Donations are essential to keep Write Out Loud going    

Is our planet destined to survive?

In the beginning God created the heaven and earth,

And claims ownership to all that it is worth.

God created our planet to survive,

And on it's brilliantly designed foundation will thrive.


God promised that life will live on our planet forever,

And it's foundations will not be moved whatever.

The righteous wiill possses the earth,

And benefit from all that it's worth.


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Also by hugh:

Scoundrels who steal must be held to account !! | Warning,don’t drink and drive !!! | Stuck in hospital what your loved ones really need |

Cinemanalysis: Bean Here,There&Everywhere

We grew up together;

these were cultural phenomena

and also... fun!

Teaching tools for fitting "fools"

in cross-cultural, multilingual settings

suitably adjusted for the faithful&trusted.

Who wants to learn about our customs?

So randomly ordered, conventions bordered

but seldom spoken, a wisdom token

and a gratitude gained:

While some things left, some things remained...

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Also by Auracle:

Cinemanalysis: The Fighting Spirit | Cinemanalysis: Introduction | To Discover The Nature Of Natures | From Surviving To Thriving: Pudding Proof | From Surviving To Thriving: Baby Steps |

Cinemanalysis: Bean HereThere&Everywhere



Sunlight burst upon the horizon

Exploding like lightening in a storm

Light fell upon the earth like rain

And soaked into our exposed skin

The warmth ran in little rivulets

From my hair and across my face

The sunlight tasted sweet like honey

And sounded like music in the wind

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Also by Tim Higbee:

Colors | Passing | Occasional Fancy | Love’s Power | Little Scraps of Paper | Winds of Change |


Dreams are in the embers,

in shimmering red heat;

the subtle settling of ashes

reinforces the illusion of movement.

Unfocussed eyes

fix on flickering flames,

the acrid tang of burning turf

warms my weariness,

wraps around me

like a comfort blanket,

faded memories safely swaddled

in the reassuring glow.

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

Beware the Ides of March | The Anangu Of Uluru | Malice |

Butterflies Alight


To live a life in a day
the difference is plain
there’s no doing it again.
A flight within the 4th-dimension
no squirming weasel words for you
just a graceful flutter and decline
on a wing and a prayer.
No absence of synesthesia here.
just a mingling of the finest bouquet
with the deepest regret in a minor chord display.
The tug at your heart and the tear at your chest
just flo...

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Also by John E Marks:

6 and 9 August, 1945 | Second Sight | BRIDGES of SILENCE | STUTTERER | KAFIRISTAN | VACANCY | VICE | SHORT STORY by Ernest Hemingway | CALCULUS | The beautiful Cathars of Languedoc⁷ | Pilgrimage: out of the blue | DELPHIC | THE STOLEN CHILD | Shalom aleichem | The flowers of the forest | Kathy's funeral |


It’s happy hour in The New Austerity Inn
And a fight’s already broken out
If you can’t afford it, you can’t have it
Rachel cries, as another brick flies
And machetes are drawn in the street outside
Someone’s set fire to a police van
Someone’s shouting at Keith with a wreath
Someone says what about the children
A small voice what about the children
But the far right are flying the flag

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Pep Talk from a Far Away Galaxy

"You can't get it wrong,"

those words are so soothing.

"You can't fail, you can't flunk, you can't irreversibly screw up...."

Those words are balm to troubled souls,




that is not a fun way to live!

Every problem has a solution,

"failing, flunking, screwing up,"

are just part of the dance.

You are unfolding into your perfection,


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Also by Hélène:

Patience and Faith | Who Am I? | Offerings | Everyone Is | Wondrous Panorama | Holding On | Who I Admire |

Simple Tail

I woke up this morning

angry at turtles, and parrots too.

They get so many years to be.


Who decided our dogs only get ten,

maybe fifteen brief years to be with us?


All that dog ever wanted was to be by our side,

the occasional extra treat and, of course,

his daily walk. All we really wanted

were a few more perfect days just like that.

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Also by Mike McPeek:

Putting Them Away | A Conversation With Grief | On Our Way to Colorado | Those Girls | Permanent Loan |


The wet sand takes your weight

evidence of your presence

and you marvel at the perfection,

but nature is profligate and soon

the bigger waves erase your mark as if

you were never there,  a tick of time

is marked instead while you have need of rest

and rejuvenate yourself in a different bed. 

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Also by ray pool:


Sitting in the garden,end of July.

A warm breeze, caressing my body and

Kissing my face The sky is pale blue.The

Leaves on the maple trees gently swaying 

To and fro.The silence is infiltrated by the

Trickling sound of the pond waterfall. The

Carp ly submerged, ready opened mouthed

To receive their fragmented capsules of  food.

Not a care.All is right with the world. Politics,

Wars, petty arguments and disag...

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Also by Ornella. Bushell:

Breakfast from a Child's perspective. | Small Things |

And there it is

Unraveling now,

my soul laid bare.

Once free of fear,

now I care...

Never needed to hold on tight,

Until I had love in plain sight xo

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Also by AccidentalFun:

The fight within the fight | The fisher. | Keys for happiness |


“you got ur mind right, boy?”


