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We made our way to bed one night

I pulled down all the blinds

We kissed by filtered moonlight

Passion in our minds.


My wife broke from our close embrace

“I won’t be long.  Don’t go”

And headed for the bathroom door

Then cruelly stubbed her toe.


She cried in pain and anguish

Which turned to plaintive sob

Her toe turned black in anger

Continuing to throb.


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Also by John Coopey:


Coping with grief

Your emotions might rise and fall,

Twist and turn with coping with it all.

The pain following the loss of a loved one can be immense,

The concentration dealing with the loss of a loved one intense.


Each heart grieves differently when a loved one does die,

 Some might lessen their grief by having a good cry.

Accept support from family and friends according to your needs,


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Also by hugh:

A better world lies ahead | British teenagers are unhappy and our girls are getting sadder |

Switching Cameras

Some nights my dreams play like movies
I am cast in many roles
At any moment the dream can repeat 
A glitch?
Or just a change of camera?
A new perspective to explore
The show must go on 
But who am I entertaining?

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Also by M Lane:

Unremembered | Antique Shop | The Performance? |


Mummy Tomorrow Will Be Better

Mummy Tomorrow Will Be Better.


The little girl is woken up by the sound of her mother's cry, sadly the little girl doesn't need to ask she knows why.

She creeps down the stairs and walks to the kitchen door, where she sees her mother slumped against the cupboard on the floor.

The mother beckons the little girl into her arms and holds her so tight, the little girl asks mummy are you g...

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Also by Tobani / Nataiella:

Where Has The Hope Gone in Those Smiling Eyes. | Taylor Swifts Angels. | Ukraine | When You Are Old. | Hell Have No Fury. | Gazza (Help) | Flowers in Bloom | Fear of Love | Drinking my Troubles Away. | Children of Gazza | Devils Hand | Chains. | Blade in my Hand | Another Bully | Make America Great Again | Caged | 3am stroll |

To be loved or not to be

Love is an action, not just words


I tend to hear people say they “love me” 

 But they hardly ever call


They say they “love me” 

But they never want to meet up 


They say they “love me” 

But aren’t there for me


I see the action of avoidance

Not love.


I see them make effort for someone else

But not for me.


Is this a glitch?


Why am...

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Also by mouseinmypocket:

Image |


This Aged Head

This Aged Head

I become more ignorant 
all the time 
more doubtful about 
what’s mine 

I’d even say 
I’m in decline 
except for 
one thing 

that I’m burning 
by degree 
that’s remained 
constant with me 

this thing’s here 
in front of my mind 
that I never 
fail to see 

and so I work on it 
as it changes shape 
sometimes I don’t recognize it 
most days I lose myself 


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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

Feels like home | Last Witness | My only Secret |


An owl takes wing,

Shudders at what it sees, 

Rests on the shoulder

Of Minerva, begs her

To bless with wise counsel

The world-weary, 

The battle-worn, 

All who have lost

Sight of terra firma, 

As well as firmament...

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Also by Holden Moncrieff:

Beacon. |

She Will Realise

I treated her like a special queen…

An experience she has never felt or seen…

Filled each week with poetry, flowers and gifts…

Just to make her days brighter, so her mood lifts…

Feelings she had for me could clearly be seen…

But she is either arrogant or fearful, which is mean…

We are both human beings at the end of the day…

So why not take a brave step without any delay…


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Also by Aisha Suleman:

Positive Spirit |

Caffeine Withdrawal

Woke up, then crashed for three days in a row,
It had to be done for my well-being,
There goes my energy, out the window.

Of all the things, I ask, why must this be?
Once energizing, but now it’s draining:
Woke up, then crashed for three days in a row.

Went to bed hoping that the rain would stop.
Comes tomorrow, still welcomed by pouring;
There goes my energy, out the window.

Oh, th...

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Also by Clive:

Just Another Day | Workweek | Trial |


Ye Old Shop Of Books


The old bell jangles as I come through the door 

A familiar step down to a dark wooden floor

A petrichor from pages hangs in the air

Its musty aroma telling tales of their wear

On shelves, are bindings crafted by hands

Lost & forgotten to times shifting sands 

And others, whose fingers caressed those old pages:

A DNA echo still lingers through ages

In a corner sits Mis...

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Also by Stephen W Atkinson:

The Hanging Tree | The Unquenchable Fire |


This Silent Landscape

A beach, calm seas, blue sky

Seagulls gliding in the morning mist

Migrant starlings circle overhead in groups

As fish swim naively in the shallow waters


Early morning walkers tread the sand dunes

A circuit they’ve walked many times before

Health and fitness being top of their agenda’s 

No stiff sea breeze to deal with this new day


Volunteer litter pickers share fr...

