problems,

The day realization was and nothing was.

For the mother line surveillance requirement.

Is it of the nine months of pregnancy,

Or the pain inured during child birth.

During the sick days,

Mother is one running helter skelter.

Mother, idol of war for our perspective life.

Mother has no e...

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ছোট ছোট কর্মশালায় মাঝে মাঝে যাওয়া যায়

গেলে ভাল-

শোভা আর সুগন্ধীর ধার কাছ পেলে ভাল

বাগানের ফুল ছিড়বেন না ভাই।

আশাতীত মিথ, হাত আর কলমের কাছ থেকে জানি কোন আশা নাই

শেয়ালের পান্ডিত্য স্মরণ মনে হয় এ ক্ষেত্রে ভাল।

বড় বড় ছায়া ছোট খাট নট

আমিও সাংস্কৃতিক,তুমি বেহুলার মত।

নাঁচ শিখতেছ জানি..

একটা অটোরিক্সায় বিকেলের দিকে না

আহত দুপুর সঙ্গে নিয়েই কোথাও..

যাতায়াত ব্যবস্থা ভাল ...

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With you I feel my heart,
As love began to start.
The two of us shall grow,
Let's take things very slow.

The first moment we met,
I haven't known it yet,
That this is love that I felt,
Until my heart begins to melt.

The time froze like ice,
As I gaze to your pretty eyes.
Truly lovely sight it is,
Your stare to me can move trees.

You have a gorgeous hair,
Also mine, to be fair.

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love and time passing


My insides writhe like pit of snakes
As my mind runs away.
It flees from my mistakes,
Made with good intent,
As fast as my ambition got me there.
Why does my ego tote me around like a child?
Why does it feel like I'm always being punished
By my mundane thoughts?
What am I doing?


I eat the snake.
I abandon my ambition.
I punish myself from now on.


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Although it seems today

things have fallen apart

but dream of flight high

lays deep inside my heart.

Something great is coming

which I fail to realize

the goal and its way

is left to analyse.

When I know I am more

infinite, divine and pure

this awareness is something

which make my success kick sure.

You are complete

like a heaven

and an ultimate bright


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Desperation Of Mercy

To the one.. I ask questions, I ask the one why? All I wanted was simplistically but all I've got was duplicity,my soul burns with the best intention but my mind burns with the pain my tatterd inability to knowingly do what's best for me and my walk with fate has placed me not only in a moment of desperation for a creator that loves me but has left me with no options other than to ...

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Where Poetry Is Found


It’s in those moments 

That make us smile whilst crying

We find poetry.


It can be found as

The sun leaves behind a sky

Made of candy floss.


It can be found at 

Dawn, beneath the thunder cloud

Which could quench or drown.


It can be found in

The caress of a loved one,

You won’t see again.


It can be found by

Those who still demand justic...

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Also by Mark Mr T Thompson:

1.0 Love | You shouldn’t make it up | You are not a writer... yet. |


Sins of the sacred

Music fades away when you arrive
Spreading the doom with every stride
The stare of hatred locked in your eyes
Sinister cravings behind sacred lies

You want me to beg
You want me to look
You want me to bend
And follow your rules

Judging from throne made out of gold
Taken from people that you control
Deep in your cave, the smell of decay
Surrounded by slaves, you feist on their brain


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Trust lust

Catch me on there 
If need be imma leave everything on there 
Shit getting hectic somebody give me a chair 
Man I wish love was fare but love is rare so why would it be fair 
I think Row gonna play with my heart like truth or dare 
I know I rhyme so much 
I’m just glad I didn’t cuff a slut 
I’m so depressed ion even wanna buss a nut 
I know I know one day you gonna hit me and say I’m cut 

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Also by Dontaves Wiggs:

Clear it up | Clear it up |


Every breeze, every breath,

Made her fragile bones shiver


Waking up was always a struggle,

The thought of another day made her lips quiver


They told her it was just a phase,

Just another adolescent  looking for more attention,


But look closer and you’ll see the frown under her smile,

And how can we not mention,


The scars under her sleeves,

The ...

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His Eyes

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control group: 
imagine Einstein on a stoop 
drinking from a brown bag , huffing 
lightheaded heathen , stolen shag
the only carpet that requires raking
kept lined in a pocket next to a stolen, frozen watch 
so you always know what time it is 
and how close you are you right, twice daily 
eating steel cut rice with Bailey's 
pining down the end of the fucking world 
mapped out equations ...

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Major Tom Einstein unavoidable

The Ballad Of Barney Rose (He was a man and he had a nose)

The Ballad Of Barney Rose (He was a man and he had a nose)


There was a man and he had a nose

Not so strange one might suppose

But this chap's nose just grows and grows

And his name was Barney Rose


Pa Rose and Ma they weren't quite sure as they'd never had a baby before

and his schnozzle outgrew him by the age of four

when he started to walk it would drag on the floor


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Also by "Call Me Graham" (Graham McKay-Smith):

The F.J. Pettigrew Memorial Bench |

The Voice of the Commons

Goodbye to the common land.

Goodbye to our pensions.

Goodbye to free school milk,

and goodbye to fair rent.


Goodbye to a job for life.

Don’t expect a contract.

Farewell to the greengrocer,

selling fruit in paper bags.