I got this fast car and the whistling wren

don’t know what to think of me


an’ I got a coin in my pocket

lain up toward the day of thunder


an’ the wind whispers

the cries of the great raptors


come, now, the hour of trembling


the mother of my understanding

suffers not to stay her hand

in my hour of need

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Also by Landi Cruz:

burial at sea |

A mother's tea is always cold

A mother's tea is always cold

Scrabbled together between dish washes

Brewed while the wash is locked and loaded

Or loaded and locked, who even knows? 

A mother's tea is always cold. 


Over brewed or under, teabag out in thunder 

Speed or is it lightning? Who even knows? 

A mother's tea is always cold. 


When it's hot, there's always time 

To pick up messes, clean...

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Also by Wonderer:

Mother, wife, house. |


(I was prompted to post this from my Greatest Hits back catalogue because I saw on Bangers and Cash that one of these "land crabs" as they were known fetched £7000 at auction)


Yer Morris 1800 motor car

Was not designed to travel very far;

It was the first one that I bought

And, sensibly, you might have thought

For ninety quid that I’d been caught

With “MUG” across my head.


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Also by John Coopey:


A Universe Of Poetry

Merseyside poets have launched a free online anthology entitled 'A Universe Of Poetry'. The work is available to view on the Facebook platform, and will be part of a live upcoming event at the famous Bidston Observatory Artistic Research Centre on the Wirral Peninsula on August 15th this year.

Editors Barry Woods and Michelle Wright specifically curated the project for the observatory, with a t...

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Standing in front of David Hockney’s Peter Getting Out of Nick's Pool

Aged 16. 

I have always been a keen swimmer

The thrill of the cold water sea chill - that sensation

And now I was keen at looking at the swimmer in front of me

I felt a sensation

I was unsure then over my attraction 

The form and content of

Supposedly ‘flat’ static surfaces 

reveal themselves over time


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Also by Lee Campbell:

NO SOUND AS LOUD AS SILENCE | JAKE THE SNAKE (with audio recording) | YOU MADE ME SWING! | TOWEL TALE (with poetry film) | Uncharted (with poetry film) | Keep On Keep Off | Cut Off | Towel Tale | Uncharted (The Cartographer) (with audio recording and my drawing) | Uncharted (The Cartographer) |













Lust Inducing




I remember standing 

in the dressing room of Dillard's 

with my found Grandma 

as she asserted

"honey, Red is your color." 

I collected her commentary 

and carried it around in the back pocket

of my...

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Also by Endigo Michaels:

Swallow Me, 2 | Swallow Me |

free verse poetrySexualitywomanhoodsensuality

I am scared!


I thought hearing your voice one day

Would make me feel better,

Remove all the pain I felt

After you left me.


But now I am scared.

Your voice takes me back to where it started:

How you broke my heart

And showed no remorse in it.


Now you're showing interest again.

Yes, you miss me because I do too,

But I am scared.


I’ve been giving you lots of ch...

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Dancing Darlings

Dancing sweet hearts wake one day
Summer break sing and play
Dancing darlings summers morn
Monday Mersey mums they mourn
Silent street dressed in flowers
Prayers on prayers crucial the hours
Dancing beauties nature's Purest
Harmonised with angels to heavenly chorus 

Beyond heartache Unforgettable day

Endless love to God we pray





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Angelssadnesstragedysouthport angelshealing



Teddy Bears and flowers rest upon the wall.

It’s just impossible to make any sense of it all.

I cried hard and long, I felt myself shaking.

Inside I could feel my heart was breaking.

All the details, I didn’t want to read or hear.

The headline alone brought on the first tear.

Public outrage is tangible…dangerously so.

People want answers, they won’t let this go.

Last n...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

Brave Birds | Barren | The Sea | Emma and Rachel | For Alba And Nola | Guide You Home |

Tigers Limerick (For International Tigers Day yesterday)

My brother says he knows a tiger named Spike,
Who rides around town on a small, shiny bike.
Speeding past McDonald's with grace,
Spinning through the library's space,
With a smile that astonishes all creatures alike.

(For International Tigers Day yesterday)

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Also by Andy N:

"Ghosts into Negatives (Dreams of Brazil, 1995) |



I'm lying on my couch, well out of the sun,
and glad if it. Where's the truth, let alone fun,
in baking yourself? You'd have to hold a gun

to my head to get me back out there today
because, so i swear, there is no other way
you'll manage it, no matter what you might say

or do, no matter how much you threaten me,
coax or cajole. No chance! I would rather be
cold than hot, any old day. I...

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Also by Martin Peacock:


A tapestry of time


It's a trail of events,  
each moment passing by,  
one after another,  
unfurled like a movie screen,  
projecting the essence of our days.  

We catch glimpses,  
the whispers of what’s to come,  
blueprints laid bare,  
scripts waiting to be performed.  
But reality bites,  
a vivid display woven into our lives,  
the grandest tapestry ever seen,  
where hellos and goodbyes  

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Also by Sunshine:

Needship | Journey begins | Haters aren't lovers | Let there be love and light |


It’s never going to work;


You do deals with the tough,

But soon he’ll cut up rough

And do his dirty stuff.