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Also by Rick Varden:

Ode to a Pig | Ode to a Toad | Far Beacon Sound | Ebb and Flow | Autumn through my Window | A Perfect World | Who Cares? | Rumours | Replacement Therapy | Money | Mothers Ruin | Is there a Nurse in the house? | Hey I’m Retired! | Clair Voyant | Fake | Confessions | Can You Hear Me Mother? |



Words emerged from alphabets

born of tongues the world forgets,

hieroglyphics from a wall

their echo sent to teach us all.


The documented "Rites of Spring"

the histories that they danced within,

so frantic that they lost all breath

their language spoke itself to death.


Yet here we stand at Babel’s Gate,

tongues still tied, is it too late?

to learn from...

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Also by David RL Moore:

Tragic Bus | Shell | Four Stations | Deficit | Songs to lift a heart |

Trinity River Days

The old miner, who’d been in the back hills
for some time, hailed our small camp.
Best to announce yourself when you’re in gold country.
Firearms, gold, the dark and surprises are a risky mix there.

His friendly manner, great stories and good humor
put us at ease, earning him an offer of a spot for the night
to sleep away the whisky we kept pouring.

With first light the next morning

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Also by Mike McPeek:

Cool Breeze | Cafe Clarity | I Know | Every Now and Then |

Say Good Night

Mom, can I sleep a little more?

My eyes are heavy and my feet ache

And I feel a pulsing in my chest that is getting worse

But I don't know if it's the coffee or the insatiable hunger to be loved

Mama, I'm lost.

I work myself until I cannot carry my own voice

I work until the only thing I see are blurred lines of undefined past, present, and future

Mommy, I'm tired.

Can you ...

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Also by purplemoon:

Forget the Leaves |


In the noise of the city,
where faces merge with cold screens,
we live in an era of empty echoes
and weary of shouting into the void.

The streets are labyrinths of concrete and glass,
distorted reflections of fragmented dreams,
and advertisements blink like empty promises,
poisoning the mind with unfulfilled desires.

We live in an era of illusory connection,
where smiles are posted an...

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Also by Eduardo:

Ancient Times | Masquerade of the Damned | New York in the '80s: The Cry of the Abyss | Eternal Dusk | Cosmic Heart |

computerinternetconnectiontelephonecell phonedigitalmelancholy



The devils' in the detail,
these flashes in my head,
i'm always feelin' poorly
said the livin' to the dead;
the skull beneath the skin,
my friend, has fled.
His never-ending searching,
his suicide at dawn.
Who  wins the faded glory
of the decency we mourn?
Who hears the call of morning,
jazz rhythms in the night,.
Berlin before the storm
troopers roll backwards
into this ver...

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Also by John E Marks:

ELOQUENT GRAFFITI | The resurrection of the dead | Stormy autumn comes | Анна Ахматова | The sign of the cross | And Dante | DELPHINIUM BLUES | A WASTE OF TIME | SATELLITE of LOVE |

Meanwhile, in Ukraine

What are we fighting for?

Ukraine will win this war.

By gambit or caprice,

Ukraine will live in peace.


Though enemies have tried

To dent a nation’s pride,

Their onslaught is defied.

Ukraine will win this war.


Though cities crash and burn,

The displaced will return,

And conflict will adjourn.

Ukraine will live in peace.


For freedom will prevail


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Also by Stephen Gospage:

My Enemy | Time |


Seeds of Joy and Sorrow

I planted joy and sorrow both,
In places where my heart once spoke.
And under their shade, in years ahead,
Some will smile, while others tread.

Happiness or sadness, they’ll feel the trace,
Of emotions I left in that quiet space.
For what we plant, though unseen by the eye,
Grows roots in the hearts of those who pass by.

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Also by Keletso:

Dichotomies: Inspired by A Tale Of Two Cities | I'm not your soldier, I'm your son. | My favourite thing about music? |


I'm worried that I'm losing it.
and I don't know what "it"
is, exactly.
but I can feel it leaving.

my face has been numb 
this week,
but this time,
not from weeping.

I used to write passionately
about love that leaves
and fills my space with empty,
about being comfortable 
in my lonely,
about the chaos
in longing.

but if you beg the sky
hard enough
for long enough,
she will...