Farewell to the council house.

They’re selling off allotments.

The end of days for the bursary.

No more pow...

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social housingland rightsSpoken Word poetryclimate changeinequality

Not a Perfect Man

My only outlet twitter

Where the magats twat

I block as quickly as I can

But often I am caught

By something so cruel and vile

Uglier than I could have thought

Some comment on appearance

Of daughter grieving, wrought

By the death of her honorable father

who had fiercely fought

For a country, an ideal

He’d been so strictly taught

To stand by his convictions


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Also by Mac:

Honest Writing | Trump Era Cinquain | temporary insanity |



I write this as a dead man

For I have no value on earth

There is only one thing that matters

Either you adore me or loathe me

For I have died and seen you all

Not even one seems to love me

I have roamed over the earth far and wide 

I have see the people who acted ingenuity 

I have died again in my nightmares 

I have only been able to deal with those I love 

But I have...

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love is dead




Pardon me for ringing you

but all my friends are dead.

It's strange to be sitting here

in the place where I was born


and no longer know a soul.

They were sand through glass

you see. Now I'm like an invalid

who struggles unheard,


consigned to oblivion, yelling

in silence, exiled on the spot

and every new day I cease

to exist again.




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Also by john short:


Again Got Hurted, Again broken down

Again got hurted, again they broke me down

Again I felt worthless, unwanted existence of mine, I have found

Again questioning eyes on me

Seems like they are asking how could I be part of it

Again got hurted, again they broke me down

Again many wounds all around


My repeated calls to them were unattended

Ignoring all and pretending like it is unintended

Nobody wants to r...

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Is this a dream I'm in, is it summertime or winter what season am I in?

My days feel like I been running forever but never making it to a destination

my back against the wall wanting to fall, 

weak and confused, feeling used and abused, 

so I isolated myself from my family and friends 

overthinking, and thinking over and over again


my thoughts are dark never shining light, e...

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An Adage

Ask the demons inside one’s head

That fly, that dart, land on one's bed

With jagged teeth, flashing blades

Wrenched out hearts, in coffins laid

Clawing, gnawing, clasping necks

Swooping coils, shattered wrecks

Beneath the sheets, a breathless calm

Still as death, deflecting harm

A play with words, manipulate

Entice a bird upon one's plate

For sake of vanity and greed


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Milk And Honey

Milk and Honey 





Good grief
green eyes, Swan had always
favoured the dual-coloured iris
and number six had blue
spirals of iridescence like
perfect lakes of crystal. 
she did earlier when
she agreed to go with this gallant man
deep into the hill and the mysric quiet
of midnight, past the broiling sands
of Colwyn Bay. But the stranger

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Today 030918

Once laughter now only tears

Wiped away brushed off left alone to fade

Days pass nights drift love lost

Echo of friendship bitter as the hurt collide

Forgotten pain but why not lost forever

Hints of her linger like dust and stone

She is as unashamed as I am shamed


Fight yourself catch and flog so failing

To recover what once was easy and free

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Also by Rachel Doherty:

To my dog 040918 |

Completely screwed

Look at us

Brilliant, well adjusted

Light bulbs

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From A to Z,

And from zero to infinity.

You feed me with education everyday.

Holding my hands,

You guide me to get my hands,

On my handwriting copy tracks.


Singing the rhymes together,

I start to open my mouth

With you, Teacher.


By your class and homeworks,

And checking them with red pen.

You edited my mistakes.

Your stick and sit-ups,

I loathe, but...

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educationlove towards teacherParentsTeacherteacher poemswho is teacher

Aggie's Legacy

Great Aunt Aggie always insisted
she didn’t want a fuss for her funeral.
‘Just chuck me in a skip,’ she’d say,
so when she died, peacefully at home
at the age of ninety-two,
that’s what we did.

Disposing of a body in this way
is frowned on by the authorities,
as we discovered two days later,
when the law came knocking at the door,
asking questions.

‘We’ve nothing to hide,’ we said.

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Fred was an old guy with wrinkly hands
He sat on a bench, by the church, near my Nan’s
He had a limp in his walk and a turn in his eye
He never spoke out, just watched people go by

Fred was the type that no one understands
He’d push on his stick to get up when he stands
His stick held a diamond, his neck held a scar
He wore rainbow trousers that looked quite bizarre

Fred, he had storie...

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The Bite


Every time I close my eyes I see you in my dream,

Upon touching you I realise you are not what you seem,

Your appear to glow like stars that fill a dark night,

Yet when you speak I feel only love not fright,

You said you have waited for all these years,

You said now you are here you will dry all the tears,

You said you will be by my side for ever if I say yes,

You said wi...

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A two week old cup of homemade lemonade right before I brush my teeth with vinegar

Losing all my trust,
yet I still believe you,
admitting my defeat.

You have lied,
many times before,
and you still told me things,
no body knows.

Showed your true colours,
but never showed your face.
Flirt with the thought of death,
somehow you were stopped,
but this time,
nothing stands in the way,
except for a bottle of rum,
a golden pen and a writing you'll never understand.

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I love the way your eyes reflect sunlight, it´s the only thing that keeps me human, while there are demons in my head you are the angel that slays them all, your voice sooths my soul and i feel like you are the only thing keeping me sane in a world full of demented people

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