He just can’t get enough.


He’s never satisfied

Until your flame has died,

Snuffed out by his dark side.

By then his grin’s as wide


As some cream-licking cat.

Though preaching peace and that,

His word is worthless tat;

He’ll rase your homeland...

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Also by Stephen Gospage:

Joe | Gunman | The Wind | Useless | Fantasy Days | Premier Tour |


I Am a Woman


I am a woman up to the tips of my hair.

I am a woman by spirit and nature.

Like no one, I’ve got an innate flair.

As no one, I need a daily rapture.


I can make an elephant out of a fly,

My ‘yes’ a man can never deny.


I do not burn in the fire,

In the water, I do not sink,

I know exactly who is a liar,

And know what a man thinks.


Of course, I can st...

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Also by Larisa Rzhepishevska:

A Moment Between the Past And the Future | Perfume «A La Larissa» | A New Start is Ahead | I AM AN ACTRESS | The Melody of Love | The Most Powerful Force in the Universe … | I'VE LEARNED | Please, Leave Me Alone! | SINFUL SOULS |



I have been ordered not to share my poetry on this site anymore by a family member of mine, i have deleted my poems but left my cherished ones. I suppose this is my goodbye.

i wish you all well 😊

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The stalking amphibian

All pop stars have their stalkers – while most
are merely a nuisance, others can be rather irksome.

Take the case of Rory Rocking Rogers,
my stage name, who became the victim of a
fame-obsessed denizen of the ocean.

While making a pop video in Ilfracombe,
that famed resort in the English county of Devonshire,
to promote new single, I’m Ravaged By Your Devotion,
the make-up lady told m...

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Also by Kevin Vose:

Babbling man | Montessa |

Just Sign

Looking over the terms of my surrender 

I can’t help but feel the Germans were treated better 


you’ve got me down to my last dollar

 making me swear I’ll love you forever 


I’m reading paragraph seven 

where you maintain I must obey your every decision 


there’s an asterisk attached to that section 

that defines “enthusiastic submission” 


I’ve read the thi...

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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

Heavy Accumulations | Lost in a "U" | This Forever | Issues |

Once upon a time

Fall into the absolute 

Quandaring on the resolute

Pitch perfect vocational education 

Synchronized consultations of the useless 

Standing with dexterity 

Increasing load off center 

Reinforced foundation 

Sinking in the shifting sands



Symbolic repentance 

Loftly lifted 

Unto a life unscripted 

Into the bounds of resistance 

Forming  natural sk...

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Also by New Shoes:

Infinitesimal |


I came back in time to see the apples change color. 
Shades of crimson dripped from such delicious skin, only to be left to dream amongst the branches
Too majestic to eat
I waited for the feeling to return but it was buried so deep I no longer could find it. 
So I poured myself some coffee and forced the pen upon the page
In search for the words once again. 
I ponder here 
Still waiting 

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Also by Jordyn Elizabeth:

Pebbles. | 23 |


How fortunate those who take a lifetime's voyage aboard the Good Ship "Friend",

For they are on a journey whose joy will only ever end

When time and tide run out together and the sun of life slips away

And sees body and soul drift off forever to discover come what may

Beyond the clasp of human hand and the cheering word

That friendship offers the open heart willing to hear and be he...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:



I cast away my ego just to see you smile,

Only to watch you vanish like a ghost in the night.

That specter still haunts me,

Each time I remember you,

Stealing my rest.

Surely, it lingers to teach me a lesson.

I hope it’s something valuable,

Something to make me stronger,

To help me understand this abandonment,

And fill this void inside.


I am not alone; your spect...

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Also by Oscar Fadlala:

Loneliness | Spaceminded | B&W |




England now is stretched too thin


Birdsong and where throng begin


The thicket and the wooded edge


as does the honoured pledge


Now where two worlds existed clear


shades of life appear


Diminished of their rich appeal


by destructive zeal


Each precious field each sacred stone


like a flesh stripped b...

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Also by David RL Moore:

21st Century family values | An Airshow Progressive | The Uncertain Journey | Summer headlines long ago | From Caves to Cages | The Revelation of Dreams | Haveli | Chair | A thousand faces | St James of Upper Wield | Aabey 96 ( a mountain walk ) |

“America’s Best Girl.”

A new century of enlightenment beckoned

The age of women’s suffrage had begun,

A young girl born in downtown New York,

Unaware of the greatness soon to be won


Eight kicks, one stroke, the eight-beat crawl.

Propelled like a torpedo down the lane

World and national records blown from the water

Seven in one afternoon. This was her domain.


Paris, nineteen twenty-four,...

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Also by JD Russell:

Catherine Bush | New World Sonnet | Remembering You |

Take Time To Sit And Stare



To sit and stare.


Cumington Stacks - Scotland.


A verbal understanding.



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Also by ZTK Space:

Nae The Time To Ask For Slippers | Nonetheless Is Under Control |


The cruelty of the world we woke up to,

A tapestry of lies and deception.