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Also by Sherri:

conjure | dear diary, it's me again | gently mad | after a Happy Death | the loneliest tree in the desolate yellow | sorry I haven't been writing... I've been CAVING |



The sun shone out all around me

When you walked into my life

The stars looked down and they found me

When you walked into my life

And I knew come what may

That love had come to stay

In my life


My heart said goodbye to sorrow

When you walked into my life

And I blessed every tomorrow

When you walked into my life

I treasure each new day

Now love lights the way...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:



a funereal pallor drapes the garden,

a cemetery littered with unburied

mourners that once shared my long

summer salad days,


gone the mottled warmth, the heady scents

children’s musical laughter too,

all must now pay the season’s price,

prone, sacrificial, destitute,


newly frosted blooms stare down, passive

in lichen-licked terracotta pots,

ghostly, whi...

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The Cheer


The vote was passed with a Labour cheer.

So pensioners please beware, winter is near.

Couldn’t you at least stifle you joy and glee?

A disgusting reaction for the Country to see.

Look yourself in the mirror and look in shame.

If a pensioner dies of the cold, you are to blame.

Will you feel guilt over that, will you wear black?

Will that cheer haunt you when you look bac...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

My First Concert | Think This Through | Angel |


Disappeared poets,

Disappeared poems,

Disappeared talents,

Disapproved of poets,

Disapproved of poems,

Disapproved of opinions,

Disapproved of words,



Fucked off in disgust?

Who cares?

Do you?


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Also by Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh:

Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave | Total Testicles | The Spectator | Nil Carborundum Sanguine Desperandum | England [Stop the Boots!] |


"Seeking wise counsel and finding the right advisor"


We often find ourselves in situations where, despite knowing right from wrong, our emotional attachments or misleading information cloud our judgment, leading us to make poor decisions for ourselves. In these moments of confusion, we desperately seek guidance from others. But who can we trust to provide truly sound advice and illuminate the right path? Determining the right person to seek cou...

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Also by Ghazala lari:

Everlasting happiness | Web of illusions and deception | Choices we make, price we pay!!! |

Nature's child

If you need 

A place to run

You flew to close

To the sun

That's when

The wild 

Claims you

As its own


If you're 

Chased away by

Lights blinding 

The stars will help

You finding

The place that

They call home


If city sounds 

Are too much

The birds will

Lead you to 

The brush

Listen to the

Rustling of trees


If you get 


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Also by Cryptid:

Trust | Stuck | Summer storms |

It Takes One

It Takes One


It takes one to make you their wife

It takes one to try and ruin your life

It takes one to be by your side

It takes one to be a reckless guide


It takes one to sign a contract

And one to take it away

It takes one to show you love

And one to mess up your day


It takes one to reciprocate your care

Or take advantage of you because you are kind


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Also by Rasa Kabaila:

The Bridge |

My Body, My Mind

Locking up my body
Speeding up my mind
Frozen in the bed you made
While the head you infected
Continues to rewind
And replay
The tape
Seeing through someone else's eyes
My body, my mind

I'm controlled by contradictions
But I can't help breaking down
A robot going through the motions
A child feeling all too much
I don't feel real
I wish I wasn't real
Nothing makes sense

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Also by Catherine Burnes:

Dear Mom and Dad, | Doe |

Dry Eyes

Why oh why

Are my eyes so dry?

With the weeping days I live

And the sorrows that make me cry


There is no time left to find

A heart that allows me to breath

Granting an experience to feel kind

A lesser worry to conquer my mind


With every eye that blinks

And stares and withers

With every muscle that shrinks

And thoughts that gives you shivers


Today ...

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Steam rises from vents and grates

The back-alley dumpsters are scattered

Whilst the smell of once fresh meat

And hot grease pervades the night

A guy in white uniform and lazy trousers

Sits on a crate making his smoke last

And looking into nowhere

Oblivious to the world

Oblivious to what is happening

A block away from the intersection

Oblivious to the freezing dri...

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My head an oaken cask

Smokey, scotch-stained mind

Permeating in darkness aged

The golden nectar of perception

Blended grains of process

Fermenting in the quiet dark

Until the time is right to be released

Time to test the dormant spirits

Enticed now by liquid reason

Drunk upon aged perception

Mental acuity ambles aimlessly

Unfiltered words tumble free


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Also by Tim Higbee:

We the Sheeple | It Matters Not |

The Autumn And The Rain

Wearing a gray raincoat, with an unsteady walk,

The rain was so sad and didn't want to talk.

He remembered those sweet and beautiful days

When the butterflies flew among the warm bays.



He remembered a nightingale singing a song

And it looked as if nothing was wrong.

Now autumn melancholy and sadness

Replaced the joy of summer happiness.