Hopes bestowed, dreams squashed.

Duped with their sweet words 

Our trust we gave them, shuttered they were.


We thought it would be better with them,

Regrets now siege within us.

We thought they were one of us, 

Wolves in sheep clothes they really were.


Where is the sweetest of our promise...

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Also by Mark Kamuhia:


social justice

A Private View

thoughts at an art show


“… amongst the brightest artists currently working in this medium,

she offers us the opportunity to reflect on poststructuralism’s

most pressing ontological questions …”


The Artful Eye Magazine review



devoid of style.

Rip-off of my old stuff,

things I was doing years ago.

No life …

Established artist, 57


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The Wobbly Wobbly Table

The Wibbly-Wobbly Table
When Horlicks went out for a bite to eat
Which he did when e’er he was able
The thing that really got his goat
Was a wibbly-wobbly table
He’d met up with Mable Slugshaw
For a secret… clandestine tryst
And he’d lined his stomach with gallons of milk
In a bid not to get himsen pissed
But he needed a pint of Dutch courage
Then anoth...

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Nothing More

All I hear is the tinnitus ring 

And a fan 

My heart is beating

But I don't feel alive 

Numb to the pain of being alive 

I assert a separate role

This body laid on the laminate floor 

But my spirit is elsewhere 

Exit the body 

And enter the stratosphere 

Watching a planet 

Peopled with busy lives 

And anxious thoughts 

The pain of lost lives and broken hearts...

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Lead astray

The spells of illusions and deception,  
where whispers weave through the fabric of faith,  
modernity dances to a tune,  
a trend in vogue, cloaked in shadows.  
God-fearing hearts, and demonic shadows,  
all donning masks,  
mastering the tricks of the unseen.

You bow five times a day reading namaz,  
words of tawakkul spill forth,  
yet in the quiet of your longing,  
the lure of wh...

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Also by Ghazala lari:

Follow your light | Live and let live!!! | Angry monster 💀 | Serenity and peace | Need blood but they bleed | A Million dreams and a million more..... |


Today's homework is: arrive in Paris
But this is maths, sir
Yes. Les devoirs sont to arrive in Paris
But sir, how do we get there?
That's the homework

I know, sir
My aunty lives in Hull
Fascinating, fascinating
No really, sir, you can get the ferry to Zebrugge
But then you'll be in Belgium
Then you can catch a bus to Lille and then another bus to Amiens and…
How do you know all ...

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Also by Marnanel Thurman:

Dallas Mirabilis |

Three Strings Detached

There are three strings missing

On my violin,

I think of touching the last one,

But it’s very delicate and thin,

Outside the dusty window

And closed-compact walls,

Is a road that goes far

And stands tall.


Down that easy road,

Bearing risks of a rough patch,

Some blind-trustingly go aboard,

While some get weighed down

By the fear of detach.


There are...

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Also by Manish:

Dream-Mine | Isn't Always Cute | Nobody Knows | Rebound Seekers | School Days | Disowned | Final Slide | The Great Pile |

dating apps

Yesterday Forever

Yesterday Forever that's where I want to be
Yesterday forever a place of sanctuary 
Yesterday forever together you and me
Yesterday forever will set my spirit free
Yesterday forever 

Live for the here and now they say
Embrace today with a healthy glow
Enjoy the moment it's all you have
One day at a time is the way to go
Tomorrow is a mystery oh really
I don't believe a word hey ho

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Also by Tom Doolan:

Stolen Summer | Ordinary Day | Photographs and Memories |



Poem after Isabel Galleymore.

The cute beaded sequin-embellished firefly
 embroidered to the front of a recyclable blue
  loves to be on the show so much.
Fashion arrays, boutique sales, forest floors,
and decades of its shimmery are uncounted everywhere.
When the invitation for us to meet outside is there,
  the cute beaded sequin-embellished firefly is
a neon sign announcing a caf...

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I do things

It helps;







Evading life or embracing it?

I don’t know

does it matter if it works?

I won’t stop doing things.

It somehow makes me better outside.

And in.


It works

It’s enough.


Nothing else has a lasting effect.

So I do this.

To cope.

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You are unstoppable

Everything is possible

Just believe in yourself

Not rust on the back shelf

Be brave and take that risk

The journey may be slow or brisk                    

But you have the full power

To handle your dreams like a flower

The road can be quite bumpy

And at times, you may feel grumpy

But never lose hope or give up

Just keep going, like a free-flow...

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Also by Aisha Suleman:

Crazy Lover | A Poet’s Love | Bullet Of Love | Close To You |

Going Nowhere

I don’t want no Staycation

I’m not that kind of holiday guy

I’d rather not drive to some coastal location

When there’s budget ways to fly


I want to fall foul of Parking Patrol

Get mentally stressed and shout

I want to queue at Passport Control

Have breakfast with lager or stout


I want to remove my trainers and belt

Fill trays with keys and coins

Want to have...

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Also by R A Porter:

The Ballad of the Harbour Bar | The Harbour Bar | Lee Dixon’s Cliche Cabinet |




Wandering merchants angle about the bazaar wondering if their gold intake will take them far. The birds ruffle in their cages, the callers call out their wares, the buyers hold their hands behind their back as they lean in to inspect the peaches and the pears.  With time, the smells, the sounds, the cleaving of the meat. Get it all here my friends get it all. Get your merman and yo...

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Also by Brett Maves:

Summer Night |

SERFS (rise) UP

the house built on the rock

does not collapse in the storm

yet those stones will drown you

in the flood if you are tied to it.

the prince-maker lay the cards

on the table in black & white

as squares on a chess board

the art of war was forewarned.


Alexander's father / Philip the.2nd

    Roman ruler - Julius Ceasar 

          & horseback emperor Napoleon


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Also by Rob Cohen:

Louder Than Bombs |


Tip toe time

Whatever you've done today

It doesn't matter now, the sign states

its time for a parade 

for the tiny tippy tappers to escapade


You've seen the sights

Blinded by all the flashing lights

You've filled the senses with a pungent repulse

Tollerated the tube and the intolerance


Now you're back to the place of dreams

Where walls and ceilings go bump in the night


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Also by Wordseffectbrew:

Echoes of playtime |

Hoteltip toeingLondontube


The poltergeists of every

fait accompli, roam

freely but unfree, 

uttering their guttural

regrets, with  a

fluency ghostly, and 

so very costly...

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Also by Holden Moncrieff:

Ageless... | Mellifluous Madmen |

birth of new foundation

birth of mankind
birth is a new birth of joy
a new foundation is a new birth of joy
foundation is foundation of joy
mankind is founded by joy
mankind is founded by mankind
new joy  is new birth of joy

birth is a new joy founded by new joy
foundation is founded by a new birth of joy
new joy is new foundation
birth of mankind is a birth of joy
joy is founded by joy
joy is founded by a ...

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Angry and confounded

People think he’s sad and crying,  

shedding tears of regret,  

for the love they lost,  

a tapestry unraveled by careless hands.  


No, he’s not crying, nor is he depressed,  

but caught in the thorns of truth,  

a revelation that shattered his trust,  

like glass underfoot, sharp and unforgiving.  


He believed in spirits,  

the tamers draped in wisdom’s cloa...

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Also by Watts:

Useless pursuit | Result: Failed and demoted 😭 | The release | Lilly's heartbroken lover | Witches and Angels | Lilly's lover |

A Little Thought

Here’s a little thought--

We drop our guns

We gaze into each other’s cataracts

And see the world in color after all these wasted suns

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Also by The Chessplayer:

Phantom Guest | Bizarre | I Love the Sound | Suffice |

dubito ergo sum

My Darling Polymath and I [1]

We spoke of alluring arias, sweet melodies on high,

Then pondered the bursa of Fabricius, and how birds can fly.

Confucius gave us wisdom, his teachings ever clear,

Next, we explored dyadic deaths, where love and fear appear,

Existential quests, seeking meaning's thread,

Fractals' depths, where patterns endlessly spread.


With much more to explore beyond the letter F,

Our ...

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Also by Keletso:

Life's Dance |

Allow yourself to heal

You talk about the past as it defines you
I hope one day you look past the pain and trama
For there is a gift inside you
For the world to see
Your kind and caring personality

You are not a prisoner of your past
Your prison cell has always been open
It time for you to walk on through
And let the world in and all it has to offers you

Nothing is ever broken or beyond repair
It takes tim...

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Also by Tales from the other side of secret Love Affair:

Running | Three dots |

Lovelosspain  romance  heartbreak  sadnessforgivenesshealing

a bad habit

i find myself texting you late at night

until you block me i’ll keep on coming back

wish i was only here out of spite

but in reality i need to talk to someone during my panic attack


i know it’s selfish to use you for reassurance 

however it’s the only thing that can soothe my racing mind

and i haven’t gotten enough money for insurance 

so i hope it doesn’t make you feel c...

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Also by Violer:

late night walking | going blind |



What should we do when we get bored?
When we have nothing to do and no interests stored?
Nothing at all to occupy our time
Whether we are young or old or in our prime.

We may feel troubled and very frustrated,
Some pastime would now be appreciated.
Though sometimes there is nothing that we can find
To put our boredom completely behind.

So being bored is never pleasant,
Maybe it will h...

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Stuart VannerBoredom


I'm afraid I'll lose my edge
if I don't cut myself with it

afraid there's no proof
of my life
if it isn't pouring crimson

afraid that 
I'm living in vain if
I'm not
living in vein

Im afraid I'll lose my edge
if I don't cut myself with it

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Oh, peace, where have you gone?!?

You seemed to have slipped away from me!

Too many worries are haunting me!

Even in my dreams!

I long for peace!

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Spiritual Anima

human nature and
sympathetic sensitivity


thought forms and will
manifest in woman and child

more so

than the inward hatred from a negative mentality

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Also by Shawn Garcia:

Déjà vu & Phantasmagoria | traffic & drugs | 11:11 | reincarceration | Clothing Line | Pandora's Box | just walk away | Divine Intervention | questioning my destiny |



Love doesn’t just stop loving
Love is eroded by the constant drip, drip, drip. 