The rain came acr...

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Also by Larisa Rzhepishevska:

Autumn In The Wood | To The Creator | Love Triangle |


Calming Mellowness

This mellow season wrought of change

Turns a fragile moment on its potter’s wheel


Pale sunshine clasping the ripple of leaves

The gallop of muscular cumulous


Migratory flights of wintering exiles

Summoned by generations of calling


Polished light and liminal shadows

Rise perfect from eloquent spinning


Finish the form with satisfied fingers

Sweep spu...

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Dear Absent Friend

Dear absent friend
Are you still there?
Do you still lurk in the places we used to?
Or have you moved on to pastures new?

Dear absent friend
Do I ever cross your mind?
Even on days with no rain from the skies 
It rains from my eyes

Dear absent friend
I long to hear your voice
For your asks I could not fulfill 
But I miss you still 

Dear absent friend
I hope that you are happy

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Also by Dilorans:

I am capable of love |


"Run Away

“Run away”

That's what they say

“It's how you get the pain to go away”

So I ran until my mind went black

I ran until my lungs burned

And my legs quaked 

I fell into a ball

I crumbled to the ground

I Screamed and Cried

I tried to let it all out

In reality you can never escape 

If all your crying for your Mother to change

“Your being manipulative”

“Your being l...

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A love only Grandma can give

There isn’t enough hugs that grandma can give me that I’ll be satisfied with 

If I could I would enveloped myself in her arms for eternity 

The safeness that I feel within her warm embrace is not something this world can replicate 

She embodies the love that people in this world long after

Her love shines brightly on her face whenever she sees me 

And my cheeks can’t help but hurt w...

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Also by Arrianna:

Young And Ready | Knotted | Hooked |


Weekly WalkaboutsVerse, E.G., Poem 118 of 230:  WHALLEY ABBEY...WHAT TALES? - AUTUMN 2000

Poem 118 of 230:  WHALLEY ABBEY...WHAT TALES? - AUTUMN 2000

Cistercian monks have clearly been -
    Their Abbey’s ruins can still be seen;                                                                                                                                                          Lords of the grounds have, more lately, stayed -
    Their manor houses reused and unscathed;
And, so...

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"It's right to target those who need it most,"
the reaver said. Her eyes flashed, black as night.
"What matter that some will give up the ghost?

Though tragic, nothing vital will be lost."
Old age these days is seen to be a blight.
Who cares about those that will miss it most?

They're all blind, or lame, or deaf as a post.
Aren't we doing them a favour? Well, quite:
what matter that th...

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Also by Martin Peacock:



Movements made by many

Houses made of dreams,


Dreams made of bricks,


Life made of lessons,


Boxes full of tricks. 


Time is meant for many, 


The sands they run there course,


A river flows so heavy,


Heavens made of chores. 


Lucky you just might be,


My luck still stays the same,


Forever running for a loss,


Stuck still,


Playing ga...

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Also by Luke:

Saving spiders | Mess | Blonde Girls & Black Mercedes | Shaking faith |

Timeless melody

The rain gently tapped against the window as Dorothy sat with a steaming cup of tea cradled in her hands. The aroma of the tea filled the room, beckoning memories of days long past. Sipping her tea, she gazed out at the drizzling rain, a soft breeze carrying the earthy scent of wet soil into the room.


Lost in reverie, Dorothy's mind drifted back to her carefree childhood, a time when the m...

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Calm like an unmoved pond,

Rage doesn't often respond,

Dwelling in a meditative state,

Unbothered of the twist of fate. 


Heart steady and disengaged,

Mind teleported to a different age

Where every other instigator 

Has turned into a solitary sage. 


I don't feel tamed or caged

Until someone rewinds the page

To the chapter of recklessness

Where I carried an...

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Also by Manish:

Evergreen | A Patch of Light |


Upon trying to measure

The universe, the infinity itself 

The sheer impossibilities that will 

Inevitably present themselves.

Love is, as immeasurable

As the cosmos itself.

The heart is open 

And the mind is free 

Just remember to breathe 

It's all a bit of fun.

A play on life and love 

Experience it all 

And laugh 

Laugh into eternity 

Vibrate with the sp...

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Also by Eric Berard:

Inferno |


Autumn has arrived once more
The season of brilliant hues
Just before the winter blues

Now I am in my senior years
I am hoping to take things slow
But you never know
Which way things are going to go
Where will the wind blow

The future is looking bleak
I am feeling so weak

A cross that I have to bear
A burden that I cannot share
A government that doesn't care
No winter fuel ...