The drip of neglect
The drip of withdrawal
The drip of rejection

Love holds on for as long as it can
Hoping and praying for it’s own survival 
Love will never abandon itself

Love will just fall
Into introspection
That is when love


Leaving in search
Of another’s affection...

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Buzz is there all around

Players gearing up with the hope of excelling in Stade arena

Day and night with the goal of Altius

Ah! notches to go before the podium – Hymn for motivation

Scribes raring to go all out with razzmatazz

Raking up past history and records

To have a melange with live saga

Phryges is all set ready to rock

Council all set for the ribbon

The Torch, Un...

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On The Right Track

Andy Npoet and Polly Anna Rose release their debut album Polly - Ocean in a Bottle.

Musical partnership plays

Words blend in

Poetic vocal cords

Sounds of creativity

Collaboration in all

The right places

Now sit back

Yours to enjoy.

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We laughed

We cried

We danced

We ride

Those days and nights will last a lifetime

Those memories will lift and carry my soul

Even though I miss them so

Time and love is precious thing...Too precious to waste

I’ll stop surviving and start living

All for you, so I can walk on this earth; As you fly above in heaven

One day you’ll walk again

Until then I’ll lay and wait


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Also by Cathi-Lee Williams:

The Saviour | Craving for Love | Heartache | The Journey | The Spirits | Love | Life and Death | The Matrix | Dreams | Fields of Stars | King Leonidas | The Journey | The Road | Last One Standing |

But I’m Smiling

I couldn’t help but think now of where her life would go now she was gone. I suppose I done it to myself really. I transfixed on the reasoning for ages, only now coming to terms with what happened. Before that I drank. Silly? Stupid? All of the above? It would never be insisted that we didn’t give the girl a good send off. She weren’t just a girl. She weren’t just an anything really. But hell, no-...

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Also by Kate2004:

Eyes Pour Lonely | Stagnant | Forever More | Home | Who I Want To Be | Hold You Close | Insecurity | Stars Struck | Live Long, Michelle | Hold Me | Noticed | Right? | Love | Did You? | This Is Me Now |

Protection Magic

My hands move quickly in the wind

Tying prayers into knots

My frigid joints ache as they work

A wide net is cast in the open air

Across a wide cliff edge

Overlooking the sea 


After a day of crude labor

I know tomorrow brings


Caught and released 

To a more forgiving terrain 


I did not seek out this occupation

It fell into my hands long ago


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Also by Laura Bray:

Equal and Opposite | Devotion |

I hate goodbyes

I hate goodbye.


Goodbye dear friend sounds ever so sad,

When you think back on all of the times that we’ve had.


See you never, sounds awful, obscure and unpleasant,

I’m still here, I’m around, we’re still in the present.


Farewell, you may say that you bid me adieu,

But don’t cry me no tears, no, not even a few.


Cheerio, adios, sayonara, or just bye,


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See you later

Buried and Forgotten

I have buried myself into the earth

Forced myself through the weeds and roots

I let the red clay mold me into something I do not recognize

I tell the trees that I need this

I need to be twisted and transformed by the dirt

To be embraced by the bugs and the rotting

But I yearn for the warmth of the sun

I want to run my fingers through the ocean

And be intertwined with the wi...

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Also by purplemoon:

I Want You to See Me |

Closing the Book

To the swallows

just out of your eyesight,


to the tears

arcing across the edge

of your lips,


to the painting

carrying forward a moment

at the edge of the frame

closing the moment,


to the book

beating on the glass

trapped in the past

blown out in the light

now heading home,


closing the ending

in the middle of the margin.


(1st ...

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Poem Sat on a Coffee Shop Wall

My wallflower poem is dressed  

ready to be seen 

feeling positive for anyone   

who wants to read.   


My coutured poem scans  

the queuing line 

with eye-catching layout

and comforting rhyme.  


My needy poem comes alive  

when someone's engaged 

then impressed when their expression  

is perfectly changed.  


My vain poem wants to be captured  


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poem about a poem

Day 21

being alone.
truly alone.
its hard i must say.


i have always had someone.
it has been rare that ive 
been alone.


so when i am,
as in currently,
im finding it difficult.


somedays im okay.
but other days, i 
miss the feeling.


the feeling of being held,
cared for.
i miss that.


but i also realize
being alone may be best.
because on ...

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Also by SunFlower:

Day 20 | Day 19 | Day 18 | Day 17 |


We are the lovers
of this kaleidoscope
this ride we’re on
As we twist, we write
of the myriad colours
the fireworks dazzling our eyes
of tears, tantrums, seering sunsets
the veins in leaves
the storms between people
beautiful and terrifying
all at once

We are the lovers
of words on lips
their taste on tongues
and turns of phrase, delicious
The flick of nib on paper
the trail of i...

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Also by Tom:

Ice Cream Van | You Are Here |



Myth and  mystery born of ignorance born of fear

When nature was in charge

Leading us by the hand

Guiding us through the seasons

Over rhythmic  Aeons

Warnings of her power 

Passed down in folklore 

Stories of the elders 

Keepers of the past

Keepers of the apocalypse 

Holders of the four horsemen

Now let loose amongst us

Oracles cast aside 

Forgotten, disregar...