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Also by Tom Doolan:

Groovy Kinda Girl | Look At Me | Nobody Loved Me Like You | Heart Broken |

There Be An Obstruction Where the Dopamine Should Communicate Freely

There Be An Obstruction Where the Dopamine

Should Communicate Freely



     Aye we’ve been there before ‘our kid,’

all those wishes and dreams when young with

where and what we would do with skills -

   living amongst the concrete, where

the occasional body has you puzzled

all life;– ‘was it really suicide?’


     You kind of promise yourself

that one day you...

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Also by ZTK Space:

The Elusive |

Shakespeare’s Coat of Arms

Many fans of "William Shakespeare" often miss out the vital details of Shakespeare's life and career. 

James Halliwell Phillips writes in his two-volume analysis “Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare” published in 1887 in order to determine the “Correct Dating of Shakespeare’s Plays”:

“The would be biographer of Shakespeare is baffled in every quarter by the want of graphical documents, and l...

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Shakespeare's Coat of ArmsThe Shakespeare ConspiracyFacts & Fallacies About ShakespearePseudonymous Shakespeare

Manic flint

Rough rusted railroad steel in my palm

Dogs are following me in the woods 

It's a long way to the river yet

Running out of battery

Dark tracks rattling hard


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A Two Grand Hat

A two grand hat made out of bears
Is what the British foot guard wears
It’s stupid, cruel, just not funny
And a massive waste of money

While Rachel says we can’t afford
For winter fuel to be restored
And Auntie freezes in her flat
The guardsman wears a two grand hat

A two grand hat made out of bears
Hunted, shot and trapped in snares
Stupid, cruel and just not funny
And makes guards...

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Also by Steve White:

Pickles |


September 13th, 2024

4:59 - 5:03 pm / 8:41 - 9:58 pm


i feel everything

i'm consumed by my thoughts

words in my mind

lyrics say what i cannot


broken are the voices

sounds float in the air

the noise is loud

at the ceiling i stare


my ears fill with melodies

my heart is set free

my eyes drown in tears

i can no longer see


a blanket of darkne...

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Also by Kaitlyn:

Healed | Moments | Genesis | ashes | lifeline | lost | awake | life |

Lady of the Lake.

For so long you were the longest shadow

cast in the depths of winter

My frost bitten heart

hardened by the bitter taste

Of your name


You sat on the edge of my universe

Like a fleeting moment missed

Always just out of reach

And always silent

Your absence fell upon me like a snow blanket

stretching out into every corner of my world


Each hill I climbed with ...

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Also by Clare:

Masterpiece. | Mosaic Heart | Je t’adore.  |

When He Was Dancing To His Tunes

My father suffered a stroke

And he still is the young bloke

he ever used to be

only his body refuses to see.


Our bond is good, albeit hard

at times we argue and discuss.

And sometimes sing, the bard

with the Jesus Christian fuss. 


He taught me 'bout Omar Khayyam

and these quatrains remain strong

in refrains of our secret song;

where we will stay forever y...

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Also by Auracle:

When The Best Things Are Good | The Sounds Of The Northern Hemisphere |

When He Was Dancing To His Tunes

no touch torture

no letter, no word, no sentence
institutional criminality
human rights ?
far away
repress it, forget it
not here, no
not here

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no touch torturecrime against humanityhumanityinstitutional criminalityJan Theuninck

A misogynist meets his match

You will no doubt accuse me of being a charlatan,
when I tell you I joined a self-help group for troubled men,
to gather material for a would-be novel,
having won Best Essay Prize at Harrow public school.

I sat entranced as tormented souls unburdened themselves,
realising they are not alone, and reluctantly admitted to being a misogynist
(well, I had to confess to something).

I nodded i...

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Sands of Time

Beyond the mountain pass, past scattered rocks

the sea appears; a familiar shimmer of blue

flecked with transient wisps of white.


Along squigglous roads anticipation builds,

and my destination plays peekaboo between

wind-warped trees and sheep-shorn fields.


I park at the sea wall, disembark into the ozone

aroma of Atlantic waves mingled with turf smoke;

ageless ye...

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

Midges |

: The Barren Tree :

It grew in the wilds, a sentinel growing tall,

A mighty yogi in presence, embracing it all!

Branches reaching out, to the skies in a plea,

Seeking for the strength - to live it's destiny!


Its ancient bark, a wrinkled, weathered hide,

Tells a tale of the time's, swiftly flowing tide.

Inexorably which has grabbed, life in a churn,

On and onwards to - the lands of no return!


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: Soliloquy : |


The Rich Want To Heal The World, But I Never Knew It Was Sick

You A Masterpiece 

On My Kurt Cobain Swagger 

Can I Ask You Please 

Will You Be My Courtney Love?

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Brown Paper Bag

If I'm being honest, I have no clue as to what's going on. All I know for sure is that Im tired of trying to fit in. After years of attempting to comply my mind is exhausted. 

Maybe this started during an experiment where I put myself in "new" situations to gain a different point of view. Mix that in with feeling insecure and I found myself lost between characters an emotional rollercoaster. 


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September 2024 Collage Poem: Calming Mellowness

Love, care and compassion is what you need to show.


Two halves of life, older than sleep's womb

The imaginery giraffe in his dishevelled hat

trumpeted his inherited memory of a unicorn.


Messaging each other pecking away at our personal history

Barking dogs burrow into white chalk cliffs as the muted dead

turn under Stockport bus station


A Porcelain Moment as t...

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Last Scene of a Western cut into tw

Cutting out across the music

that last scene cut into the black

with the music carrying on

for a few seconds more

before then cutting out suddenly

and starting off again

with a breath of air

carrying across the forest

as the light replaces the darkness

framing the sky

unto a red-rimmed sunset,



totemic in silence

turning the end into a new beginning


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With your bloodshot eyes.

Every sunset, you cried.

We trusted the lies. 

We loved less at times, both upset inside.

The cassette would rhyme.

Play jazz sets to hide.

The bloodshot in mine.

Saw love’s knots and binds.

Untangle the vines.

A tough spot to climb.

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Also by DG:

New Heights |

A Pillow of Moss

Put me to bed. 

Lay my head gently on the pillow of moss

Growing under the old oak tree. 

Cover me with branches and leaves,

close my eyes gently - as I am just sleeping. 


Allow me to rest until my body 

fuses into the forest floor, 

my skull and bones all that’s left

beside your distant memory

of who I used to be. 


You can lie down beside me

Reach out yo...

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Lessons and blessings (the black-bird)

Small featherless bundle ..broke out of a shell

Parents they love him they nurture him well


Loved Sweetest brother black birds they sing

A gift from the realms now black feathered king 


Beauty overwhelming aura of kindness 

Intelligent protector humbled by shyness 


The black bird protector his presence 

brings calm

He sings when he's with you he's on your lef...

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They were standing in front of a cliff

wanting so badly to be on the other side. 


Along comes The Fancy Talking Man


he tells them...

it will be fun

and excitiing 

if they simply




and so they do


not knowing 

had they been patient

taken some time

walked a little futher


A beautiful bridge

was just a head

to take them to th...

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Truly Glorious, Simply Peace

Can you dance in the middle of "what is"

rather than "what was" or "what is to come?"

Making plans can be helpful,

excavating the past can be healing,

but, truly, dancing in the now is glorious!

Step into the glory of right here, right now, this breath, this foot on this ground, this hand on this object, this smile, this frown, this laugh, this tear,

this is all-that-is,


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Also by Hélène:

Finding Power, Finding Joy |


Caught in mundane trivalities in my environs secure
Something seems amiss, of which I am not so sure

No shackles tie me down, still can't seem to express 
Odd feeling at the nucleus, now difficult to suppress 

Endowed though sufficiently no concerns as of now
Need stoking stimulus, to find new trigger somehow

All familiar seems daunting, must try & explore anew
To bring a bit of sembl...

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A Challenge 

A picture post arrived 

carrying sixties girls  


beaming in beehives.  

Proper girls, no pink hair. 


I wanted to respond  

say I can’t tell. 


The pictures  

are in black and white. 


A fighting reply 

found at the perfect moment 


but our previous 

says we’d be off again. 


Down the back in the day  

slippery slope.  



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Also by John Gilbert Ellis:

Sixty-Five Bus Drive |


Time has a way of slowly

Shaping,smoothly our minds ,

Like pebbles on a beach

Rounded by

The rough treatment of

The waves.

Learning not to think

Takes time.

So little time

And yet 

So much.

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Also by Ornella. Bushell:

Autumn Memories |

Sonnet No 333

Sonnet No 333 

When I come wobbling home from down the pub

you make my head throb with your rolling pin.

Then take the water from the babies tub

and wash away my alcoholic sin.

You shove me in the spare room where I snore

and fart just like a dray horse all night long.

As morning breaks you gently push the door

and gag at Nature’s dreadful beery pong.

The curry rice and ...

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Gigged out

Tired, neutered and flat

Drowsy, battered and crap

Scatered, ears ringing and wondering

where did my weekend go?