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Only Best Before

Now existing solely on borrowed time

But the loan carries a horrifying interest rate

From adulation to ignominious insignificance is a high price to pay.

Regrets and nostalgia for before often trigggered by frequent funerals

Each demise a painful thrust through the heart.

Relations' irritation that the loan has not yet been extinguished

Scorned for inevitable small inadequacies o...

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It’s funny how pain sneaks up on you

When you’re sitting alone at home

Thoughts going 100 miles an hour

Maybe you’re not even focusing on anything

Netflix on in the background

Scrolling through whatever pointless app

And yet the feelings still creep up on you

So strong they almost entirely engulf you

Dragging you down to their level

Forcing the pain

The overthinking


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Like a muscle over worked from too regular under use- I ache.

Skipped stretches, no cool down, seizing from the exertion. 

A weight in the back of my throat pulls me down. 

Heavy and loaded, my voice is tight.

Down deep into my chest my lungs heave against the heart that aches.

My heart sits like a stone. 

A magnet:constantly pulling towards you. 

A solid piece of iron core th...

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Also by Strawberry:

To all of those I’ve ever judged | Tears not yet fallen | I Can't Breath | Crying in the Ladies | Tempted by the FLOOR |

Packedy-Pack I’m Packing

I went on holiday

so I thought I’d pack

I put in my head

I’d be needing that


I packed my arm

because where’s the harm


so too my toes

not forgetting my face

oh, my other arm too

went into the case


better take my legs and feet

they’re important indeed


I added my hips

and my ‘you know what’

well you never know

I might need it or not


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Also by Clive Culverhouse:

The Gigglephant And Giraffalaugh |


July 2024 Collage Poem: Walk the Walk

Boiled ham skies for a man in a

demob suit reflected in glass


Heart founded in tragic stories, a river

of endless tears


Arriving at Bradford Interchange the

Martian General remembered he had

not bought toilet supplies


Walk the walk right at the door

I am travelling the wrong way

on the escalator

ascending to the dark side of the moon



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29 Miles

We’ve been tiptoeing through walks of life

Dragging lessons of past years to the next

Hoping they serve in the arena of wisdom

Like a wild rose wishing it blossom one day


Young still although not wild. Preference.

On chase of goods overlooking greatness

Seed sawing luck in all fields of sourcing

Leave nothing to chance, but gracefulness


We forged masks shielding f...

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The near divine

Burnished moon, melancholy drive toward the  blue stars 

Lost in a night-dream, something is arising from the black veil

Here we are again, the vivacity of these spirits

walking in and out of my body 

Who could make you more alive? 

music that sends itself off from the ethers 

the near divine which is always following us 

the fate of your spirit in the many-theatres of your lo...

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Also by Mirabel:

Flower of the five wounds |


The eventuality of clarifications

As you age

you get to believe in things you once disbelieved in

gradually becoming unsurprised

as one by one they reveal themselves to you

your mind is connecting with improved awarenesses

shedding the old refusals to believe

bringing to light those darkened enigmas

dismantling the walls that imprison the mysteries 

and finally placing your heart and soul

where it should...

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Spare Change and Thoughts

What was it about butterflies and lightning bugs that captivated us as children?

We wanted to catch them, never harm them, but hold them for a little while.

Sparks of elusive beauty? Just to take a closer look?

I don't know. I still try to catch them

Nostalgia perhaps, beating at my mind

Of a more simple life

A more simple time

Don't touch the butterfly wings, she won't be abl...

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Also by Evan Tyler:

What a Ruckus |


A demon or saint,

one I am and one I play

the lines are blurred with confusion

night flows into the day.


An achiever or a misreable fool,

a con conning herself

observers see keen, bright eyes

hidden darkness beyond help.


A dwadler, a drifter

moving along the brink

focussed for a day, lost for two

one push lost and I will sink.

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Also by pallavitryingthings:

No Fragrance of flowers |

Come On England, Again

Fifty eight years have gone by
since the World Cup of sixty six
Twenty eight have also passed 
since the Euros of ninety six

The last final held at Wembley
ended what began in Rome
Disappointment once again 
when England didn’t bring it home

Now, the date is set for Sunday 
the first final for three years
This time it’s England versus Spain 
will it end in cheers or tears?

St Geo...

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The night is mine

Tonight, the night is mine to own, to hold

To walk with

To talk with

To share with nobody

To argue and to party

To laugh with and to parley

To parry thrust and take a

Chance with

The night I have possessed

And strolled under leaden skies

With polka dot spots

Holding it close to my chest


You see the night is mine

And when it is finished

When it has d...

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Goodness Sake

How could I choose 

against something good?

When I didn't even know if I would 

Find something better on the other side

Or something equal to abide 

And don't let me say 'I did it for her'

I'd sound so goddamn pompous

But I struggle to see

How I did it for me

When this outcome is so hopeless 


Yes, we were good together 

But that ain't the same as forever 


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La pureté de l'éternel éphémère

Il y a des moments dans la vie

Qu'on ne risque pas d'oublier

Des moments incroyables

Qu'on aimerait recréer


Comme le moment précis

Quand je t'ai vu pour la première fois

Une simple rencontre

Que m'a rempli de joie


Je marchais dans la rue

Quand on s'est croisés

Et dans ce moment précis 

Le temps s'est arrêté


Le bruit autour de nous

S'est soudain...

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Worlds apart

They were worlds apart

From the very start

He was like the dazzling stars

That adorned the night sky


While she was his contrast,

And the infamous outcast

Always so bitter and dry

With her walls up and high

She lived a life cynical and wry


Yet he held her hand

And gazed at her with those eyes

That was sincere and clear

With his green eyes crinkled


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Feel to be (February 1991)

Feel to be that I am
Feel the world in my hand
Feel the world in my heart
Never again to be apart
Letting Love flow through me
Oh my God what ecstasy
Feeling One gives so much bliss
Never do I want to miss
Love for One and love for All
My cup of Love I will fill
Therefor I give up my will
To the Light and for the Love
May it spread out from above

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Also by Patricia Ziel:

As I search (from March 1998) |

Turn Me into the Rain

Turn me into the rain and cascade me down onto the Earth. Let the plants rinse and repeat my hydration and the soil bless my name every time they give thanks. I want the animals to worship my streams and consume generously. I want every human to be genuinely grateful that I'm free and clean. I want to be free and clean.

Turn me into the sun and watch me evaporate the ground. Watch the flowers g...

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Dictionary description of disco

Deliciously dazzling

Stays ready

Hair to the gods


In chargeousness

High end highnessness

Excuse the ultimate gorgeousness


Temporarily incarcerated

Eternally celebrated

Bell of the motherfucking ball

The shade, the shade

The shade of it all

Poised with dignity and grace

Bow to the Royalety of the race


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Latrice RoyaleErika Wagner photoRupaul's Drag RaceDrag


All things blue today as well as the weather. 

2. 2. 2.  

It seems to stay true, that two things never change;

Age and time burn it into the mind;

That once we’re open, the mind pulls back. 

Retreat. Retreat. Retreat;

Numbness mixed with strength are they really different?

The mind asks under the rainy sky. 

Can you not hear the sadness drip, drip, drip?

Is there anyone ...

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Also by Doc J:

Dust | God is not an audience | Beautiful Chaos |

Club Life


The local club

Was once the hub

To watch a band

Or chew the cud


Legs eleven

Was halftime heaven

No local winner =



A stranger's feet

Resting at your seat!

His smarmy face

You'd wanna beat! 


Oh, the damned consternation!

“That's been my seat since



Working men blow woodbine hoops

In kipper ties & we...

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Seeing Red

You toss me out like one of your paper coffee cups you probably bought with her. The lip of hers stamped with red-the mark of a thief. Do you share your coffee with her like you shared our bed? The same one we laughed in on lazy Saturday mornings. Who knew a marriage is disposable. Fortunately for you, you take your coffee black. Regret has a bitter taste. 

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The Angels are a hurricane

ripping through the barley grain,

the dust bowl stirs a saviour’s name

summoned forth to bring the rain.


On such wings news takes flight

the down-trod flex their ancient right,

across the red tops headlines scream

you wake to find it's not a dream.


Apparitions shine like turds,

follow them into the drain

they wash away like p...

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The self

I woke up to the same sound each morning 

It's not brids builders pr busy traffic 

But a noise from the inside s shout in a empty mind 

Not today not today we can do this it's too hard on goes the battle cry 

Eventually I tell the inner child we gota get up for there's bills to pay and a life to live 

So I stumble to the shower more arguments with myself this time it's the adult sel...

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Get Down Off My Back

I don't need another five years of your lies and obfuscation,

There is no temptation in envy and frustration,

You say you know what's best for us but that simply isn't true,

We know what we need and it's not you,

You have no shame, no conscience and no concept of our lives,

Your toxic relationship leaves us poisoned while you thrive,

And whilst you pick our pockets for pennies to...

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A Soldiers Mind

I've slept and woke through trials and hardships,
given my pain, do I deserve to sleep?
The rot of my mind smells of crushed parsnips,
Pungent but pleasant, to me it's a feast.

Rally in despair, a Spartan prepared,
given nothing but a mind full of hope.
I've taken my fear, gone! Poof! In thin air,
And walked through the valley's filled with red dope.

Through the eye's of a Soldier, bui...

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Also by Daryn DeMoss:

The Duality Of Your Day |

soldiersonnetsmental breakdownChaos Life Judgement mental health

Area 51

This is a doozy, one of my more crazy dreams

Reese Witherspoon and I flying down Route 66

Singing at the tops of our lungs to Cardi B

Picking up hitchhikers, because nothing bad ever happens when you do that

Dropping them off as we go

Jack Black has been in the back seat three times now

He’s looked like George Clooney once

has worn an outrageous fake orange mustache another t...

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Also by M Lane:

They Emerge |

Dream Journal

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