Gigged out

Spat out and hurt

Load-in, set up in dirt

Sound checked, rain and disturbed


Darkness, smokey and curt

Irritable, sweaty of course

Days lost to the night

Hungry, beyond "alright?"


Midnight arrives

Still loading out in drove...

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Also by Wordseffectbrew:

A | Telly belly |


Taking the Knee

We clap some Blacks,
we clap them Blacks,
tho' we mow those
others shacks
and dish out smacks,
we clap them Blacks
and forget those whacks
and their blistered backs
and hands that pick the
music tracks,

and then we clap them Blacks
them stand-up Blacks
but not them bent over blacks
for earning all your stacks
of dirty cash
and maids we lash
and keep from dash

yet we stand and ...

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Also by Tommy Carroll:

(untitled) | -rap- |


The clouds are so beautiful, when you see then sun behind them

It's that glimmer of hope and light; creeping out of the darkness.

The tears are so beautiful, when you can see the person behind them

It's the raw, real emotion and the story behind it.

The bitterness is so beautiful, when you see the sweetness behind it

The lost chance and opportunity, the broken heart and the freedom,...

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Also by Sia T:

Feeling Blue | Turbulent Love Affair | My Interpretation | The Gold and The Blue |


For a few minutes 

we were all I asked for 

you were there with me 

by the lake, having coffee 

my hands now are empty 

a couple hours ago you were walking down the stairs with me 

before i set you free 

Now you know 

I love you enough to let you go 

and not let the world know 

how much it hurt, how I broke 

I love you enough to let you go 

for you to grow old w...

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Quantum Leap

I loved to watch Quantum Leap.
It could be funny and it could be deep.
It was about a man who would time travel.
And each time a new story would unravel.

He would put right what had once been wrong,
And though very clever he could be strong.
Each episode had a morale given.
To do good deeds he was driven.
Each time he'd wish to get back home,
But he was not entirely on his own.
He w...

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Stuart VannerQuantum LeapScience Fiction


This lesson only grasped through time

Our view emerging in the climb 


Its vexed infancy played out the longest:

Our army without guns is the strongest  


So sing the old songs, drink deeply

And with tears drying become sleepy


To dream swift, golden spears of sun-rays

On the eve of our momentous day

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The wind blows here, near the sea     mostly mild and warm            but sometimes fierce It becomes real dark but rarely a storm   I catch scents      off my balcony          which whisper secrets to my yearning ears   I don't trust much, enough with tears But in you,        I smell safety, protection and laughter both   You are locked up joy and I seem to...

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Also by MaryMine:

Sword without a Shine |


welcome back! Where'd you go? Revisit the 3rd level of consciousness,Open eyes in the dark,DNA manifestation,I was not in the right space,Research for self doubt, I ignore critics that shout,You have an expired version of Mikey inside your head,I got advice from Osiris,This comeback is one for the ages, At a distance I peep the Nile river over flow,I need one more chance to show,I need a cave so I...

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HIS Mercy On Thee....

Thou steppedst into this world with a purpose,

And it's by HIS Grace for Glory,

Each moment HE hath led thee in HIS Care, 

All thro' thy twenty years HE kept thee in HIS Bosom,

Each thought in thy mind is HIS Grace,

Each word thou uttereth is by HIS Power,

Each deed of thine is HIS Will to do,

And thy breath in thee is HIS Gift to seek Eternity.

Thou hast travelled twenty m...

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Birthday Wishes

Single The Odd One Out

Single the odd one out!

Baby blue, sky blue, navy blue, red.

Red does not belong here.

Let's do another one.

Jeans, jumpsuit, jacket, towel.

Towel does not belong here.

Now, for the final round.

Sister, mother, brother, father, I.

Correct again!
'I' does not belong here.

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Strange how.

Deep down, this old heart sings a love-lost song,

A dirge, slow sung, how did our love go wrong,

Gently tuned, with a melancholic verse,

Strange how sensualness, falls back accursed.


First verse is about how two lovebirds met,

Umbrella shared, not willing to get wet,

Laughing as they watched others in the rain,

Strange how that first spark, ignited a flame.



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Also by JD Russell:

21st-century eulogy |

"the wheel in the sky keeps on turning, I don't know......"

Where do we draw the line

In the unforgiving depths of our torture 

To the seeping wounds kept under a thick skin 

With every bottle or bag of conditioned poison 

Some bear many scars healed by the strength of heart

And they have learned how to bleed and what is worth bleeding over

Some of us are bleeding for the first time 

Know that you aren't the first and won't be the last


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Cos moss

Where has the night gone

Swallowed by sodium neon, led

We cannot see beyond

Boyhood dreams gone by the flick of million switches

Stand me in a field of dark

Hello Milky Way

Where have you been

Your beauty a slash in the heavens

Quietly rising and setting 

Measuring the days

Gazed at in wonder 

Through child eyes

Hanging in cosmos by invisible strings

A misty ...

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Dubbed Subtitles

what I say goes —
if I say so -
don’t allow an application to control anything
they need permission in these settings
and turn down your background music
“for what?”
if I’m going to green light your on screen time

we cannot have anyone getting an extreme close up
portray a picture perfect image

believe me...

flash forward,
when you’re using the front camera shutter you’ll see


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I Accept My Reality

I accept

All the things around me

The harsh warmth of an Indian afternoon,

The confused colors of the evening,

Sheer darkness of night regardless of moon,

And everything between the end and beginning.

I have been trying to change my life,

But all I could change was my perspective.

I can’t seem to change the story, Though I attempt to shift the narrative.

I’ll fulfill m...

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Poetrypositivityhopefulhealingself lovepatiencecaresimple

long hair (09/06/2024)

sometimes I feel like my long hair
what hides and reveals 
what some version
small and soft 
lives tangled in the unkempt locks
where it takes work to get to my mother's eyes
her cheekbones
a hair's breadth between. 
it's the distance between being looked at 
and being seen. 

shorn, I feel the shame of nakedness 
rather than it's splendor 

I feel the parts of me worth hiding 
in t...

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imstilllearninga lotwritinglong hairbecausei needto

The Happy Teacher

Start off the day miffed,

At being late – blame the lift


Continue being peeved at all,

The door, the window, and the wall.


Am also a bit cross with them –

My footwear – noisily fraying at the helms.


The corridors look drab and tiresome,

People busy in their humdrum.


Can’t run or hide, so quietly surrender,

Head high, kind smile – the happy teacher!

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They say all scars heal

but I know mine never will

I have so many scars

visible and invisible

they will never go


Memories and reminders and comments

rip the scars open over and over

No, they won’t heal

but maybe the passage of time

will make them softer

like the waves of the sea when they

keep crashing on the shore

over and over

till the stones o...

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Previous skins

Five years ago flew by

Now, already remote

The rolling of the years

They’re already afloat

Your past self

Already a ghost


When you stand still

You begin to grieve your previous skins

Wonder why you had to forget and kill

Old personalities just to multiply new

So, you cling on to specific moments

Promise not to forget, you never will


But it is not uniqu...

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memorylifepresentpastfuturetensesjourneyagingnaturelivespreviouspast liferememberidentitybrainconnectionmemory lossforgetrebirthmomentghostyearsmeaninglet gohold on

Garswood Library

If I could be brave enough to remember the first time I went into my local library at the torrid age of 18.


If I could be brave enough to remember what the librarian said to me, as the jaws of a shark stamped those books with a thud.


At first, I held them scared to death, as they contained words and were unnecessarily heavy.


And then as if secretly, I finished a thing calle...

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The Wheel

It's funny 
You know
This obsession 
the human animal
Has with wheels
They changed its life
They made it 
They helped it 
Move things
It couldn't possibly 
And now 
We wait
Slaves to technology
And whilst we wait
A little wheel spins
Maybe it's on
The screen
Maybe it's out 
Of the corner 
Of our eyes
Maybe it's not visible
At all
The spinning wheel
Reminding u...

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make or break

mathematic is to make or break
a solution is to make or break
mathematic is a solution
mathematic is the answer to the solution
mathematic is the answer to make or break
the answer is the question to the solution
the answer is the question to the mathematic

the answer is the question to make or break
the answer is the heir
the heir is the conqueror to the question
the heir is the heir ...

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The boy in the frame

Would’ve lived if I never left? 

Vinyl on the shelf, the cigarette on the desk, the smell of pastels.
Midnight stars ignite your heart. 
The heat goes to the sky, and your mind is burning down.
It’s time to draw your life, the brush paints the guy in the frame.
Blues, grays, and maroon make your new muse
Will it be your last chance? 
Will you be brave to hide your lies? 
Will it be anoth...

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Night Flight

The moment  

I knew  

my mother was leaving—  

no word, no signal,  

just a slight shift  

in the staff's routine,  

moving through  

the dim quiet  

of the critical room;  

tending machines,  

securing trays,  

smoothing blankets,  

quietly closing the blinds  

on a life,  

while the world  

ghosted below  

in darkness.


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